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Permit: DP17-0216
Permit Details
Apply Date:
TENTATIVE PLAT - Saguaro Trails, Block 1, Lots 1-165.
Permit Reviews
Permit Number - DP17-0216
Permit Status: Complete
Permit Description: TENTATIVE PLAT - Saguaro Trails, Block 1, Lots 1-165.
Start Date | Submittal | Complete Date | Status |
05/15/2019 | REVISION - TENT PLAT & CORE RESUB | 05/31/2019 | COMPLETED |
07/05/2019 | REVISION - - 2ND | 08/06/2019 | COMPLETED |
08/06/2019 | REVISION - - 2ND | 08/09/2019 | COMPLETED |
09/01/2017 | DEV PKG - OK TO SUBMIT | 09/05/2017 | COMPLETED |
09/05/2017 | TENTATIVE PLAT REVIEW | 11/06/2017 | COMPLETED |
Completed Inspections
Permit Status: Complete
Permit Number: DP17-0216
Permit Description: TENTATIVE PLAT - Saguaro Trails, Block 1, Lots 1-165.
Total Completed Inspections - 9
Date | Description | Inspector | Results | Comments |
02/21/2018 | PDSD Engineering Division Pre-Construction SITE | Passed | {Activity date: 02/21/2018; Status: Approved; Inspector: RLEDONNE; Comment: Entered by RLEDONN1 - } | |
02/12/2019 | SITE - Stormwater Setup and Controls | Passed | {Activity date: 02/12/2019; Status: Approved; Inspector: RLEDONNE; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - } | |
11/02/2020 | PDSD Site/Engineering Division - NPPO | Passed | {Activity date: 11/02/2020; Status: Approved; Inspector: DROBERTS; Comment: Entered by PAHUMAD1 - APPROVED} | |
11/02/2020 | ENGR Grading Final | Passed | {Activity date: 11/02/2020; Status: Approved; Inspector: DROBERTS; Comment: Entered by PAHUMAD1 - APPROVED} | |
11/02/2020 | COT - ENGR - Signage Final | Passed | {Activity date: 11/02/2020; Status: Approved; Inspector: DROBERTS; Comment: Entered by PAHUMAD1 - APPROVED} | |
03/04/2022 | PDSD Site/Engineering Division - Landscaping | Passed | {Activity date: 03/04/2022; Status: Approved; Inspector: DROBERTS; Comment: Entered by NGARCIA3 - APPROVED 9190} ; {Activity date: 08/05/2021; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: MHERNANDEZ; Comment: Entered by RSALDAT1 - PARTIAL PER DAVID ROBERTS LAST COMMENTS WE ARE DENYING THE RELEASE OF S17- 076} ; {Activity date: 11/02/2020; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: DROBERTS; Comment: Entered by PAHUMAD1 - PARTIAL, FINAL INSPECTION STILL NEEDED} |
03/04/2022 | ENGR Engineering Final | Passed | {Activity date: 03/04/2022; Status: Approved; Inspector: DROBERTS; Comment: Entered by NGARCIA3 - APPROVED} ; {Activity date: 08/05/2021; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: MHERNANDEZ; Comment: Entered by RSALDAT1 - PARTIAL PER DAVID ROBERTS LAST COMMENTS WE ARE DENYING THE RELEASE OF S17- 076} ; {Activity date: 11/02/2020; Status: Not ready for Inspection; Inspector: DROBERTS; Comment: Entered by PAHUMAD1 - NOT READY AT THIS TIME. MINOR ISSUES HAVE BEEN RAISED WITH THE PRIVATE STEPS AT CERTAIN HOMES NOT BEING ADA COMPLIANT FOR THE FOLLOWING: LANDINGS, SIDEWALKS, AND STEP SLOPES GREATER THAN 2%, MISSING HANDRAIL FOR ALL AREAS WITH MORE THAN 2 STEPS. SCOTT KOLT/MATTAMY HOMES ADVISED ME THAT THESES ITEMS HAVE BEEN NOTED IN THE PAST WITH JOHN VAN WINKLE/ENGINEERING, CLAYTON TREVILLYAN/BUILDING OFFICIAL AND THAT BECAUSE THEY ARE ON PRIVATE PROPERTY THESE ISSUES DO NOT HAVE TO BE ADDRESSED. ALSO I ASKED SCOTT ABOUT THE REVISED DRAWINGS THAT SHOW THE CHANGES THAT HAVE BEEN MADE TO THE SIDEWALK LOCATIONS THROUGHOUT THE SITE, HE WILL GET BACK TO ME ON THIS ISSUE,} ; {Activity date: 09/05/2019; Status: Not ready for Inspection; Inspector: RLEDONNE; Comment: Entered by DMERANZ1 - Complete all other activities before grading final. Walks site at Bell rock trail off of Houghton Road checked sidewalks and ramps. Ramp on the south east corner The ramp and sidewalk heading south slopes were out running and cross.} |
03/04/2022 | SITE - Stormwater Follow-up | Passed | {Activity date: 03/04/2022; Status: Approved; Inspector: DROBERTS; Comment: Entered by NGARCIA3 - APPROVED 9190} ; {Activity date: 08/05/2021; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: MHERNANDEZ; Comment: Entered by RSALDAT1 - PARTIAL PER DAVID ROBERTS LAST COMMENTS WE ARE DENYING THE RELEASE OF S17- 076} ; {Activity date: 11/02/2020; Status: Continued; Inspector: DROBERTS; Comment: Entered by PAHUMAD1 - NO CONCERNS AT THIS TIME} ; {Activity date: 10/26/2020; Status: Continued; Inspector: RLEDONNE; Comment: Entered by PAHUMAD1 - Continue. No concerns at this time.} ; {Activity date: 10/01/2020; Status: Continued; Inspector: RLEDONNE; Comment: Entered by JSCHNEI2 - Continue. No concerns at this time. } ; {Activity date: 09/24/2020; Status: Continued; Inspector: RLEDONNE; Comment: Entered by JSCHNEI2 - Continue. No concerns at this time. } ; {Activity date: 09/18/2020; Status: Continued; Inspector: RLEDONNE; Comment: Entered by JSCHNEI2 - Continue. No concerns at this time. } ; {Activity date: 08/27/2020; Status: Continued; Inspector: RLEDONNE; Comment: Entered by JSCHNEI2 - Continue. No concerns at this time.} ; {Activity date: 08/07/2020; Status: Continued; Inspector: RLEDONNE; Comment: Entered by RSALDAT1 - Continue. No concerns at this time.} ; {Activity date: 07/31/2020; Status: Continued; Inspector: RLEDONNE; Comment: Entered by RSALDAT1 - Continue. No concerns at this time.} ; {Activity date: 07/06/2020; Status: Continued; Inspector: RLEDONNE; Comment: Entered by RSALDAT1 - Continue. No concerns at this time.} ; {Activity date: 06/18/2020; Status: Continued; Inspector: RLEDONNE; Comment: Entered by RSALDAT1 - Continue. No concerns at this time.} ; {Activity date: 05/06/2020; Status: Continued; Inspector: RLEDONNE; Comment: Entered by RSALDAT1 - No concerns at this time.} ; {Activity date: 02/05/2020; Status: Continued; Inspector: RLEDONNE; Comment: Entered by DMERANZ1 - No concerns at this time.} ; {Activity date: 10/21/2019; Status: Continued; Inspector: RLEDONNE; Comment: Entered by RLEDONN1 - NO CONCERNS AT THIS TIME.} ; {Activity date: 09/27/2019; Status: Continued; Inspector: RLEDONNE; Comment: Entered by DMERANZ1 - No track out at this time. } ; {Activity date: 07/11/2019; Status: Continued; Inspector: RLEDONNE; Comment: Entered by RLEDONN1 - NO CONCERNS AT THIS TIME.} ; {Activity date: 06/26/2019; Status: Continued; Inspector: RLEDONNE; Comment: Entered by RLEDONN1 - NO CONCERNS AT THIS TIME.} ; {Activity date: 06/10/2019; Status: Continued; Inspector: RLEDONNE; Comment: Entered by RLEDONN1 - NO CONCERNS AT THIS TIME.} ; {Activity date: 04/05/2019; Status: Continued; Inspector: RLEDONNE; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - No concerns at this time} ; {Activity date: 03/15/2019; Status: Continued; Inspector: RLEDONNE; Comment: Entered by RLEDONN1 - MET WITH BORDERLAND ABOUT TRACK OUT ON HOUGHTON.} ; {Activity date: 03/07/2019; Status: Continued; Inspector: RLEDONNE; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - No concerns at this time} ; {Activity date: 02/21/2019; Status: Continued; Inspector: RLEDONNE; Comment: Entered by CBELL1 - Add and replace swept controls on north east side of site.} ; {Activity date: 02/12/2019; Status: Continued; Inspector: RLEDONNE; Comment: Entered by RLEDONN1 - REPAIRS NEED TO BE MADE ON NORTH SIDE OF SITE,} ; {Activity date: 02/04/2019; Status: Continued; Inspector: RLEDONN E; Comment: Entered by RLEDONN1 - NO CONCERNS AT THIS TIME.} ; {Activity date: 01/24/2019; Status: Continued; Inspector: RLEDONNE; Comment: Entered by RLEDONN1 - NO TRACK OUT AT THIS TIME.} ; {Activity date: 12/05/2018; Status: Continued; Inspector: RLEDONNE; Comment: Entered by RLEDONN1 - NO CONCERNS AT THIS TIME.} ; {Activity date: 11/14/2018; Status: Continued; Inspector: RLEDONNE; Comment: Entered by RLEDONN1 - NO CONCERNS.} ; {Activity date: 10/30/2018; Status: Continued; Inspector: RLEDONNE; Comment: Entered by RLEDONN1 - NO CONCERNS AT THIS TIME.} ; {Activity date: 10/23/2018; Status: Continued; Inspector: RLEDONNE; Comment: Entered by RLEDONN1 - NO TRACK OUT AT THIS TIME.} ; {Activity date: 10/15/2018; Status: Continued; Inspector: RLEDONNE; Comment: Entered by RLEDONN1 - NO CONCERNS AT THIS TIME.} ; {Activity date: 09/21/2018; Status: Continued; Inspector: RLEDONNE; Comment: Entered by RLEDONN1 - NO TRACK OUT AT THIS TIME.} ; {Activity date: 09/14/2018; Status: Continued; Inspector: RLEDONNE; Comment: Entered by RLEDONN1 - NO CONCERNS.} ; {Activity date: 09/07/2018; Status: Continued; Inspector: RLEDONNE; Comment: Entered by RLEDONN1 - NO CONCERNS AT THIS TIME.} ; {Activity date: 08/17/2018; Status: Continued; Inspector: RLEDONNE; Comment: Entered by RLEDONN1 - NO CONCERNS AT THIS TIME.} ; {Activity date: 08/09/2018; Status: Continued; Inspector: RLEDONNE; Comment: Entered by RLEDONN1 - MOST OF THE SWPPP REPAIRS ARE COMPLET.} ; {Activity date: 07/30/2018; Status: Not ready for Inspection; Inspector: RLEDONNE; Comment: Entered by RLEDONN1 - TALKED WITH JAY KNOLL ABOUT SWPPP CONTROLS THAT NEEDS REPAIRS.} ; {Activity date: 07/20/2018; Status: Continued; Inspector: RLEDONNE; Comment: Entered by RLEDONN1 - MET WITH JAY KNOLL ABOUT REPAIRS TO SWPPP CONTROLS.} ; {Activity date: 07/13/2018; Status: Continued; Inspector: RLEDONNE; Comment: Entered by RLEDONN1 - MET WITH CONTRACTOR ABOUT SWPPP REPAIRS.} ; {Activity date: 07/10/2018; Status: Continued; Inspector: RLEDONNE; Comment: Entered by RLEDONN1 - NO TRACK OUT AT THIS TIME.} ; {Activity date: 07/02/2018; Status: Continued; Inspector: RLEDONNE; Comment: Entered by RLEDONN1 - REPAIRS NEED TO BE MADE TO SWPPP ON EAST SIDE OF DREXEL EXTENSION.} ; {Activity date: 05/21/2018; Status: Continued; Inspector: RLEDONNE; Comment: Entered by RLEDONN1 - SWPPP CONTRACTOR INSTALLING CONTROLS AT NORTH END OF SITE.} ; {Activity date: 05/16/2018; Status: Continued; Inspector: RLEDONNE; Comment: Entered by RLEDONN1 - MET WITH SWPPP CONTRATOR WENT OVER REPAIRS AND TO ADD CONTROLS.} |
03/04/2022 | SITE - Stormwater Final Inspection | Passed | {Activity date: 03/04/2022; Status: Approved; Inspector: DROBERTS; Comment: Entered by NGARCIA3 - APPROVED 9190} ; {Activity date: 08/05/2021; Status: Partial Approval; Inspector: MHERNANDEZ; Comment: Entered by RSALDAT1 - PARTIAL PER DAVID ROBERTS LAST COMMENTS WE ARE DENYING THE RELEASE OF S17- 076} ; {Activity date: 11/02/2020; Status: Not ready for Inspection; Inspector: DROBERTS; Comment: Entered by PAHUMAD1 - NOT READY, FINAL INSPECTION TO BE DONE WITH THE REVISED DRAWINGS, ALSO WE NEED THE NOTICE OF TERMINATION FROM THE ARIZONA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY.} ; {Activity date: 09/26/2018; Status: Continued; Inspector: RLEDONNE; Comment: Entered by RLEDONN1 - NO CONCERNS.} |