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Review Status: Requires Resubmit


Plan Number - SD-0624-00061
Review Status: Requires Resubmit
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
Design Review REQUIRES RESUBMIT Applicant has provided preliminary Design Package for courtesy reviews. The following is a list of materials needed for both courtesy and formal reviews:
1. Please clearly indicate in the site plan the proposed land uses and parking calculations for all proposed uses. Right now it seems the only proposed use on the drawings is Group Dwelling;
2. Include development area and updated photos of properties within the development area;
3. Include Inventory Forms of constributors to remain on site; and
4. Include preliminary landscape plan.

For FORMAL reviews (Design Professional, WUHZAB, PRS, and IID-DRC, in that order), the Design Package needs to include:
1. Letter from property owner(s) authorizing you to proceed with the MGD/Historic/IPP Design Package;
2. Scope of work that includes the request to use the MGD overlay for this redevelopment proposal, which needs to include a bulleted list of UDC-required items versus provided through the MGD, including parking, setbacks, heights, refuse collection, landscaping, etc.;
3. Traffic study and parking plan;
4. Site plan and landscape plan of most recent Development Package submitted, with all proposed land uses and parking/refuse collection calculations included;
5. Shade study with calculations and percentages;
6. Materials board; please note Design Professional may also request physical materials board;
7. The Design Professional may require night-time renderings;
8. In the Neighborhood Meeting packet:
a) Complete list of attendees; and
b) Name of person signing affidavit of mailout.
9. Once we receive a complete Design Package, we can then assess review fees and accept the Design Package for formal reviews.
Thanks, and please send me an email to maria.gayosso@tucsonaz.gov if there are any questions.
Historic REQUIRES RESUBMIT I have reviewed the submitted package and here are my notes:
For courtesy the package appears sufficient. For full review, On the demolition of non-contributing rear addition-a minor documentation per Ordinance #10776 is required. Attached is the link to the Demo Documentation form.
If the building has been demolished without permits, you will need to provide as much information as possible. You can use Google street view/aerial to get the photos to submit with the documentation form. Labelled colored photos of all sides N,W,E and S must be provided. For new construction: Please clearly indicate on the site plan the proposed land uses and parking calculations for all proposed uses apart from Group Dwelling; provide photos of properties within the development zone to be used for compatibility review; provide Arizona Historic Inventory Forms of remaining surrounding contributing properties on site; and if landscape to be proposed, provide a concept plan; apart from renderings for elevations, please drawn elevations are preferred; make sure all materials are consistent with and acceptable per West University Historic Preservation Zone Design Guidelines. Note guidelines refer to wood and also alternative materials. Narrative should explain how your proposed design is protecting existing historic contributors and/or will not adversely affect them.
Special Districts Application Completeness Express REQUIRES RESUBMIT