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Permit Details

Commercial Building
Apply Date:
Arturo Zatarain
BROADWAY CYCLING - Tenant improvement to an existing commercial masonry building. The building is to remain as is it with no additional square footage added.

Permit Reviews

Permit Number - TC-COM-0824-01621
Permit Status: Inspections
Permit Description: BROADWAY CYCLING - Tenant improvement to an existing commercial masonry building. The building is to remain as is it with no additional square footage added.
Start Date Submittal Complete Date Status  
08/21/2024 COMMERCIAL REVIEW - LIMITED v.1 09/11/2024 REQUIRES RESUBMIT Review Details
09/24/2024 RESTAMP - COMMERCIAL v.1 09/24/2024 APPROVED Review Details
09/19/2024 COMMERCIAL REVIEW - LIMITED v.2 09/24/2024 APPROVED Review Details


Permit Number - TC-COM-0824-01621
Permit Status: Inspections
Permit Description: BROADWAY CYCLING - Tenant improvement to an existing commercial masonry building. The building is to remain as is it with no additional square footage added.
Date Description Comments
10/09/2024 Sewer/Wastewater

Outstanding Inspections

Permit Status: Inspections
Permit Number: TC-COM-0824-01621
Permite Description: BROADWAY CYCLING - Tenant improvement to an existing commercial masonry building. The building is to remain as is it with no additional square footage added.
Total Outstanding Inspections - 5
Last Inspection Date Description Inspector Results Comments
12/26/2024 COT - HCME - Mechanical Intermediate N/A Partial Pass Partial pass. All hard duct in place along with those in hard lid areas. Pending hallway. Okay to proceed progress areas. 12/26/2024
02/11/2025 COT - BULD - SWG Clearance N/A Not Applicable
12/26/2024 COT - HCME - Mechanical Above Ceiling N/A Partial Pass Partial pass. All hard duct in place along with those in hard lid areas. Pending hallway. Okay to proceed progress areas. 12/26/2024
TRSP - ROW - Final/Close-Out N/A Scheduled
COT - FCON - Fire - Final N/A Not Ready

Completed Inspections

Permit Status: Inspections
Permit Number: TC-COM-0824-01621
Permit Description: BROADWAY CYCLING - Tenant improvement to an existing commercial masonry building. The building is to remain as is it with no additional square footage added.
Total Completed Inspections - 21
Date Description Inspector Results Comments
10/25/2024 COT - HCPL - Rough Soil Passed Ok to cover progress areas. Ensure #3 doweling bars are included in concrete coverage
12/26/2024 COT - HCBU - Framing Passed
12/26/2024 COT - HCPL - Plumbing Intermediate Passed
12/26/2024 COT - HCPL - Plumbing Above Ceiling Passed
01/10/2025 COT - HCEL - Electrical Intermediate Passed In wall electric and electric above ceiling.
01/10/2025 COT - HCEL - Electrical Progress Passed
01/10/2025 COT - HCME - Mechanical Intermediate Passed
01/10/2025 COT - HCME - Venting Passed
02/11/2025 COT - HCBU - Building Above Ceiling Passed
02/11/2025 COT - HCBU - Masonry Pregrout Passed
02/11/2025 COT - HCEL - Electrical Above Ceiling Passed
02/11/2025 BULD - Electrical Clearance Passed No clearance required. Electric service is active
02/11/2025 COT - HCPL - Plumbing Progress Passed
02/11/2025 COT - HCPL - Plumbing Final Passed
02/11/2025 COT - HCME - Mechanical Final Passed
02/11/2025 COT - HCME - Mechanical Above Ceiling Passed
02/14/2025 COT - HCEL - Electrical Final Passed
02/18/2025 COT - FCON - Fire - Final Passed
02/18/2025 COT - HCBU - Building Final Passed
02/18/2025 ENGR Engineering Final Passed No exterior work being done. Dumpster and materials have been removed
02/19/2025 COT - HCBU - CofO Passed 2-19-25, approved for C of O pending ROW approval.

Scheduled Inspections

Scheduled Inspections - TC-COM-0824-01621
Status: Inspections
Description: BROADWAY CYCLING - Tenant improvement to an existing commercial masonry building. The building is to remain as is it with no additional square footage added.
Scheduled Date Description Entered By Entered Date
02/24/2025 TRSP - ROW - Final/Close-Out Scheduled
For information about today’s scheduled inspections please refer to the PDSD Daily Inspections Dashboards (Desktop) PDSD Daily Inspections Dashboards (Mobile) .


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