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Plan Number: SD-0624-00053
Parcel: 117030880

826 N 7TH AV

Review Status: Requires Resubmit

Review Details: HISTORIC REVIEW v.2

Plan Number - SD-0624-00053
Review Name: HISTORIC REVIEW v.2
Review Status: Requires Resubmit
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
Historic REQUIRES RESUBMIT Minor historic review pending to be scheduled. Once scheduled and review completed an approval letter will be signed and permitting process will be the next step.

On 8/1/2024 a minor historic review was conducted. Per review recommendations, applicant needs to revise the plans and resubmit for further staff review. In particular. per UDC and West University Historic Design Guidelines, fences and wall in the front yard cannot be taller than 4'. Therefore, the north and south front yard fence will be cut from existing 5'6" to 4' and resubmitted for staff review and inspection as this is a zoning violation compliance case. STATUS:RESUBMIT ACTIVE
Contact: Michael.Taku@tucsonaz.gov
Historic Districts Application Completeness Express REVIEW COMPLETED Staff has reviewed materials and deem this complete for review by WUHZAB/PRS. Status is complete for review