Microfiche records prior to 2006 have not been completely digitized and may not be available yet on PRO. If you can not find what you are looking for please submit a records request.
Parcel Search: 137335720
Parcel Search
Parcel Attributes
Parcel | 137335720 |
Jurisdiction | Tucson |
City of Tucson Zoning | C-2, O-3 |
Tucson Ward | Ward 1 |
Tucson Registered Neighborhood | Midvale Park |
Major Streets & Routes | Arterial or Collector ,Gateway Route ,Intersection Buffer |
Pima County Data | Assessor, Recorder, Treasurer, ... |
Parcel Map | Map |
Parcel Number - 137335720
Date - 03/04/2025 11:34 a.m.
Total Number Of Permits - (38)
Permit | Permit Status | Entered Date | Expired Date | Unit | Type | Description |
D00-0060 | Canceled | 09/27/2000 | 10/27/2000 | Development Package | RADIO SHACK - VALENCIA | |
T00AN00528 | Issued | 07/13/2000 | N/A | ADDRNEW | ||
T00BU02795 | Closed | 09/18/2000 | 08/31/2008 | TENTS | TENT:CAR SALES | |
T00BU03704 | Closed | 12/26/2000 | 06/24/2001 | TENTS | TENT: | |
T00CM03512 | Final | 07/14/2000 | 01/15/2002 | COMBO | SHELL BUILDING | |
T00ME01192 | Final | 10/18/2000 | 01/10/2001 | MECH | PRESSURE VESSEL INSPECTION: TUC-23695 | |
T01BU00426 | Expired | 02/20/2001 | 08/25/2001 | GRADING | GRADING: 0 CUT & 250 CY FILL | |
T01BU00743 | Closed | 03/20/2001 | 09/16/2001 | TENTS | TENT:CAR SALE | |
T01BU01387 | Closed | 05/16/2001 | 11/12/2001 | TENTS | TENT: CAR SALES PROMOTION | |
T01BU01411 | Final | 05/18/2001 | 05/14/2002 | WALL/FEN | WALL:MASONARY BASE FOR SIGN | |
T01BU01694 | Closed | 06/13/2001 | 12/10/2001 | TENTS | TENT:SALE | |
T01BU01841 | Closed | 06/27/2001 | 12/24/2001 | TENTS | TENT:CAR SALE | |
T01BU02692 | Closed | 09/18/2001 | 03/17/2002 | TENTS | TENT:CAR SALE | |
T01BU03276 | Closed | 11/19/2001 | 05/18/2002 | TENTS | TENT:CAR SALES | |
T01CM02163 | Closed | 05/04/2001 | 01/14/2002 | COMBO | ADDITION:REFRIGERATION SYSTEM & REPLACING 1 HR PHOTO | |
T01EL01324 | Final | 05/29/2001 | 02/16/2002 | ELECT | SIGN:ELECTRIC:2477 | |
T01EX00616 | Closed | 06/04/2001 | 08/03/2001 | EXCAV | EXCAV:TRENCHING 700 LF | |
T02BU00061 | Closed | 01/09/2002 | 07/08/2002 | TENTS | TENT:CAR SALE | |
T02BU00148 | Closed | 01/18/2002 | 07/17/2002 | TENTS | TENT:CAR SALES | |
T02BU00190 | Closed | 01/23/2002 | 07/22/2002 | TENTS | TENT:CAR SALES | |
T02BU00455 | Closed | 02/13/2002 | 08/12/2002 | TENTS | TENT:SUPER K MART CAR SALES | |
T02BU00600 | Closed | 02/25/2002 | 08/24/2002 | TENTS | TENT:CAR SALES | |
T02BU00847 | Closed | 03/19/2002 | 09/15/2002 | TENTS | TENT:CAR SALES | |
T02BU00960 | Closed | 04/01/2002 | 09/29/2002 | TENTS | TENT:CAR SALE | |
T02BU01219 | Closed | 04/24/2002 | 10/21/2002 | TENTS | 30X30 CANOPY:CAR SALES | |
T02BU01387 | Closed | 05/09/2002 | 11/05/2002 | TENTS | TENT:CAR SALES | |
T02BU01486 | Closed | 05/21/2002 | 11/17/2002 | TENTS | TENT:CAR SALES | |
T02BU01692 | Closed | 06/12/2002 | 12/09/2002 | TENTS | TENT:CAR SALES | |
T02BU01809 | Closed | 06/24/2002 | 12/21/2002 | TENTS | TENT:CAR SALES | |
T02BU01936 | Closed | 07/11/2002 | 01/07/2003 | TENTS | TENT:SALES | |
T02BU01994 | Closed | 07/17/2002 | 01/13/2003 | TENTS | TENT:CAR SALE | |
T02BU02357 | Closed | 08/27/2002 | 02/23/2003 | TENTS | TENT:CAR SALES | |
T02BU02455 | Closed | 09/10/2002 | 03/09/2003 | TENTS | TENT:SALES | |
T02BU03129 | Closed | 12/19/2002 | 06/17/2003 | TENTS | TENT:BUDGET RENTAL CARS | |
T02EL00316 | Final | 02/13/2002 | 08/14/2002 | ELECT | ELECTRIC:CARNIVAL | |
T02EL02096 | Closed | 10/23/2002 | 04/21/2003 | ELECT | ELECTRIC:CARNIVAL | |
T03BU00411 | Closed | 02/14/2003 | 08/13/2003 | TENTS | TENT:CAR SALES | |
T99EL02693 | Closed | 10/13/1999 | 09/04/2000 | ELECT | SIGNS:CIRCUIT:9910070 |
Code Enforcement
Parcel Number - 137335720
Date - 03/04/2025 11:34 a.m.
Total Number Of Code Cases - 1
Case Number | Case Status | Entered Date | Closed Date | Unit | Type | Description |