Microfiche records prior to 2006 have not been completely digitized and may not be available yet on PRO. If you can not find what you are looking for please submit a records request.

Permit Number: T22CM04724
Parcel: 14118610C

Review Status: Requires Resubmit

Review Details: COMMERCIAL REVIEW - FULL v.2

Permit Number - T22CM04724
Review Status: Requires Resubmit
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
10/20/2023 Bldg Permits - Post Review Express PENDING ASSIGNMENT PLAN UNDER T22CM04717 for Permits T22CM04717-T22CM04725/Studio Session 166-097-197
06/29/2023 Site Engineering REQUIRES RESUBMIT The permit cannot be approved until its associated development package, DP22-0105, has been approved.

Lianne Evans
06/23/2023 Site Zoning REQUIRES RESUBMIT PLAN UNDER T22CM04717 for Permits T22CM04717-T22CM04725/Studio Session 166-097-197


FROM: PDSD Zoning Review

T22CM04717, T22CM04718, T22CM04719, T22CM04720, T22CM04721, T22CM04722, T22CM04723, T22CM04724, & T22CM04725 – DP22-0105
9070 S Houghton Rd – O-3
Multi-Family (3rd Review)

TRANSMITTAL: June 23, 2023

COMMENTS: Please resubmit revised drawings along with a detailed response letter, which states how all Zoning Review Section comments were addressed.

This site is located in O-3 Zone (UDC 4.7.15), Multi-Family use is an allowed use in the zone (UDC Table 4.8-3).

1. Zoning has reviewed the building plans for compliance with DP22-0105. Zoning cannot approve the building plans until the DP is approved by all review agencies.

2. This comment was not addressed. The address provided on the building plan application, 9070 S Houghton Rd, is not correct. Address 9070 S Houghton Rd is located in the Houghton Town Center located south of Old Vail Rd. Provide the correct address on the next submittal along with a revised application(s) with the next submittal.

If you have any questions about this transmittal, please contact
10/20/2023 External Reviewers - SAFEBuilt REVIEW COMPLETED PLAN UNDER T22CM04717 for Permits T22CM04717-T22CM04725/Studio Session 166-097-197

Structural(S) Reviewer
Daljit Benipal
Approved with Comments
Date Completed : 4/15/2023 8:22:47 AM
NOTE: Every effort has been made to identify the code violations. Any oversight by the review team shall not be considered an authority to violate, set aside, cancel or alter applicable codes or ordinances. The plan review and permit issuance shall not be considered a warranty or guarantee. The Structural Engineer is responsible for following ALL applicable Federal, State and local Municipal Codes and Ordinances.

Building(B) Reviewer
Andrew Bevis
Date Completed : 4/13/2023 1:54:43 PM

Mechanical(M) Reviewer)
Neil Samaan
Approved with Comments
Date Completed : 4/5/2023 7:24:39 PM
1. You say all ducts are below the horizontal fire rated floor/ceiling assembly, and yet you are installing a fire damper in the kitchen exhaust, why, please clarify and be clear, are all the ducts below the fire rated ceiling assembly? sheet M1.1 (IMC2018,106.3.1) Complied

2. Is the bathroom exhaust duct below the horizontal fire rated ceiling assembly and if it is why isn't the kitchen duct below the ceiling? sheet M1.1 please be clear (IMC2018,106.3.1) Complied Approved/subject to field approval

Electrical(E) Reviewer
Ron Ross
Date Completed : 4/5/2023 8:09:10 PM

Plumbing(P) Reviewer
Perry Hendershott
Approved with Comments
Date Completed : 10/18/2023 8:30:28 PM
1). OK
2). OK Subject to Field Inspections--Civil utility piping plan pages as shown on Plan page T1 sheet index need to be supplied to do a complete plumbing review - IPC 106.3.1 **Plan page T1 states these pages under separate review**

3). OK Subject to Field Inspections--Landscape plan sheets as shown on plan page T1 sheet index need to be supplied to do a complete plumbing & Gas review. -IPC 106.3.1**Plan page T1 states these pages under separate review**


5). OK

6). OK

7). OK


9).OK- Add grease interceptor for kitchen sink located in assembly occupancy on plan page P1.4 -IPC 1003.1 ** OK Subject to inspection & local utility authority**

10). OK

11). OK


13). OK

14). N/A-Add the underground gas piping piping types or method for the gas lines to the spa, pool, bbq on plan page P1.3 or MP 1.1-IFGC 404.11 **(Pool drawings under review by City – separate review, PER RESONSE COMMENTS^^

15). N/A-Provide gas piping illustrations for the continuation of the gas lines to the spa, pool, bbq as stated on plan page P1.3-IFGC 106.3.1 **(Pool drawings under review by City – separate review, PER RESONSE COMMENTS^^

16). OK-Add gas equipment schedule with manufacturer names & model numbers of the pool heater, spa heater, bbq, to plan page P4.2 -IFGC 301.3, 305.1 ** SUBJECT TO MANUFACTURER SPECS & FIELD INSPECTIONS**

17). OK

18). INFO NOT PROVIDED** SUBJECT FIELD INSPECTIONS**add piping material schedule to plan page P4.1 for gas, water, sanitary, storm -IPC 106.3.1**MP1.1 not sent as stated in response narrative**

19).** SUBJECT TO MANUFACTURER SPECS & FIELD INSPECTIONS**- GAS BBQ ramada on plan page A4.2 has overhead construction & will require a hood. -IFGC 623.1, 623.5
06/16/2023 PDSD Application Completeness Express REVIEW COMPLETED PLAN UNDER T22CM04717 for Permits T22CM04717-T22CM04725/Studio Session 166-097-197