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Permit: DP14-0192
Permit Details
Apply Date:
DP: SITE/GRADING/SWPPP - AJO RETAILOriginally approved 5/12/2015 (17 pages)1st revision approv
Permit Reviews
Permit Number - DP14-0192
Permit Status: Complete
Permit Description: DP: SITE/GRADING/SWPPP - AJO RETAILOriginally approved 5/12/2015 (17 pages)1st revision approv
Start Date | Submittal | Complete Date | Status |
02/01/2016 | DEV PKG - REVISION | 02/09/2016 | COMPLETED |
02/09/2016 | DEV PKG - REVISION | 02/11/2016 | COMPLETED |
02/18/2015 | DEV PKG - RESUBMITTAL | 04/14/2015 | COMPLETED |
04/14/2015 | DEV PKG - RESUBMITTAL | 05/06/2015 | COMPLETED |
05/06/2015 | DEV PKG - RESUBMITTAL | 09/14/2015 | COMPLETED |
10/15/2014 | DEV PKG - OK TO SUBMIT | 10/16/2014 | COMPLETED |
10/16/2014 | DEV PKG | 12/15/2014 | COMPLETED |
12/02/2015 | DEV PKG - REVISION | 02/01/2016 | COMPLETED |
12/15/2014 | DEV PKG - RESUBMITTAL | 02/18/2015 | COMPLETED |
Completed Inspections
Permit Status: Complete
Permit Number: DP14-0192
Permit Description: DP: SITE/GRADING/SWPPP - AJO RETAILOriginally approved 5/12/2015 (17 pages)1st revision approv
Total Completed Inspections - 7
Date | Description | Inspector | Results | Comments |
10/13/2015 | SITE - Stormwater Setup and Controls | Passed | {Activity date: 10/13/2015; Status: Approved; Inspector: RLEDONNE; Comment: Entered by RLEDONN1 - } | |
02/03/2016 | PDSD Site/Engineering Division - Landscaping | Passed | {Activity date: 02/03/2016; Status: Approved; Inspector: RLEDONNE; Comment: Entered by RLEDONN1 - } | |
07/15/2020 | ENGR Engineering Final | Passed | {Activity date: 07/15/2020; Status: Approved; Inspector: DROBERTS; Comment: Entered by DROBERT5 - } ; {Activity date: 04/25/2016; Status: Continued; Inspector: DROBERTS; Comment: Entered by DROBERT5 - LOOKED OVER THE SITE, AS-BUILT DRAWINGS ARE NEEDED FOR ALL THE CHANGES THAT HAVE BEEN MADE TO THIS SITE PRIOR TO SCHEDULING THE FINAL INSPECTION, AS WELL AS A CERTIFICATION LETTER FROM THE ENGINEER OF RECORD} ; {Activity date: 02/03/2016; Status: Continued; Inspector: RLEDONNE; Comment: Entered by RLEDONN1 - TOOK MORE PHOTOS.} ; {Activity date: 04/14/2015; Status: Prior to Final Inspectn; Inspector: ELeibold; Comment: Entered by JGREEN2 - Tech Man Sec.4-, 4- Please be aware that ponding stormwater issues during final grading permit inspections can hold up CofO and final approvals. Infiltration rates shall meet Water Harvesting and Detention / Retention criteria per Tech Man Sec.4-03.III. For this project, please acknowledge that if standing water is found at the site, before final grading inspection, for more than 12 hours, final grading inspection approval will be denied and a re-submittal of the drainage report and plans with a re-engineered basin bottom will be required to be formally submitted for a Revision review.; and if standing water occurs after final grading inspection, submittal of a drainage report with plans showing a re-engineered basin bottom will be required to be formally submitted for review; and it is imperative that stormwater runoff disposal drain down time is achieved within 12 hours.} | |
07/15/2020 | SITE - Stormwater Follow-up | Passed | {Activity date: 07/15/2020; Status: Approved; Inspector: DROBERTS; Comment: Entered by DROBERT5 - } ; {Activity date: 09/30/2016; Status: Continued; Inspector: RLEDONNE; Comment: Entered by RLEDONN1 - NO CONCERNS.} ; {Activity date: 01/19/2016; Status: Continued; Inspector: RLEDONNE; Comment: Entered by RLEDONN1 - NO CONCERNS AT THIS TIME.} ; {Activity date: 01/04/2016; Status: Continued; Inspector: RLEDONNE; Comment: Entered by RLEDONN1 - NO CONCERNS AT THIS TIME.} ; {Activity date: 11/03/2015; Status: Continued; Inspector: RLEDONNE; Comment: Entered by RLEDONN1 - WALKED SITE WITH GC NO CONCERNS AT THIS TIME.} | |
07/15/2020 | ENGR Grading Final | Passed | {Activity date: 07/15/2020; Status: Approved; Inspector: DROBERTS; Comment: Entered by DROBERT5 - } ; {Activity date: 02/02/2016; Status: Continued; Inspector: eleibol1; Comment: Entered by ELEIBOL1 - Left mes for Ron L - following up on ponding stormwater. Also City will require certification letter for subst completion & drainage improvements in lieu of as-built plan after discussion with EOR.} | |
07/15/2020 | SITE - Stormwater Final Inspection | Passed | {Activity date: 07/15/2020; Status: Approved; Inspector: DROBERTS; Comment: Entered by DROBERT5 - } | |
07/15/2020 | PDSD Engineering Division Pre-Construction SITE | Passed | {Activity date: 07/15/2020; Status: Approved; Inspector: DROBERTS; Comment: Entered by DROBERT5 - } ; {Activity date: 10/13/2015; Status: Approved; Inspector: RLEDONNE; Comment: Entered by RLEDONN1 - } |