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Parcel Search: 13727991B
Parcel Search
Special Development Requests & Requirements
Date - 02/20/2025 1:01 a.m.
Total Number Of Special Development Permits - (2)
Activity Number | Status | Apply Date | Expired Date | Type | Description |
T05SA00071 | Applied | N/A | |||
T05SA00112 | Efectuat | 08/17/2006 | Variance to delete the six (6') foot high masonry screen wall along the north property boundary. |
Parcel Number - 13727991B
Date - 02/20/2025 1:01 a.m.
Total Number Of Permits - (11)
Permit | Permit Status | Entered Date | Expired Date | Unit | Type | Description |
T04CM04571 | Final | 10/13/2004 | 03/21/2006 | COMBO | SELF STORAGE UNIT:BLDG 1 - SITE PHASE ONE ONLY | |
T04CM04572 | Final | 10/13/2004 | 03/19/2006 | COMBO | SELF STORAGE:BLDG 2 | |
T04CM04573 | Final | 10/13/2004 | 03/21/2006 | COMBO | SELF STORAGE:BLDG 3 | |
T04CM04574 | Final | 10/13/2004 | 03/21/2006 | COMBO | SELF STORAGE:BLDG 4 | |
T04CM04575 | Final | 10/13/2004 | 03/21/2006 | COMBO | SELF STORAGE:BLDG 5 | |
T04CM04576 | C of o | 10/13/2004 | 10/09/2006 | COMBO | SELF STORAGE & OFFICE: BLDG 6 | |
T05BU01825 | Final | 07/20/2005 | 03/27/2006 | SPKLR | FIRE SPRK: 18 NEW AND 25' OF 4" UNDERGROUND | |
T05CM05022 | Withdrwn | 10/03/2005 | N/A | COMBO | ADDITION: EXTEND BUILDING 5 | |
T05EX00899 | Closed | 08/16/2005 | 10/15/2005 | EXCAV | EXCV BACKFILL AND REPAIRS TO CONSTRUCT 1 24' DRIVE | |
T05OT02652 | Final | 10/25/2005 | 05/02/2006 | SIGN | 9947 | |
T05OT02682 | Final | 10/27/2005 | 07/21/2008 | SIGN | 9955 |
Parcel Number - 13727991B
Date - 02/20/2025 1:01 a.m.
Total Number Of Plans - 3
Plan Number | Plan Status | Application Date | Expired Date | Unit | Type | Description |
C9-05-07 | Rejected | 03/15/2006 | N/A | REZONING PROCEDURES | Proposal for automative repair, recreational vechicular storage, self-storage, auto parts retail, and resturant/retail use. See C9-05-17. | |
C9-05-17 | Withdrwn | 03/15/2006 | N/A | REZONING PROCEDURES | Proposal for 83,800 square feet of self-storage, retail, restaurant and automotive uses on 7.53 acres | |
C9-89-20 | Effected | 06/12/2006 | N/A | REZONING PROCEDURES | Original proposal for an automobile service station and retail space as a portion of of a 123,000 square foot retail shopping center. Total rezoning site is 3.6 acres. |