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Parcel Search: 14042074A
Parcel Search
Parcel Attributes
Parcel | 14042074A |
City of Tucson Zoning | I-1, I-2, MU, P-I |
Airport Environs Zone | Tucson International AEZ Paddle |
Tucson Ward | Ward 5 |
Flood Related Information | FEMA Floodplain Area |
Major Streets & Routes | Arterial or Collector ,Gateway Route |
Pima County Data | Assessor, Recorder, Treasurer, ... |
Parcel Map | Map |
Addresses |
Parcel Number - 14042074A
Date - 03/04/2025 8:52 p.m.
Total Number Of Permits - (22)
Permit | Permit Status | Entered Date | Expired Date | Unit | Type | Description |
TC-COM-0124-00056 | Issued | 01/10/2024 | 12/02/2024 | BLDG 0 UNIT 300 | Commercial Building | remodel to existing Airport Concessions / Restaurants; Thunder Canyon, El Charro, Maverick, Arbuckle's, Dunkin Donuts. |
TR-ROW-0125-00058 | Inspections | 01/10/2025 | 02/15/2025 | Right-of-Way (ROW) | Equipment in Right of way all work on airport property-24HRS - *** | |
TC-COM-0124-00139 | Void | 01/22/2024 | 07/20/2024 | Commercial Building | Void - WRONG WORK CLASS Please submit a new application utilizing the Commercial Addition/Alteration Permit Work Class. For further information, please contact Doris Benoit at doris.benoit@tucsonaz.gov - 520.633.9084 - Tenant improvement to an existing building. we are relocating the TAA Police from the main airport building to this location and adding 5 covered parking spaces on the air side. | |
TC-COM-0124-00185 | Issued | 01/29/2024 | 08/11/2025 | Commercial Building | Tenant improvement to an existing building. we are relocating the TAA Police from the main airport building to this location and adding 5 covered parking spaces on the air side. | |
TC-COM-0324-00530 | Void | 03/26/2024 | 09/22/2024 | Commercial Building | **VOID** per EHamblin will void permit due to wrong permit applied for / customer needing a pre app conference not building permit./ Multiple Tenant Improvements throughout the facility. | |
TD-DEV-0424-00115 | Issued | 04/05/2024 | 05/23/2027 | Development Package | Restricted Access - We will be adding a shaded parking structure on the private airport side of the tarmac for K-9 vehicle parking for the airport police. | |
TF-FCP-0424-00314 | Issued | 04/22/2024 | 05/02/2025 | Fire Construction Permit | Emergency Responder Radio Coverage System for the SkyWest Hangar | |
TC-COM-0424-00761 | Withdrawn | 04/30/2024 | 10/27/2024 | Commercial Building | Multiple Tenant Improvements as a result of new Airport Rental Car Agreement | |
TC-COM-0524-00790 | Complete | 05/03/2024 | 02/09/2025 | UNIT 165 | Commercial Building | relocating existing modular building over will need elec reconnect. |
TF-FCP-0524-00391 | Complete | 05/20/2024 | 11/23/2024 | Fire Construction Permit | Relocate 3 and add 1 sprinkler drop for new wall built around existing Arbuckles Coffee in airport. | |
TC-COM-0524-00979 | Void | 05/22/2024 | 11/18/2024 | Commercial Building | VODI - Duplicate Application. There is already a permit in process: TC-COM-0424-00761 (7275 S TUCSON BL TUCSON, AZ 85756). Please process your plan review through the permit already in process or request a withdrawal of the existing permit before resubmitting a new application. https://www.tucsonaz.gov/files/sharedassets/public/v/1/pdsd/documents/tdc-faq/new-pdfs/revisions-and-resubmittals.pdf https://www.tucsonaz.gov/files/sharedassets/public/v/1/pdsd/documents/tdc-faq/new-pdfs/withdraws-and-extensions.pdf For further information, please contact Doris Benoit at doris.benoit@tucsonaz.gov - 520.633.9084 - Reallocate Hertz and Dollar Car Rental Brands within the exiting customer service building. Project includes the installation of millwork, signs, and finishes | |
TC-COM-0624-01268 | Complete | 06/28/2024 | 03/25/2025 | UNIT 165 | Commercial Building | Replace existing car wash equipment Like for Like |
TE-FPU-0724-00194 | Approved | 07/08/2024 | N/A | Floodplain Use | Installation of US Geological Survey streamflow and water quality monitoring stations along washes on Tucson International Airport and USAF property. 6 proposed locations will be monitored. Additional information in attachment USGS TUS gage installation | |
TR-ROW-0724-00768 | Complete | 07/09/2024 | 08/21/2024 | Right-of-Way (ROW) | Equipment in Right of way all work on airport property*** | |
TF-FCP-0824-00624 | Expired | 08/05/2024 | 02/19/2025 | Fire Construction Permit | Relocate 46 sprinkler pendents for new tenant layout. | |
TC-COM-0824-01588 | Issued | 08/14/2024 | 04/08/2025 | Commercial Building | Upgrading existing Verizon DAS equipment and antennas in the Terminal building. Adding service to six additional buildings within the airport property. Airport Buildings. | |
TC-COM-0824-01668 | Complete | 08/26/2024 | 05/13/2025 | Commercial Building | This is for the Tucson Airport. Electrical Permit for Adding 2 Circuits on Existing Panel - 3 Duplex Receptacles per Circuit | |
TC-COM-0924-01719 | Inspections | 09/05/2024 | 06/17/2025 | Commercial Building | Remove and replace of existing parking equipment: ticket machines, barriers, columns. Install new cameras and UPS systems for ticket machines | |
TF-FCP-1023-01198 | Complete | 10/10/2023 | 05/01/2024 | Fire Construction Permit | ERRCS - Addition of (2) antennas to existing public safety DAS. | |
TF-FCP-1024-00867 | Issued | 10/10/2024 | 04/22/2025 | Fire Construction Permit | Fire Alarm System Modification For TAA Police TI | |
TF-FCP-1023-01205 | Complete | 10/12/2023 | 04/19/2024 | Fire Construction Permit | EXPEDITE-Modification to existing fire alarm system for the provision of a single interlock pre-action system for telecommunication room. | |
TC-COM-1023-02488 | Void | 10/20/2023 | 04/17/2024 | Commercial Building | VOID - Duplicate Application. There is already a permit in process for this address:TS-PRM-1023-00582 (7101 S TUCSON BL TUCSON, AZ 85756). Please process through the permit already in process or request a withdrawal prior to submitting additional permits. For further information, please contact Doris Benoit at doris.benoit@tucsonaz.gov - 520.633.9084 New wall for Monument sign permit |
Parcel Number - 14042074A
Date - 03/04/2025 8:52 p.m.
Total Number Of Plans - 1
Plan Number | Plan Status | Application Date | Expired Date | Unit | Type | Description |
TP-PRE-0324-00076 | Complete | 03/27/2024 | N/A | Pre-Application | Multiple Tenant Improvements throughout the facility. |