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Permit Details

Model Building Permit
Apply Date:
Celina Rodriguez
SFR BT1465-130 T22-M0011

Permit Reviews

Permit Number - TC-MDP-0924-01122
Permit Status: Inspections
Permit Description: SFR BT1465-130 T22-M0011
Start Date Submittal Complete Date Status  
10/16/2024 SITE FROM MODEL PERMIT - PRODUCTION v.1 10/29/2024 APPROVED Review Details

Outstanding Activity Conditions

Permit Number - TC-MDP-0924-01122
Permit Status: Inspections
Permit Description: SFR BT1465-130 T22-M0011
Total Outstanding Activity Conditions - 4
Date Name
09/26/2024 Sewer condition must be accepted and released by Pima County prior to issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy. For More Information visit https://www.pima.gov/1076/Sewer-Connection-Permits, To check your permit status https://permits.pima.gov/
10/16/2024 Post-Tension Inspection Report is required.


Permit Number - TC-MDP-0924-01122
Permit Status: Inspections
Permit Description: SFR BT1465-130 T22-M0011
Date Description Comments
10/16/2024 Contractor with active Arizona Contractor's License for specified scope of work, or a signed Owner Builder Affidavit https://www.tucsonaz.gov/files/sharedassets/public/v/1/pdsd/documents/permits/residential-permits/pdsd_owner_builder_affidavit_081623.pdf, is required prior to issuance of permit. Contractor or Owner must have a TDC Online account and be added to the permit as the correct contact type https://www.tucsonaz.gov/files/sharedassets/public/v/2/pdsd/documents/tdc-faq/new-pdfs/adding-additional-contacts.pdf. If you are providing an Owner Builder Affidavit, the owner MUST be attached as a contact on the permit.
09/26/2024 Separate submittal to PC RWRD is required for new connections to sewer, new water meters and upsized water meters. For review and assessment: apply online at https://permits.pima.gov/ or contact us at sewer@pima.gov, (520) 724-9900.

Outstanding Inspections

Permit Status: Inspections
Permit Number: TC-MDP-0924-01122
Permite Description: SFR BT1465-130 T22-M0011
Total Outstanding Inspections - 3
Last Inspection Date Description Inspector Results Comments
03/11/2025 COT - RSEL - Electrical Final N/A Re-inspection required 11 March 25
1. Wrong size breaker for HVAC condenser. Needs max 30 amps.
2. Dead front on electrical panel needs to be secured properly, gaping holes in the middle and top.
3. Dryer vent backdraft damper west side roof appears to be falling off or is wrong size.
4. Do not cover fire label in garage entry door.
5. HVAC line set needs to secured, and is also embedded into hvac air supply flex.
03/11/2025 COT - RSME - Mechanical Final N/A Re-inspection required 11 March 25
1. Wrong size breaker for HVAC condenser. Needs max 30 amps.
2. Dead front on electrical panel needs to be secured properly, gaping holes in the middle and top.
3. Dryer vent backdraft damper west side roof appears to be falling off or is wrong size.
4. Do not cover fire label in garage entry door.
5. HVAC line set needs to secured, and is also embedded into hvac air supply flex.
03/11/2025 RSBU - Building Final N/A Re-inspection required 11 March 25
1. Wrong size breaker for HVAC condenser. Needs max 30 amps.
2. Dead front on electrical panel needs to be secured properly, gaping holes in the middle and top.
3. Dryer vent backdraft damper west side roof appears to be falling off or is wrong size.
4. Do not cover fire label in garage entry door.
5. HVAC line set needs to secured, and is also embedded into hvac air supply flex.

Completed Inspections

Permit Status: Inspections
Permit Number: TC-MDP-0924-01122
Permit Description: SFR BT1465-130 T22-M0011
Total Completed Inspections - 18
Date Description Inspector Results Comments
11/06/2024 COT - RSPL - Rough Soil Passed Underground plumbing is connected to city sewer line, green tracer wire is installed, entire system is under a water test. Okay to shade pipes and backfill trenches.
11/06/2024 COT - RSPL - Sewer Passed Underground plumbing is connected to city sewer line, green tracer wire is installed, entire system is under a water test. Okay to shade pipes and backfill trenches.
11/14/2024 COT - RSBU - Excavation/Rebar/Zoning Passed 11-14-24, setbacks/zoning verified. 0kay to pour concrete.
11/14/2024 COT - RSPL - Yard Water Line Passed
11/14/2024 COT - RSBU - Preslab Passed 11-14-24, preslab verified as per approved plans. Okay to pour concrete.
11/14/2024 COT - RSEL - Electrical Underground Passed 11-14-24, electrical underground approved
11/14/2024 COT - RSEL - Grounding/Bonding Passed 11-14-24, grounding/bonding approved. Okay to pour concrete.
11/22/2024 COT - RSBU - Roof Nailing Passed 11/22/24: stack is top out with water, big rocks have been removed from trenches. underground plumbing is connected to main sewer line. Okay to shade pipe and backfill trenches.
11/22/2024 COT - RSBU - Exterior Clips/Sheathing Passed Okay to proceed with M, P, & E rough-in.
12/23/2024 COT - RSPL - Gas Pressure Test Passed 12/23/24 holds pressure
12/26/2024 COT - RSBU - Residential Intermediate may include Framing, Electrical, Plumbing, and/or Mechanical work. Only one inspection may be attached for all trades for final rough-in. Passed 12-26-24, required corrections were made. Okay to continue with construction.
01/08/2025 BULD - Electrical Clearance Passed ECO Clearance issued to TEP for 9133 E White Bluff Ct.
01/14/2025 COT - RSBU - Interior Shear Bracing Passed 1-14-25, okay to tape & texture.
02/20/2025 COT - BULD - SWG Clearance Passed 2/20/25 approval for SWG clearance
03/11/2025 COT - RSEL - Outdoor Lighting Passed
03/11/2025 COT - RSPL - Plumbing Final Passed
03/11/2025 ENGR Engineering Final Passed
03/11/2025 RSBU - Building Progress Passed

Scheduled Inspections

Scheduled Inspections - TC-MDP-0924-01122
Status: Inspections
Description: SFR BT1465-130 T22-M0011
Scheduled Date Description Entered By Entered Date
03/13/2025 COT - RSME - Mechanical Final Scheduled
03/13/2025 RSBU - Building Final Scheduled
03/13/2025 COT - RSEL - Electrical Final Scheduled
For information about today’s scheduled inspections please refer to the PDSD Daily Inspections Dashboards (Desktop) PDSD Daily Inspections Dashboards (Mobile) .


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