Microfiche records prior to 2006 have not been completely digitized and may not be available yet on PRO. If you can not find what you are looking for please submit a records request.


Parcel Attributes
City of Tucson ZoningC-1, O-3
Tucson WardWard 4
Tucson Registered NeighborhoodRita Ranch
Major Streets & Routes

Scenic Route


Intersection Buffer

Pima County Data Assessor, Recorder, Treasurer, ...
Parcel Map Map

Rezoning Cases

Date - 03/04/2025 8:45 a.m.
Total Number Of Rezone Cases - (1)
Case No. Description New Zone Status Status Date
C9-87-12 Oro Properties - Houghton Road R-2 Expired 12/02/2009

Special Development Requests & Requirements

Address: 8287 S HOUGHTON RD
Date - 03/04/2025 8:45 a.m.
Total Number Of Special Development Permits - (1)
Activity Number Status Apply Date Expired Date Unit Type Description
T21SA00283 COMPLETE 07/26/2021 N/A Zoning Adminstration Letter Zoning compliance letter for undeveloped land


Address: 8287 S HOUGHTON RD
Date - 03/04/2025 8:45 a.m.
Total Number Of Permits - (34)
Permit Status Apply Date Expired Date Unit Type Description
TR-PIA-1123-00029 Needs Resubmittal 11/20/2023 N/A Private Improvement Agreement (PIA) Frontage improvements and utility connections along Jumping Cholla Dr and driveway cuts along Houghton Road for The Place at Rita Ranch 2 (TD-DEV-0123-00115).
TR-PIA-1123-00030 Needs Resubmittal 11/20/2023 N/A Private Improvement Agreement (PIA) Frontage improvements and utility connections along Jumping Cholla Dr and driveway cuts along Houghton Road for The Place at Rita Ranch 1 (DP22-0105).
T22CM06821 Expired 09/02/2022 N/A Commercial Building Temporary power for the construction project
TZ-CMP-0824-00107 Complete 08/16/2024 N/A Zoning Compliance Zoning Compliance Letter
T22CM04717 Expired 06/22/2022 N/A Commercial Building Construction of multi-family Apartment complex BLDG A
T22CM04718 Expired 06/22/2022 N/A Commercial Building Construction of multi-family Apartment complex - BLDG B
T22CM04719 Expired 06/22/2022 N/A Commercial Building Construction of multi-family Apartment complex - BLDG C
T22CM04720 Expired 06/22/2022 N/A Commercial Building Construction of multi-family Apartment complex - BLDG D
T22CM04721 Expired 06/22/2022 N/A Commercial Building Construction of multi-family Apartment complex - BLDG E
T22CM04722 Expired 06/22/2022 N/A Commercial Building Construction of multi-family Apartment complex - BLDG F
T22CM04723 Expired 06/22/2022 N/A Commercial Building Construction of multi-family Apartment complex - BLDG G
T22CM04724 Expired 06/22/2022 N/A Commercial Building Construction of multi-family Apartment complex - BLDG H
T22CM04725 Expired 06/22/2022 N/A Commercial Building Construction of multi-family Apartment complex - CLUBHOUSE/MAINT BLGD & 5 BBQ RAMADAS
DP22-0105 Fees Paid 04/22/2022 09/12/2024 Development Package Site/Grading/Swppp/Floodplain - The Place at Rita Ranch 1. New apartment complex.
TC-COM-0423-01092 Expired 04/20/2023 10/17/2023 Commercial Building Building "J" of complex (added after first review). This is an add on (same set of plans) from the original permit application on T22CM04717 which is currently under review.
TC-COM-0423-01093 Expired 04/20/2023 10/17/2024 Commercial Building Five unit Carriage House building. This is an add on (same set of plans) from the original permit application on T22CM04717 which is currently under review.
TC-COM-0423-01094 Expired 04/20/2023 10/11/2024 Commercial Building Four unit Carriage House building at apartment complex. This is an add on (same set of plans) from the original permit application on T22CM04717 which is currently under review.
TC-COM-0423-01052 Expired 04/13/2023 10/10/2023 Commercial Building Building "Y" Carriage Units (two individual units)
TC-COM-0423-00984 Expired 04/07/2023 10/04/2023 Commercial Building Building 'L' of complex New Apartment Building - 8 UNITS
TC-COM-0423-00985 Expired 04/07/2023 10/04/2023 Commercial Building Building "M" of complex New Apartment Building - 8 UNITS
TC-COM-0423-00986 Expired 04/07/2023 10/04/2023 Commercial Building Building "N" of complex New Apartment Building - 8 UNITS
TC-COM-0423-00987 Expired 04/07/2023 10/04/2023 Commercial Building Clubhouse(Recreation) and Maintenance Bldg & 3 BBQ Ramadas
TC-COM-0423-00988 Expired 04/07/2023 10/04/2023 Commercial Building Building "O" of complex New Apartment Building - 8 UNITS
TC-COM-0423-00989 Expired 04/07/2023 10/04/2023 Commercial Building Building "P" of complex New Apartment Building - 8 UNITS
TC-COM-0423-00990 Expired 04/07/2023 10/04/2023 Commercial Building Building "Q" of complex New Apartment Building - 8 UNITS
TC-COM-0423-00992 Expired 04/07/2023 10/04/2023 Commercial Building Building "R" of complex New Apartment Building - 8 UNITS
TC-COM-0423-00993 Expired 04/07/2023 10/04/2023 Commercial Building Building "S" of complex New Apartment Building - 8 UNITS
TC-COM-0423-00994 Expired 04/07/2023 10/04/2023 Commercial Building Building "T" of complex New Carriage House - 4 UNITS
TC-COM-0423-00995 Expired 04/07/2023 10/04/2023 Commercial Building Building "U" of complex New Carriage House - 4 UNITS
TC-COM-0423-00996 Expired 04/07/2023 10/04/2023 Commercial Building Building "V" of complex New Carriage House - 4 UNITS
TC-COM-0423-00997 Expired 04/07/2023 10/04/2023 Commercial Building Building "W" of complex New Carriage House - 4 UNITS
TC-COM-0423-00998 Expired 04/07/2023 10/04/2023 Commercial Building Building "X" of complex New Carriage House - 4 UNITS
TC-COM-0423-00999 Expired 04/07/2023 10/04/2023 Commercial Building commercial pool and spa for complex
TD-DEV-0123-00115 Expired 01/24/2023 01/24/2024 Development Package Multi-Family Housing (Apartments) and Town Homes, along with Rec Center and Pool


Address: 8287 S HOUGHTON RD
Date - 03/04/2025 8:45 a.m.
Total Number Of Plans - (6)
Plan Number Status Application Date Exp Date Unit Type Description
CWH-22-0105 Active 04/22/2022 04/22/2023 -- Commercial Water Harvesting Ordinance Site/Grading/Swppp/Floodplain - The Place at Rita Ranch 1. New apartment complex.
TE-BAS-0623-00031 Approved 06/26/2023 N/A -- Commercial Water Harvesting Ordinance Multi-Family Housing (Apartments) and Town Homes, along with Rec Center and Pool
TE-BAS-0923-00196 Approved 09/22/2023 N/A -- Commercial Water Harvesting Ordinance Site/Grading/Swppp/Floodplain - The Place at Rita Ranch 1. New apartment complex.
TE-BAS-1023-00203 Approved 10/17/2023 N/A -- Commercial Water Harvesting Ordinance Multi-Family Housing (Apartments) and Town Homes, along with Rec Center and Pool
TE-BAS-1023-00206 In Review 10/19/2023 N/A -- Stormwater Basin Multi-Family Housing (Apartments) and Town Homes, along with Rec Center and Pool
TW-WAV-0723-00214 Approved 07/25/2023 07/24/2025 -- Water Availability Proposed improvements on the project site consist of the construction of nine (9) multi-family residential buildings, nine (9) carriage house structures, a clubhouse, and pool/recreational area, drive aisles, parking areas, internal courtyards/sidewalks, landscape improvements, amenity spaces, and utility infrastructure required to support the development. The water availability request includes APN: 141177420, 450, 480; 14117741A, 3A, 4A, 6A, 7A, 9A, 50A.

Record Requests

Address: 8287 S HOUGHTON RD
Date - 03/04/2025 8:45 a.m.
Total Number Of Requests - (11)
Request Number Status Request Date Completed Date Type Description
REQ-0225-01385 Submitted - Online 02/26/2025 N/A Requests T22CM04717 Construction of multi-family Apartment complex BLDG A
REQ-0225-01386 Submitted - Online 02/26/2025 N/A Requests T22CM04723 Construction of multi-family Apartment complex - BLDG G
REQ-0225-01387 Submitted - Online 02/26/2025 N/A Requests T22CM04719 Construction of multi-family Apartment complex - BLDG C
REQ-0225-01388 Submitted - Online 02/26/2025 N/A Requests T22CM04718 Construction of multi-family Apartment complex - BLDG B
REQ-0225-01389 Submitted - Online 02/26/2025 N/A Requests T22CM04721 Construction of multi-family Apartment complex - BLDG E
REQ-0225-01390 Submitted - Online 02/26/2025 N/A Requests T22CM04722 Construction of multi-family Apartment complex - BLDG F
REQ-0225-01391 Submitted - Online 02/26/2025 N/A Requests T22CM04720 Construction of multi-family Apartment complex - BLDG D
REQ-0225-01392 Submitted - Online 02/26/2025 N/A Requests T22CM04724 Construction of multi-family Apartment complex - BLDG H
REQ-0225-01393 Submitted - Online 02/26/2025 N/A Requests T22CM04725 Construction of multi-family Apartment complex - CLUBHOUSE/MAINT BLGD & 5 BBQ RAMADAS
REQ-0225-01394 Submitted - Online 02/26/2025 N/A Requests TC-COM-0423-01094 Four unit Carriage House building at apartment complex. This is an add on (same set of plans) from the original permit application on T22CM04717 which is currently under review.
REQ-1023-05666 Denied 10/17/2023 N/A Requests DP PERMIT DOES NOT NEED EXTENSION DUE TO LAST SUBMITTAL DATE, ALL BUILDING PERMITS NEED EXTENSIONS, HAVE UPDATED DP EXP DATE // Site/Grading/Swppp/Floodplain - The Place at Rita Ranch 1. New apartment complex. waiting for existing easement to be vacated for approval by Zoning