Microfiche records prior to 2006 have not been completely digitized and may not be available yet on PRO. If you can not find what you are looking for please submit a records request.

Parcel Search

Parcel Attributes
City of Tucson ZoningR-1
Tucson WardWard 2
Tucson Registered NeighborhoodTerra Del Sol
Pima County Data Assessor, Recorder, Treasurer, ...
Parcel Map Map

Annexations & Original City Zoning (OCZ)

Date - 03/12/2025 4:11 p.m.
Total Number Of OZC Plans - (1)
Plan Description Annexation Ordinance Effective Date OCZ Ordinance
C9-59-19 North To Roger Rd. And East To Kolb Rd. 1895 03/26/1959 1957


Parcel Number - 135022030
Date - 03/12/2025 4:11 p.m.
Total Number Of Permits - (3)
Permit Permit Status Entered Date Expired Date Unit Type Description
TZ-CMP-0325-00037 Void 03/03/2025 N/A Zoning Compliance **VOID - WRONG APPLICATION** I received a notice of violation for a wall that I recently built. I talked with the inspector who inspected the wall and he told me that I need to file a zoning permit for my house.
TC-RES-0325-01206 Submitted - online 03/07/2025 N/A Residential Building - One or Two Family I built a wall recently and was given a notice of violation for it. The square feet of the entire property (the house, the front yard, and the back yard) is 1847 square feet.
T01EL00841 Final 04/10/2001 10/22/2001 ELECT ELECTRIC:UPGRADE 60-200AMPS

Code Enforcement

Parcel Number - 135022030
Date - 03/12/2025 4:11 p.m.
Total Number Of Code Cases - 1
Case Number Case Status Entered Date Closed Date Unit Type Description
CE-VIO0225-00494 Active 02/04/2025 N/A Code Enforcement Case RWOP / Building of large structure in the front of home and extremely tall wall