Microfiche records prior to 2006 have not been completely digitized and may not be available yet on PRO. If you can not find what you are looking for please submit a records request.

Annexations & Original City Zoning (OCZ)

Date - 03/04/2025 11:15 a.m.
Total Number Of OZC Plans - (3)
Plan Description Annexation Ordinance Effective Date OCZ Ordinance
Plumer Avenue ROW 2994 04/17/1967 None
C15-18-03 Airport Corona OCZ 11571 08/10/2018 None
C9-60-39 West To Silverbell Road And South To San Xavier Indian Reservation 2014 03/18/1960 2045


Parcel Number - 140420120
Date - 03/04/2025 11:15 a.m.
Total Number Of Permits - (71)
Permit Permit Status Entered Date Expired Date Unit Type Description
TC-COM-0125-00066 Needs resubmittal 01/09/2025 N/A Commercial Building This property, located at is a Fuel Farm facility operated by the Tucson Fuel Facilities LLC. The facility is used for the storage and transmission of jet fuel for commercial purposes. Under the loading bay canopy, there is a small steel-structured booth equipped with a table, which serves as a workstation for employees. Despite its location beneath the canopy, the booth offers limited protection from sun, wind, and rain during adverse weather conditions. To address these concerns, we propose the following improvements to the booth: 1. Addition of a steel sheet panel on one open side of the booth 2. Addition of a corrugated steel sheet panel on the top of the booth
T21FC00040 Expired 01/19/2021 08/08/2021 Fire Construction Permit Fire Alarm & Detection Systems - Star Link - Fire Cell Radio - Metal Can with PS - for Sole Path of Communication Remove Analog Phone Lines - Radio will not be powered by panel - separate power supply; Fire Alarm Systems - Monitor Only
TR-ROW-0125-00140 Inspections 01/29/2025 03/08/2025 Right-of-Way (ROW) Remove and replace asphalt parking lot including the Approaches in the Right of Way. ***
T22CM01063 Expired 02/11/2022 09/06/2022 Commercial Building Install ceiling mount receptacles fed from existing circuit in area.
TR-UTL-0424-00812 Void 04/16/2024 N/A Right-of-Way (ROW) - Utility Cox to proof and pull 245' of existing .625 coax cable through existing CATV conduit for system tie.
T20CM02416 Expired 04/20/2020 01/31/2021 Commercial Building ELECTRICAL SERVICE FOR TEMP TRAILER
DP20-0104 Complete 05/15/2020 11/19/2026 Development Package Site/Grading/SWPPP/ DDO - Tucson Fuel Facilities, Tus Capital Improvement Project.
DP19-0149 Expired 06/14/2019 N/A Development Package SITE - Tucson Police Dept. Air Support Unit, solar, parking shade structure.
T19CM04331 Expired 06/18/2019 N/A Commercial Building CANOPY MOUNTED SOLAR PV SYSTEM
TR-UTL-0624-01164 Complete 06/18/2024 07/18/2024 Right-of-Way (ROW) - Utility 6868 s plumer ave (at S Plumer) 15 14 17 nw to replace water valve wo 2825215 replace water valve at the east side of the address in asphalt.
TE-FPU-0724-00194 Approved 07/08/2024 N/A Floodplain Use Installation of US Geological Survey streamflow and water quality monitoring stations along washes on Tucson International Airport and USAF property. 6 proposed locations will be monitored. Additional information in attachment USGS TUS gage installation
T20FC00484 Expired 07/21/2020 06/26/2022 Fire Construction Permit Fire Alarm & Detection Systems - INSTALL STARLINK CELLULAR COMMUNICATOR WITH BATTERY BACK UP FOR NEW FIRE ALARM INSTALLED BY OTHER.; Fire Alarm Systems - Monitor Only
TC-COM-0923-02204 Issued 09/13/2023 03/20/2024 Commercial Building Like for Like Repair/Replacement of a damaged 240/120 volt 100 amp service
TC-COM-1124-02121 Needs resubmittal 11/05/2024 05/04/2025 BLDG 1 Commercial Building This project includes the expansion of the fuel island pad by relocating site sign pole, relocating fuel equipment, & installing additional concrete pad for Tucson Executive at the TIA
TC-COM-1124-02124 Needs resubmittal 11/05/2024 N/A UNIT 225 Commercial Building This project provides a paved tarmac in area A-10 at TIA
DP16-0205 Complete 11/15/2016 01/25/2021 Development Package SITE/GRADING/SWPPP - Tucson Executive Design, airplane hangar expansion, airport.1st Revision is
TD-DEV-1224-00339 Issued 12/13/2024 02/21/2028 Development Package Restricted Record - Fuel station expansion onto existing site.
TD-DEV-1224-00341 Awaiting submittal 12/13/2024 N/A Development Package Restricted Record - TIA Hangar A-10
T21CM09677 Expired 12/17/2021 08/22/2022 Commercial Building Install (3) dedicated circuits for building security upgrades (total of 16A @ 110v)
T00BU01411 Expired 05/05/2000 11/11/2000 BUILD ADDITION:STEEL CARPORTS TD#14-60-85
T00CM03703 C of o 07/26/2000 02/05/2002 #240 COMBO TI:HANGAR
T00CM03704 C of o 07/26/2000 02/05/2002 COMBO NEW:HANGAR
T00CM05170 Final 10/18/2000 07/27/2002 COMBO NEW:WASH FACILITY
T01BU02093 Closed 07/20/2001 01/19/2002 TANKS TANKS:2000 GALLONS
T02BU02354 Final 08/27/2002 03/30/2003 SPKLR FIRE SPKR:RELOCATE 4
T03CM04682 Final 09/26/2003 06/06/2004 COMBO TI:BATHROOM
T03EL00305 Final 02/24/2003 09/13/2003 ELECT SERVICE:ELECTRIC
T04CM03031 C of o 07/01/2004 12/05/2005 COMBO TI:HANGAR
T04CM05406 C of o 12/15/2004 12/04/2005 COMBO TI:OFFICE
T04EL02341 Final 11/24/2004 08/24/2005 ELECT MODIFY:FUEL ISLAND
T05CM02652 C of o 06/09/2005 09/05/2006 COMBO AIRPLANE HANGER WITH OFFICE
T05CM02859 Withdrwn 06/21/2005 N/A COMBO ADD: FUEL SYSTEM
T05CM04475 Final 08/29/2005 04/18/2006 COMBO NEW: 400 AMP SERVICE
T05EL01658 Final 08/10/2005 08/01/2007 ELECT REPAIR:SERVICE ELECTRIC (APA)
T07BU00155 Expired 01/22/2007 06/18/2008 TANKS INSTALL:FUEL FARM/TANK
T07EL00187 Final 02/01/2007 08/25/2008 ELECT ELEC FOR FUEL TANK
T08BU00740 Expired 04/16/2008 09/20/2011 GRADING CUT 230CY FILL 186 CY
T09BU01350 Final 09/09/2009 03/10/2010 SPKLR Relocate 1 fire sprinkler
T10CM03522 C of o 12/21/2010 09/07/2011 COMBO TI:HANGER
T10EL02010 Final 08/26/2010 03/29/2011 ELECT RECONNECT:ELECTRIC:TUCSON AIRPORT
T11CM00371 Withdrwn 02/02/2011 N/A COMBO ADD 20' EXTERIOR STEEL STUD WALL
T14CM02473 Final 04/29/2014 10/28/2014 COMBO ELECTRIC RECONNECT
T15BU00945 Final 08/17/2015 03/16/2016 DEMO DEMO OF STUCTURE
T15BU01247 Final 10/27/2015 05/10/2016 TANKS UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK REMOVAL
T15CM08230 L of c 11/23/2015 06/02/2019 COMBO TI; AIRPORT UPGRADES
T16CM02951 L of c 04/22/2016 04/19/2017 COMBO OFFICE TI
T16CM04891 Withdrwn 06/23/2016 N/A COMBO NEW PV SYSTEM; COMM
T16CM09003 Withdrwn 12/01/2016 N/A COMBO NEW HANGER AND TERMINAL
T16CM09239 C of o 12/09/2016 07/25/2017 COMBO OFFICE
T17BU00491 Final 10/23/2017 06/02/2018 DEMO DEMO COMM BLDG
T17BU00493 Final 10/23/2017 06/09/2018 DEMO DEMO COMM BLDG
T17BU00495 Final 10/23/2017 07/04/2018 DEMO DEMO COMM BLDG
T17CM04765 Final 06/20/2017 05/07/2018 COMBO TI: STORAGE TO EQUIP RM TUCSON AIRPORT
T18CM09984 L of c 12/26/2018 07/03/2021 COMBO TI: OFFICE
T19FC00651 Final 08/19/2019 01/27/2021 FIRECONS New Sprinkler System for Ground Up Construction
T20CM04050 C of o 06/28/2020 08/24/2022 COMBO FUEL STORAGE FACILITY
T20FC00164 Final 03/09/2020 01/24/2021 FIRECONS NEW FIRE ALARM SYSTEM
T20FC00386 Final 06/09/2020 04/20/2021 FIRECONS Fire Sprinkler TI - 68 Heads
T20FC00549 Final 08/21/2020 04/20/2021 FIRECONS Install a voice evacuation system on the first floor and the basement for the new tenant
T20FC00579 Final 09/04/2020 07/24/2022 FIRECONS New fuel storage facility on existing airport property
T21BU00231 Issued 04/29/2021 11/29/2021 DEMO Demolition of existing fuel storage facility at Tucson International, this includes underground tanks (has been reviewed by FD and approved (T21FC00090) and partial demolition of a building.
T21FC00090 Final 02/05/2021 07/25/2022 FIRECONS Demolition of existing underground jet fuel storage facility at Tucson International Airport
T98BU00897 Expired 04/13/1998 10/31/1998 TEMP-FBB TEMP FBB:CONSTRUCTION TRAILER & ELECTRIC
T98CM03618 Final 08/21/1998 08/30/1999 COMBO OPEN SHADE HANGER PREFABRICATED STEEL 40 x 220
T98EL00834 Final 05/11/1998 12/09/1998 ELECT UPGRADE:ELECTRIC 200AMP TO 400AMP
T98EL01240 Final 07/10/1998 02/22/1999 ELECT SERVICE:RELOCATE


Parcel Number - 140420120
Date - 03/04/2025 11:15 a.m.
Total Number Of Plans - 41
Plan Number Plan Status Application Date Expired Date Unit Type Description
C15-18-03 Approved 07/10/2018 02/22/2019 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Airport Corona Annexation Dist
CWH-16-0205 Active 11/15/2016 01/25/2021 Basin SITE/GRADING/SWPPP - Tucson Executive Design, airplane hangar expansion, airport.1st Revision is
TP-PRE-1222-00062 Complete 12/19/2022 N/A Pre-Application On behalf of Tucson Airport Authority, this pre-application conference is to initiate the rezoning process for approximately 198 acres currently zoned MU within the airport proper.
TP-PRE-1222-00062 Complete 12/19/2022 N/A BLDG 0 UNIT 300 Pre-Application On behalf of Tucson Airport Authority, this pre-application conference is to initiate the rezoning process for approximately 198 acres currently zoned MU within the airport proper.
TP-PRE-1222-00062 Complete 12/19/2022 N/A BLDG 1 Pre-Application On behalf of Tucson Airport Authority, this pre-application conference is to initiate the rezoning process for approximately 198 acres currently zoned MU within the airport proper.
TP-PRE-1222-00062 Complete 12/19/2022 N/A BLDG 2 Pre-Application On behalf of Tucson Airport Authority, this pre-application conference is to initiate the rezoning process for approximately 198 acres currently zoned MU within the airport proper.
TP-PRE-1222-00062 Complete 12/19/2022 N/A BLDG 3 Pre-Application On behalf of Tucson Airport Authority, this pre-application conference is to initiate the rezoning process for approximately 198 acres currently zoned MU within the airport proper.
TP-PRE-1222-00062 Complete 12/19/2022 N/A UNIT 100 Pre-Application On behalf of Tucson Airport Authority, this pre-application conference is to initiate the rezoning process for approximately 198 acres currently zoned MU within the airport proper.
TP-PRE-1222-00062 Complete 12/19/2022 N/A UNIT 102 Pre-Application On behalf of Tucson Airport Authority, this pre-application conference is to initiate the rezoning process for approximately 198 acres currently zoned MU within the airport proper.
TP-PRE-1222-00062 Complete 12/19/2022 N/A UNIT 104 Pre-Application On behalf of Tucson Airport Authority, this pre-application conference is to initiate the rezoning process for approximately 198 acres currently zoned MU within the airport proper.
TP-PRE-1222-00062 Complete 12/19/2022 N/A UNIT 106 Pre-Application On behalf of Tucson Airport Authority, this pre-application conference is to initiate the rezoning process for approximately 198 acres currently zoned MU within the airport proper.
TP-PRE-1222-00062 Complete 12/19/2022 N/A UNIT 108 Pre-Application On behalf of Tucson Airport Authority, this pre-application conference is to initiate the rezoning process for approximately 198 acres currently zoned MU within the airport proper.
TP-PRE-1222-00062 Complete 12/19/2022 N/A UNIT 110 Pre-Application On behalf of Tucson Airport Authority, this pre-application conference is to initiate the rezoning process for approximately 198 acres currently zoned MU within the airport proper.
TP-PRE-1222-00062 Complete 12/19/2022 N/A UNIT 112 Pre-Application On behalf of Tucson Airport Authority, this pre-application conference is to initiate the rezoning process for approximately 198 acres currently zoned MU within the airport proper.
TP-PRE-1222-00062 Complete 12/19/2022 N/A UNIT 114 Pre-Application On behalf of Tucson Airport Authority, this pre-application conference is to initiate the rezoning process for approximately 198 acres currently zoned MU within the airport proper.
TP-PRE-1222-00062 Complete 12/19/2022 N/A UNIT 115 Pre-Application On behalf of Tucson Airport Authority, this pre-application conference is to initiate the rezoning process for approximately 198 acres currently zoned MU within the airport proper.
TP-PRE-1222-00062 Complete 12/19/2022 N/A UNIT 125 Pre-Application On behalf of Tucson Airport Authority, this pre-application conference is to initiate the rezoning process for approximately 198 acres currently zoned MU within the airport proper.
TP-PRE-1222-00062 Complete 12/19/2022 N/A UNIT 135 Pre-Application On behalf of Tucson Airport Authority, this pre-application conference is to initiate the rezoning process for approximately 198 acres currently zoned MU within the airport proper.
TP-PRE-1222-00062 Complete 12/19/2022 N/A UNIT 145 Pre-Application On behalf of Tucson Airport Authority, this pre-application conference is to initiate the rezoning process for approximately 198 acres currently zoned MU within the airport proper.
TP-PRE-1222-00062 Complete 12/19/2022 N/A UNIT 155 Pre-Application On behalf of Tucson Airport Authority, this pre-application conference is to initiate the rezoning process for approximately 198 acres currently zoned MU within the airport proper.
TP-PRE-1222-00062 Complete 12/19/2022 N/A UNIT 165 Pre-Application On behalf of Tucson Airport Authority, this pre-application conference is to initiate the rezoning process for approximately 198 acres currently zoned MU within the airport proper.
TP-PRE-1222-00062 Complete 12/19/2022 N/A UNIT 175 Pre-Application On behalf of Tucson Airport Authority, this pre-application conference is to initiate the rezoning process for approximately 198 acres currently zoned MU within the airport proper.
TP-PRE-1222-00062 Complete 12/19/2022 N/A UNIT 200 Pre-Application On behalf of Tucson Airport Authority, this pre-application conference is to initiate the rezoning process for approximately 198 acres currently zoned MU within the airport proper.
TP-PRE-1222-00062 Complete 12/19/2022 N/A UNIT 201 Pre-Application On behalf of Tucson Airport Authority, this pre-application conference is to initiate the rezoning process for approximately 198 acres currently zoned MU within the airport proper.
TP-PRE-1222-00062 Complete 12/19/2022 N/A UNIT 202 Pre-Application On behalf of Tucson Airport Authority, this pre-application conference is to initiate the rezoning process for approximately 198 acres currently zoned MU within the airport proper.
TP-PRE-1222-00062 Complete 12/19/2022 N/A UNIT 204 Pre-Application On behalf of Tucson Airport Authority, this pre-application conference is to initiate the rezoning process for approximately 198 acres currently zoned MU within the airport proper.
TP-PRE-1222-00062 Complete 12/19/2022 N/A UNIT 206 Pre-Application On behalf of Tucson Airport Authority, this pre-application conference is to initiate the rezoning process for approximately 198 acres currently zoned MU within the airport proper.
TP-PRE-1222-00062 Complete 12/19/2022 N/A UNIT 208 Pre-Application On behalf of Tucson Airport Authority, this pre-application conference is to initiate the rezoning process for approximately 198 acres currently zoned MU within the airport proper.
TP-PRE-1222-00062 Complete 12/19/2022 N/A UNIT 210 Pre-Application On behalf of Tucson Airport Authority, this pre-application conference is to initiate the rezoning process for approximately 198 acres currently zoned MU within the airport proper.
TP-PRE-1222-00062 Complete 12/19/2022 N/A UNIT 212 Pre-Application On behalf of Tucson Airport Authority, this pre-application conference is to initiate the rezoning process for approximately 198 acres currently zoned MU within the airport proper.
TP-PRE-1222-00062 Complete 12/19/2022 N/A UNIT 214 Pre-Application On behalf of Tucson Airport Authority, this pre-application conference is to initiate the rezoning process for approximately 198 acres currently zoned MU within the airport proper.
TP-PRE-1222-00062 Complete 12/19/2022 N/A UNIT 216 Pre-Application On behalf of Tucson Airport Authority, this pre-application conference is to initiate the rezoning process for approximately 198 acres currently zoned MU within the airport proper.
TP-PRE-1222-00062 Complete 12/19/2022 N/A UNIT 218 Pre-Application On behalf of Tucson Airport Authority, this pre-application conference is to initiate the rezoning process for approximately 198 acres currently zoned MU within the airport proper.
TP-PRE-1222-00062 Complete 12/19/2022 N/A UNIT 220 Pre-Application On behalf of Tucson Airport Authority, this pre-application conference is to initiate the rezoning process for approximately 198 acres currently zoned MU within the airport proper.
TP-PRE-1222-00062 Complete 12/19/2022 N/A UNIT 222 Pre-Application On behalf of Tucson Airport Authority, this pre-application conference is to initiate the rezoning process for approximately 198 acres currently zoned MU within the airport proper.
TP-PRE-1222-00062 Complete 12/19/2022 N/A UNIT 224 Pre-Application On behalf of Tucson Airport Authority, this pre-application conference is to initiate the rezoning process for approximately 198 acres currently zoned MU within the airport proper.
TP-PRE-1222-00062 Complete 12/19/2022 N/A UNIT 225 Pre-Application On behalf of Tucson Airport Authority, this pre-application conference is to initiate the rezoning process for approximately 198 acres currently zoned MU within the airport proper.
TP-PRE-1222-00062 Complete 12/19/2022 N/A UNIT 226 Pre-Application On behalf of Tucson Airport Authority, this pre-application conference is to initiate the rezoning process for approximately 198 acres currently zoned MU within the airport proper.
TP-PRE-1222-00062 Complete 12/19/2022 N/A UNIT 228 Pre-Application On behalf of Tucson Airport Authority, this pre-application conference is to initiate the rezoning process for approximately 198 acres currently zoned MU within the airport proper.
TP-PRE-1222-00062 Complete 12/19/2022 N/A UNIT 230 Pre-Application On behalf of Tucson Airport Authority, this pre-application conference is to initiate the rezoning process for approximately 198 acres currently zoned MU within the airport proper.
TP-PRE-1222-00062 Complete 12/19/2022 N/A UNIT 706 Pre-Application On behalf of Tucson Airport Authority, this pre-application conference is to initiate the rezoning process for approximately 198 acres currently zoned MU within the airport proper.