Microfiche records prior to 2006 have not been completely digitized and may not be available yet on PRO. If you can not find what you are looking for please submit a records request.
Parcel Search: 13324006F
Parcel Search
Parcel Attributes
Parcel | 13324006F |
Jurisdiction | Tucson |
City of Tucson Zoning | R-3 |
Tucson Ward | Ward 2 |
Tucson Registered Neighborhood | Carriage Park |
Pima County Data | Assessor, Recorder, Treasurer, ... |
Parcel Map | Map |
Special Development Requests & Requirements
Date - 03/09/2025 2:32 p.m.
Total Number Of Special Development Permits - (1)
Activity Number | Status | Apply Date | Expired Date | Type | Description |
T22SA00093 | Complete | N/A | Zoning Compliance Letter for Multifamily |
Parcel Number - 13324006F
Date - 03/09/2025 2:32 p.m.
Total Number Of Permits - (215)
Permit | Permit Status | Entered Date | Expired Date | Unit | Type | Description |
TC-COM-0123-00412 | Complete | 01/04/2023 | 03/04/2024 | BLDG A UNIT 106 | Commercial Building | Do necessary renovation to the unit(s) in order for them to have a washer/dryer inside the unit as we advance. However, at this time, we are only requesting permits for units #A106 and # A206 |
TC-COM-0123-00412 | Complete | 01/04/2023 | 03/04/2024 | BLDG A UNIT 206 | Commercial Building | Do necessary renovation to the unit(s) in order for them to have a washer/dryer inside the unit as we advance. However, at this time, we are only requesting permits for units #A106 and # A206 |
TC-COM-0124-00102 | Issued | 01/16/2024 | 08/18/2025 | BLDG J UNIT 177 | Commercial Building | Do necessary renovation to the unit(s) to have a washer/dryer inside the unit. At this time, only requesting permit for unit J177 |
TC-COM-0124-00193 | Issued | 01/29/2024 | 08/18/2025 | BLDG J UNIT 277 | Commercial Building | Do necessary renovation to the unit(s) to have a washer/dryer inside the unit. At this time, only requesting permit for unit J277 |
TC-COM-0423-00954 | Complete | 04/04/2023 | 03/04/2024 | BLDG J UNIT 185 | Commercial Building | Do necessary renovation to the unit(s) in order for them to have a washer/dryer inside the unit as we advance. However, at this time, we are only requesting permit for units #J185 and #J285 |
TC-COM-0423-00954 | Complete | 04/04/2023 | 03/04/2024 | BLDG J UNIT 285 | Commercial Building | Do necessary renovation to the unit(s) in order for them to have a washer/dryer inside the unit as we advance. However, at this time, we are only requesting permit for units #J185 and #J285 |
TC-COM-0523-01286 | Void | 05/16/2023 | 11/12/2023 | BLDG J UNIT 185 | Commercial Building | VOID - DUPLICATE PERMIT APPLICAITON OF TC-COM-0423-00954 - Do necessary renovation to the unit(s) in order for them to have a washer/dryer inside the unit as we advance. However, at this time, we are only requesting permit for units #J185 and #J285 |
TC-COM-0523-01286 | Void | 05/16/2023 | 11/12/2023 | BLDG J UNIT 285 | Commercial Building | VOID - DUPLICATE PERMIT APPLICAITON OF TC-COM-0423-00954 - Do necessary renovation to the unit(s) in order for them to have a washer/dryer inside the unit as we advance. However, at this time, we are only requesting permit for units #J185 and #J285 |
TC-COM-0723-01773 | Complete | 07/19/2023 | 04/28/2024 | BLDG J UNIT 184 | Commercial Building | Do necessary renovation to the unit(s) to have a washer/dryer inside the unit. At this time, only requesting permits for units J184 and J284 |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new | |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG A | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG A UNIT 101 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG A UNIT 102 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG A UNIT 103 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG A UNIT 104 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG A UNIT 105 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG A UNIT 106 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG A UNIT 107 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG A UNIT 108 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG A UNIT 201 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG A UNIT 202 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG A UNIT 203 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG A UNIT 204 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG A UNIT 205 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG A UNIT 206 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG A UNIT 207 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG A UNIT 208 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG B | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG B UNIT 109 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG B UNIT 111 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG B UNIT 112 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG B UNIT 113 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG B UNIT 114 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG B UNIT 115 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG B UNIT 116 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG B UNIT 117 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG B UNIT 118 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG B UNIT 119 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG B UNIT 209 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG B UNIT 211 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG B UNIT 212 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG B UNIT 213 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG B UNIT 214 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG B UNIT 215 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG B UNIT 216 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG B UNIT 217 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG B UNIT 218 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG B UNIT 219 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG C | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG C UNIT 120 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG C UNIT 121 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG C UNIT 122 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG C UNIT 123 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG C UNIT 124 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG C UNIT 125 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG C UNIT 126 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG C UNIT 127 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG C UNIT 220 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG C UNIT 221 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG C UNIT 222 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG C UNIT 223 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG C UNIT 224 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG C UNIT 225 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG C UNIT 226 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG C UNIT 227 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG D | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG D UNIT 128 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG D UNIT 129 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG D UNIT 130 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG D UNIT 131 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG D UNIT 132 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG D UNIT 133 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG D UNIT 134 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG D UNIT 135 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG D UNIT 136 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG D UNIT 137 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG D UNIT 228 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG D UNIT 229 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG D UNIT 230 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG D UNIT 231 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG D UNIT 232 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG D UNIT 233 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG D UNIT 234 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG D UNIT 235 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG D UNIT 236 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG D UNIT 237 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG E | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG E UNIT 138 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG E UNIT 139 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG E UNIT 140 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG E UNIT 141 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG E UNIT 142 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG E UNIT 143 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG E UNIT 238 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG E UNIT 239 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG E UNIT 240 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG E UNIT 241 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG E UNIT 242 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG E UNIT 243 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG F | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG F UNIT 144 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG F UNIT 145 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG F UNIT 146 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG F UNIT 147 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG F UNIT 148 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG F UNIT 149 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG F UNIT 150 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG F UNIT 151 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG F UNIT 244 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG F UNIT 245 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG F UNIT 246 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG F UNIT 247 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG F UNIT 248 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG F UNIT 249 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG F UNIT 250 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG F UNIT 251 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG G | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG G UNIT 152 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG G UNIT 153 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG G UNIT 154 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG G UNIT 155 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG G UNIT 156 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG G UNIT 157 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG G UNIT 252 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG G UNIT 253 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG G UNIT 254 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG G UNIT 255 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG G UNIT 256 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG G UNIT 257 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG H | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG H UNIT 158 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG H UNIT 159 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG H UNIT 160 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG H UNIT 161 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG H UNIT 162 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG H UNIT 163 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG H UNIT 164 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG H UNIT 165 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG H UNIT 258 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG H UNIT 259 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG H UNIT 260 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG H UNIT 261 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG H UNIT 262 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG H UNIT 263 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG H UNIT 264 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG H UNIT 265 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG I | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG I UNIT 166 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG I UNIT 167 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG I UNIT 168 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG I UNIT 169 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG I UNIT 170 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG I UNIT 171 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG I UNIT 172 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG I UNIT 173 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG I UNIT 174 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG I UNIT 175 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG I UNIT 266 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG I UNIT 267 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG I UNIT 268 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG I UNIT 269 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG I UNIT 270 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG I UNIT 271 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG I UNIT 272 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG I UNIT 273 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG I UNIT 274 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG I UNIT 275 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG J | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG J UNIT 176 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG J UNIT 177 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG J UNIT 178 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG J UNIT 179 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG J UNIT 180 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG J UNIT 181 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG J UNIT 182 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG J UNIT 183 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG J UNIT 184 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG J UNIT 185 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG J UNIT 276 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG J UNIT 277 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG J UNIT 278 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG J UNIT 279 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG J UNIT 280 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG J UNIT 281 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG J UNIT 282 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG J UNIT 283 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG J UNIT 284 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG J UNIT 285 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG K | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG K UNIT 186 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG K UNIT 187 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG K UNIT 188 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG K UNIT 189 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG K UNIT 190 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG K UNIT 191 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG K UNIT 192 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG K UNIT 193 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG K UNIT 194 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG K UNIT 195 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG K UNIT 196 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG K UNIT 197 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG K UNIT 286 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG K UNIT 287 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG K UNIT 288 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG K UNIT 289 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG K UNIT 290 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG K UNIT 291 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG K UNIT 292 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG K UNIT 293 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG K UNIT 294 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG K UNIT 295 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG K UNIT 296 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-0824-01635 | Inspections complete | 08/21/2024 | 03/15/2025 | BLDG K UNIT 297 | Commercial Building | Like for like change out. Replace existing (8) meter stack and tap box with new |
TC-COM-1222-00223 | Complete | 12/02/2022 | 09/06/2023 | BLDG I UNIT 173 | Commercial Building | Do necessary renovation to the unit(s) in order for them to have a washer/dryer inside the unit as we advance. However, at this time, we are only requesting permits for units #173 and #273 |
TC-COM-1222-00223 | Complete | 12/02/2022 | 09/06/2023 | BLDG I UNIT 273 | Commercial Building | Do necessary renovation to the unit(s) in order for them to have a washer/dryer inside the unit as we advance. However, at this time, we are only requesting permits for units #173 and #273 |
Code Enforcement
Parcel Number - 13324006F
Date - 03/09/2025 2:32 p.m.
Total Number Of Code Cases - 108
Case Number | Case Status | Entered Date | Closed Date | Unit | Type | Description |
CE-VIO0124-00180 | Closed - resolved | 01/10/2024 | 11/08/2024 | BLDG A | Code Enforcement Case | RMIN : Tenants are not notified when the water is being shut down, occurring frequently |
CE-VIO1123-06373 | Closed - unfounded | 11/06/2023 | 12/01/2023 | BLDG I | Code Enforcement Case | REFS- area rugs , card board , miscellaneous items left in alleyway. |
CE-VIO1122-00693 | Closed - unfounded | 11/29/2022 | 12/21/2022 | BLDG H | Code Enforcement Case | REFS / Excessive furniture and debris aroudn dumpster and alley at North East corner of property off N Maguire Ave |
CE-VIO1122-00693 | Closed - unfounded | 11/29/2022 | 12/21/2022 | BLDG K UNIT 293 | Code Enforcement Case | REFS / Excessive furniture and debris aroudn dumpster and alley at North East corner of property off N Maguire Ave |
CE-VIO1122-00693 | Closed - unfounded | 11/29/2022 | 12/21/2022 | BLDG G UNIT 252 | Code Enforcement Case | REFS / Excessive furniture and debris aroudn dumpster and alley at North East corner of property off N Maguire Ave |
CE-VIO1122-00693 | Closed - unfounded | 11/29/2022 | 12/21/2022 | BLDG I UNIT 171 | Code Enforcement Case | REFS / Excessive furniture and debris aroudn dumpster and alley at North East corner of property off N Maguire Ave |
CE-VIO1122-00693 | Closed - unfounded | 11/29/2022 | 12/21/2022 | BLDG H UNIT 262 | Code Enforcement Case | REFS / Excessive furniture and debris aroudn dumpster and alley at North East corner of property off N Maguire Ave |
CE-VIO1122-00693 | Closed - unfounded | 11/29/2022 | 12/21/2022 | BLDG I UNIT 174 | Code Enforcement Case | REFS / Excessive furniture and debris aroudn dumpster and alley at North East corner of property off N Maguire Ave |
CE-VIO1122-00693 | Closed - unfounded | 11/29/2022 | 12/21/2022 | BLDG J UNIT 285 | Code Enforcement Case | REFS / Excessive furniture and debris aroudn dumpster and alley at North East corner of property off N Maguire Ave |
CE-VIO1122-00693 | Closed - unfounded | 11/29/2022 | 12/21/2022 | BLDG I UNIT 170 | Code Enforcement Case | REFS / Excessive furniture and debris aroudn dumpster and alley at North East corner of property off N Maguire Ave |
CE-VIO1122-00693 | Closed - unfounded | 11/29/2022 | 12/21/2022 | BLDG A UNIT 205 | Code Enforcement Case | REFS / Excessive furniture and debris aroudn dumpster and alley at North East corner of property off N Maguire Ave |
CE-VIO1122-00693 | Closed - unfounded | 11/29/2022 | 12/21/2022 | BLDG J UNIT 184 | Code Enforcement Case | REFS / Excessive furniture and debris aroudn dumpster and alley at North East corner of property off N Maguire Ave |
CE-VIO1122-00693 | Closed - unfounded | 11/29/2022 | 12/21/2022 | BLDG H UNIT 165 | Code Enforcement Case | REFS / Excessive furniture and debris aroudn dumpster and alley at North East corner of property off N Maguire Ave |
CE-VIO1122-00693 | Closed - unfounded | 11/29/2022 | 12/21/2022 | BLDG I UNIT 175 | Code Enforcement Case | REFS / Excessive furniture and debris aroudn dumpster and alley at North East corner of property off N Maguire Ave |
CE-VIO1122-00693 | Closed - unfounded | 11/29/2022 | 12/21/2022 | BLDG I UNIT 272 | Code Enforcement Case | REFS / Excessive furniture and debris aroudn dumpster and alley at North East corner of property off N Maguire Ave |
CE-VIO1122-00693 | Closed - unfounded | 11/29/2022 | 12/21/2022 | BLDG J UNIT 280 | Code Enforcement Case | REFS / Excessive furniture and debris aroudn dumpster and alley at North East corner of property off N Maguire Ave |
CE-VIO1122-00693 | Closed - unfounded | 11/29/2022 | 12/21/2022 | BLDG I UNIT 169 | Code Enforcement Case | REFS / Excessive furniture and debris aroudn dumpster and alley at North East corner of property off N Maguire Ave |
CE-VIO1122-00693 | Closed - unfounded | 11/29/2022 | 12/21/2022 | BLDG K UNIT 191 | Code Enforcement Case | REFS / Excessive furniture and debris aroudn dumpster and alley at North East corner of property off N Maguire Ave |
CE-VIO1122-00693 | Closed - unfounded | 11/29/2022 | 12/21/2022 | BLDG G UNIT 253 | Code Enforcement Case | REFS / Excessive furniture and debris aroudn dumpster and alley at North East corner of property off N Maguire Ave |
CE-VIO1122-00693 | Closed - unfounded | 11/29/2022 | 12/21/2022 | BLDG I UNIT 266 | Code Enforcement Case | REFS / Excessive furniture and debris aroudn dumpster and alley at North East corner of property off N Maguire Ave |
CE-VIO1122-00693 | Closed - unfounded | 11/29/2022 | 12/21/2022 | BLDG A UNIT 101 | Code Enforcement Case | REFS / Excessive furniture and debris aroudn dumpster and alley at North East corner of property off N Maguire Ave |
CE-VIO1122-00693 | Closed - unfounded | 11/29/2022 | 12/21/2022 | BLDG J UNIT 284 | Code Enforcement Case | REFS / Excessive furniture and debris aroudn dumpster and alley at North East corner of property off N Maguire Ave |
CE-VIO1122-00693 | Closed - unfounded | 11/29/2022 | 12/21/2022 | BLDG G UNIT 154 | Code Enforcement Case | REFS / Excessive furniture and debris aroudn dumpster and alley at North East corner of property off N Maguire Ave |
CE-VIO1122-00693 | Closed - unfounded | 11/29/2022 | 12/21/2022 | BLDG H UNIT 259 | Code Enforcement Case | REFS / Excessive furniture and debris aroudn dumpster and alley at North East corner of property off N Maguire Ave |
CE-VIO1122-00693 | Closed - unfounded | 11/29/2022 | 12/21/2022 | BLDG J UNIT 183 | Code Enforcement Case | REFS / Excessive furniture and debris aroudn dumpster and alley at North East corner of property off N Maguire Ave |
CE-VIO1122-00693 | Closed - unfounded | 11/29/2022 | 12/21/2022 | BLDG K UNIT 194 | Code Enforcement Case | REFS / Excessive furniture and debris aroudn dumpster and alley at North East corner of property off N Maguire Ave |
CE-VIO1122-00693 | Closed - unfounded | 11/29/2022 | 12/21/2022 | BLDG H UNIT 263 | Code Enforcement Case | REFS / Excessive furniture and debris aroudn dumpster and alley at North East corner of property off N Maguire Ave |
CE-VIO1122-00693 | Closed - unfounded | 11/29/2022 | 12/21/2022 | BLDG I UNIT 173 | Code Enforcement Case | REFS / Excessive furniture and debris aroudn dumpster and alley at North East corner of property off N Maguire Ave |
CE-VIO1122-00693 | Closed - unfounded | 11/29/2022 | 12/21/2022 | BLDG H UNIT 265 | Code Enforcement Case | REFS / Excessive furniture and debris aroudn dumpster and alley at North East corner of property off N Maguire Ave |
CE-VIO1122-00693 | Closed - unfounded | 11/29/2022 | 12/21/2022 | BLDG A UNIT 102 | Code Enforcement Case | REFS / Excessive furniture and debris aroudn dumpster and alley at North East corner of property off N Maguire Ave |
CE-VIO1122-00693 | Closed - unfounded | 11/29/2022 | 12/21/2022 | BLDG K UNIT 297 | Code Enforcement Case | REFS / Excessive furniture and debris aroudn dumpster and alley at North East corner of property off N Maguire Ave |
CE-VIO1122-00693 | Closed - unfounded | 11/29/2022 | 12/21/2022 | BLDG I UNIT 267 | Code Enforcement Case | REFS / Excessive furniture and debris aroudn dumpster and alley at North East corner of property off N Maguire Ave |
CE-VIO1122-00693 | Closed - unfounded | 11/29/2022 | 12/21/2022 | BLDG A UNIT 206 | Code Enforcement Case | REFS / Excessive furniture and debris aroudn dumpster and alley at North East corner of property off N Maguire Ave |
CE-VIO1122-00693 | Closed - unfounded | 11/29/2022 | 12/21/2022 | BLDG G UNIT 153 | Code Enforcement Case | REFS / Excessive furniture and debris aroudn dumpster and alley at North East corner of property off N Maguire Ave |
CE-VIO1122-00693 | Closed - unfounded | 11/29/2022 | 12/21/2022 | BLDG K UNIT 197 | Code Enforcement Case | REFS / Excessive furniture and debris aroudn dumpster and alley at North East corner of property off N Maguire Ave |
CE-VIO1122-00693 | Closed - unfounded | 11/29/2022 | 12/21/2022 | BLDG J UNIT 178 | Code Enforcement Case | REFS / Excessive furniture and debris aroudn dumpster and alley at North East corner of property off N Maguire Ave |
CE-VIO1122-00693 | Closed - unfounded | 11/29/2022 | 12/21/2022 | BLDG K UNIT 192 | Code Enforcement Case | REFS / Excessive furniture and debris aroudn dumpster and alley at North East corner of property off N Maguire Ave |
CE-VIO1122-00693 | Closed - unfounded | 11/29/2022 | 12/21/2022 | BLDG J UNIT 279 | Code Enforcement Case | REFS / Excessive furniture and debris aroudn dumpster and alley at North East corner of property off N Maguire Ave |
CE-VIO1122-00693 | Closed - unfounded | 11/29/2022 | 12/21/2022 | BLDG G UNIT 255 | Code Enforcement Case | REFS / Excessive furniture and debris aroudn dumpster and alley at North East corner of property off N Maguire Ave |
CE-VIO1122-00693 | Closed - unfounded | 11/29/2022 | 12/21/2022 | BLDG H UNIT 159 | Code Enforcement Case | REFS / Excessive furniture and debris aroudn dumpster and alley at North East corner of property off N Maguire Ave |
CE-VIO1122-00693 | Closed - unfounded | 11/29/2022 | 12/21/2022 | BLDG G UNIT 254 | Code Enforcement Case | REFS / Excessive furniture and debris aroudn dumpster and alley at North East corner of property off N Maguire Ave |
CE-VIO1122-00693 | Closed - unfounded | 11/29/2022 | 12/21/2022 | BLDG H UNIT 162 | Code Enforcement Case | REFS / Excessive furniture and debris aroudn dumpster and alley at North East corner of property off N Maguire Ave |
CE-VIO1122-00693 | Closed - unfounded | 11/29/2022 | 12/21/2022 | BLDG J UNIT 185 | Code Enforcement Case | REFS / Excessive furniture and debris aroudn dumpster and alley at North East corner of property off N Maguire Ave |
CE-VIO1122-00693 | Closed - unfounded | 11/29/2022 | 12/21/2022 | BLDG G UNIT 155 | Code Enforcement Case | REFS / Excessive furniture and debris aroudn dumpster and alley at North East corner of property off N Maguire Ave |
CE-VIO1122-00693 | Closed - unfounded | 11/29/2022 | 12/21/2022 | BLDG H UNIT 160 | Code Enforcement Case | REFS / Excessive furniture and debris aroudn dumpster and alley at North East corner of property off N Maguire Ave |
CE-VIO1122-00693 | Closed - unfounded | 11/29/2022 | 12/21/2022 | BLDG J UNIT 277 | Code Enforcement Case | REFS / Excessive furniture and debris aroudn dumpster and alley at North East corner of property off N Maguire Ave |
CE-VIO1122-00693 | Closed - unfounded | 11/29/2022 | 12/21/2022 | BLDG K UNIT 286 | Code Enforcement Case | REFS / Excessive furniture and debris aroudn dumpster and alley at North East corner of property off N Maguire Ave |
CE-VIO1122-00693 | Closed - unfounded | 11/29/2022 | 12/21/2022 | BLDG G UNIT 152 | Code Enforcement Case | REFS / Excessive furniture and debris aroudn dumpster and alley at North East corner of property off N Maguire Ave |
CE-VIO1122-00693 | Closed - unfounded | 11/29/2022 | 12/21/2022 | BLDG K UNIT 195 | Code Enforcement Case | REFS / Excessive furniture and debris aroudn dumpster and alley at North East corner of property off N Maguire Ave |
CE-VIO1122-00693 | Closed - unfounded | 11/29/2022 | 12/21/2022 | BLDG I UNIT 275 | Code Enforcement Case | REFS / Excessive furniture and debris aroudn dumpster and alley at North East corner of property off N Maguire Ave |
CE-VIO1122-00693 | Closed - unfounded | 11/29/2022 | 12/21/2022 | BLDG I UNIT 274 | Code Enforcement Case | REFS / Excessive furniture and debris aroudn dumpster and alley at North East corner of property off N Maguire Ave |
CE-VIO1122-00693 | Closed - unfounded | 11/29/2022 | 12/21/2022 | BLDG H UNIT 264 | Code Enforcement Case | REFS / Excessive furniture and debris aroudn dumpster and alley at North East corner of property off N Maguire Ave |
CE-VIO1122-00693 | Closed - unfounded | 11/29/2022 | 12/21/2022 | BLDG I UNIT 167 | Code Enforcement Case | REFS / Excessive furniture and debris aroudn dumpster and alley at North East corner of property off N Maguire Ave |
CE-VIO1122-00693 | Closed - unfounded | 11/29/2022 | 12/21/2022 | BLDG I UNIT 269 | Code Enforcement Case | REFS / Excessive furniture and debris aroudn dumpster and alley at North East corner of property off N Maguire Ave |
CE-VIO1122-00693 | Closed - unfounded | 11/29/2022 | 12/21/2022 | BLDG K UNIT 190 | Code Enforcement Case | REFS / Excessive furniture and debris aroudn dumpster and alley at North East corner of property off N Maguire Ave |
CE-VIO1122-00693 | Closed - unfounded | 11/29/2022 | 12/21/2022 | BLDG K UNIT 289 | Code Enforcement Case | REFS / Excessive furniture and debris aroudn dumpster and alley at North East corner of property off N Maguire Ave |
CE-VIO1122-00693 | Closed - unfounded | 11/29/2022 | 12/21/2022 | BLDG J UNIT 278 | Code Enforcement Case | REFS / Excessive furniture and debris aroudn dumpster and alley at North East corner of property off N Maguire Ave |
CE-VIO1122-00693 | Closed - unfounded | 11/29/2022 | 12/21/2022 | BLDG J UNIT 176 | Code Enforcement Case | REFS / Excessive furniture and debris aroudn dumpster and alley at North East corner of property off N Maguire Ave |
CE-VIO1122-00693 | Closed - unfounded | 11/29/2022 | 12/21/2022 | BLDG H UNIT 261 | Code Enforcement Case | REFS / Excessive furniture and debris aroudn dumpster and alley at North East corner of property off N Maguire Ave |
CE-VIO1122-00693 | Closed - unfounded | 11/29/2022 | 12/21/2022 | BLDG I UNIT 270 | Code Enforcement Case | REFS / Excessive furniture and debris aroudn dumpster and alley at North East corner of property off N Maguire Ave |
CE-VIO1122-00693 | Closed - unfounded | 11/29/2022 | 12/21/2022 | BLDG J UNIT 283 | Code Enforcement Case | REFS / Excessive furniture and debris aroudn dumpster and alley at North East corner of property off N Maguire Ave |
CE-VIO1122-00693 | Closed - unfounded | 11/29/2022 | 12/21/2022 | BLDG A UNIT 202 | Code Enforcement Case | REFS / Excessive furniture and debris aroudn dumpster and alley at North East corner of property off N Maguire Ave |
CE-VIO1122-00693 | Closed - unfounded | 11/29/2022 | 12/21/2022 | BLDG A UNIT 201 | Code Enforcement Case | REFS / Excessive furniture and debris aroudn dumpster and alley at North East corner of property off N Maguire Ave |
CE-VIO1122-00693 | Closed - unfounded | 11/29/2022 | 12/21/2022 | BLDG J UNIT 181 | Code Enforcement Case | REFS / Excessive furniture and debris aroudn dumpster and alley at North East corner of property off N Maguire Ave |
CE-VIO1122-00693 | Closed - unfounded | 11/29/2022 | 12/21/2022 | BLDG H UNIT 163 | Code Enforcement Case | REFS / Excessive furniture and debris aroudn dumpster and alley at North East corner of property off N Maguire Ave |
CE-VIO1122-00693 | Closed - unfounded | 11/29/2022 | 12/21/2022 | BLDG J UNIT 282 | Code Enforcement Case | REFS / Excessive furniture and debris aroudn dumpster and alley at North East corner of property off N Maguire Ave |
CE-VIO1122-00693 | Closed - unfounded | 11/29/2022 | 12/21/2022 | BLDG I UNIT 168 | Code Enforcement Case | REFS / Excessive furniture and debris aroudn dumpster and alley at North East corner of property off N Maguire Ave |
CE-VIO1122-00693 | Closed - unfounded | 11/29/2022 | 12/21/2022 | BLDG H UNIT 260 | Code Enforcement Case | REFS / Excessive furniture and debris aroudn dumpster and alley at North East corner of property off N Maguire Ave |
CE-VIO1122-00693 | Closed - unfounded | 11/29/2022 | 12/21/2022 | BLDG K UNIT 188 | Code Enforcement Case | REFS / Excessive furniture and debris aroudn dumpster and alley at North East corner of property off N Maguire Ave |
CE-VIO1122-00693 | Closed - unfounded | 11/29/2022 | 12/21/2022 | BLDG K UNIT 189 | Code Enforcement Case | REFS / Excessive furniture and debris aroudn dumpster and alley at North East corner of property off N Maguire Ave |
CE-VIO1122-00693 | Closed - unfounded | 11/29/2022 | 12/21/2022 | BLDG K UNIT 193 | Code Enforcement Case | REFS / Excessive furniture and debris aroudn dumpster and alley at North East corner of property off N Maguire Ave |
CE-VIO1122-00693 | Closed - unfounded | 11/29/2022 | 12/21/2022 | BLDG J | Code Enforcement Case | REFS / Excessive furniture and debris aroudn dumpster and alley at North East corner of property off N Maguire Ave |
CE-VIO1122-00693 | Closed - unfounded | 11/29/2022 | 12/21/2022 | BLDG J UNIT 276 | Code Enforcement Case | REFS / Excessive furniture and debris aroudn dumpster and alley at North East corner of property off N Maguire Ave |
CE-VIO1122-00693 | Closed - unfounded | 11/29/2022 | 12/21/2022 | BLDG G | Code Enforcement Case | REFS / Excessive furniture and debris aroudn dumpster and alley at North East corner of property off N Maguire Ave |
CE-VIO1122-00693 | Closed - unfounded | 11/29/2022 | 12/21/2022 | BLDG H UNIT 164 | Code Enforcement Case | REFS / Excessive furniture and debris aroudn dumpster and alley at North East corner of property off N Maguire Ave |
CE-VIO1122-00693 | Closed - unfounded | 11/29/2022 | 12/21/2022 | BLDG I UNIT 273 | Code Enforcement Case | REFS / Excessive furniture and debris aroudn dumpster and alley at North East corner of property off N Maguire Ave |
CE-VIO1122-00693 | Closed - unfounded | 11/29/2022 | 12/21/2022 | BLDG J UNIT 179 | Code Enforcement Case | REFS / Excessive furniture and debris aroudn dumpster and alley at North East corner of property off N Maguire Ave |
CE-VIO1122-00693 | Closed - unfounded | 11/29/2022 | 12/21/2022 | BLDG G UNIT 256 | Code Enforcement Case | REFS / Excessive furniture and debris aroudn dumpster and alley at North East corner of property off N Maguire Ave |
CE-VIO1122-00693 | Closed - unfounded | 11/29/2022 | 12/21/2022 | BLDG A UNIT 106 | Code Enforcement Case | REFS / Excessive furniture and debris aroudn dumpster and alley at North East corner of property off N Maguire Ave |
CE-VIO1122-00693 | Closed - unfounded | 11/29/2022 | 12/21/2022 | BLDG K UNIT 294 | Code Enforcement Case | REFS / Excessive furniture and debris aroudn dumpster and alley at North East corner of property off N Maguire Ave |
CE-VIO1122-00693 | Closed - unfounded | 11/29/2022 | 12/21/2022 | BLDG G UNIT 157 | Code Enforcement Case | REFS / Excessive furniture and debris aroudn dumpster and alley at North East corner of property off N Maguire Ave |
CE-VIO1122-00693 | Closed - unfounded | 11/29/2022 | 12/21/2022 | BLDG K UNIT 187 | Code Enforcement Case | REFS / Excessive furniture and debris aroudn dumpster and alley at North East corner of property off N Maguire Ave |
CE-VIO1122-00693 | Closed - unfounded | 11/29/2022 | 12/21/2022 | BLDG A UNIT 105 | Code Enforcement Case | REFS / Excessive furniture and debris aroudn dumpster and alley at North East corner of property off N Maguire Ave |
CE-VIO1122-00693 | Closed - unfounded | 11/29/2022 | 12/21/2022 | BLDG I UNIT 271 | Code Enforcement Case | REFS / Excessive furniture and debris aroudn dumpster and alley at North East corner of property off N Maguire Ave |
CE-VIO1122-00693 | Closed - unfounded | 11/29/2022 | 12/21/2022 | BLDG K UNIT 296 | Code Enforcement Case | REFS / Excessive furniture and debris aroudn dumpster and alley at North East corner of property off N Maguire Ave |
CE-VIO1122-00693 | Closed - unfounded | 11/29/2022 | 12/21/2022 | BLDG J UNIT 180 | Code Enforcement Case | REFS / Excessive furniture and debris aroudn dumpster and alley at North East corner of property off N Maguire Ave |
CE-VIO1122-00693 | Closed - unfounded | 11/29/2022 | 12/21/2022 | BLDG K UNIT 196 | Code Enforcement Case | REFS / Excessive furniture and debris aroudn dumpster and alley at North East corner of property off N Maguire Ave |
CE-VIO1122-00693 | Closed - unfounded | 11/29/2022 | 12/21/2022 | BLDG J UNIT 177 | Code Enforcement Case | REFS / Excessive furniture and debris aroudn dumpster and alley at North East corner of property off N Maguire Ave |
CE-VIO1122-00693 | Closed - unfounded | 11/29/2022 | 12/21/2022 | BLDG J UNIT 182 | Code Enforcement Case | REFS / Excessive furniture and debris aroudn dumpster and alley at North East corner of property off N Maguire Ave |
CE-VIO1122-00693 | Closed - unfounded | 11/29/2022 | 12/21/2022 | BLDG G UNIT 257 | Code Enforcement Case | REFS / Excessive furniture and debris aroudn dumpster and alley at North East corner of property off N Maguire Ave |
CE-VIO1122-00693 | Closed - unfounded | 11/29/2022 | 12/21/2022 | BLDG I UNIT 268 | Code Enforcement Case | REFS / Excessive furniture and debris aroudn dumpster and alley at North East corner of property off N Maguire Ave |
CE-VIO1122-00693 | Closed - unfounded | 11/29/2022 | 12/21/2022 | BLDG H UNIT 258 | Code Enforcement Case | REFS / Excessive furniture and debris aroudn dumpster and alley at North East corner of property off N Maguire Ave |
CE-VIO1122-00693 | Closed - unfounded | 11/29/2022 | 12/21/2022 | BLDG J UNIT 281 | Code Enforcement Case | REFS / Excessive furniture and debris aroudn dumpster and alley at North East corner of property off N Maguire Ave |
CE-VIO1122-00693 | Closed - unfounded | 11/29/2022 | 12/21/2022 | BLDG K UNIT 288 | Code Enforcement Case | REFS / Excessive furniture and debris aroudn dumpster and alley at North East corner of property off N Maguire Ave |
CE-VIO1122-00693 | Closed - unfounded | 11/29/2022 | 12/21/2022 | BLDG K UNIT 292 | Code Enforcement Case | REFS / Excessive furniture and debris aroudn dumpster and alley at North East corner of property off N Maguire Ave |
CE-VIO1122-00693 | Closed - unfounded | 11/29/2022 | 12/21/2022 | BLDG K UNIT 186 | Code Enforcement Case | REFS / Excessive furniture and debris aroudn dumpster and alley at North East corner of property off N Maguire Ave |
CE-VIO1122-00693 | Closed - unfounded | 11/29/2022 | 12/21/2022 | BLDG K UNIT 295 | Code Enforcement Case | REFS / Excessive furniture and debris aroudn dumpster and alley at North East corner of property off N Maguire Ave |
CE-VIO1122-00693 | Closed - unfounded | 11/29/2022 | 12/21/2022 | BLDG K UNIT 287 | Code Enforcement Case | REFS / Excessive furniture and debris aroudn dumpster and alley at North East corner of property off N Maguire Ave |
CE-VIO1122-00693 | Closed - unfounded | 11/29/2022 | 12/21/2022 | BLDG G UNIT 156 | Code Enforcement Case | REFS / Excessive furniture and debris aroudn dumpster and alley at North East corner of property off N Maguire Ave |
CE-VIO1122-00693 | Closed - unfounded | 11/29/2022 | 12/21/2022 | BLDG K UNIT 290 | Code Enforcement Case | REFS / Excessive furniture and debris aroudn dumpster and alley at North East corner of property off N Maguire Ave |
CE-VIO1122-00693 | Closed - unfounded | 11/29/2022 | 12/21/2022 | BLDG K | Code Enforcement Case | REFS / Excessive furniture and debris aroudn dumpster and alley at North East corner of property off N Maguire Ave |
CE-VIO1122-00693 | Closed - unfounded | 11/29/2022 | 12/21/2022 | BLDG I UNIT 166 | Code Enforcement Case | REFS / Excessive furniture and debris aroudn dumpster and alley at North East corner of property off N Maguire Ave |
CE-VIO1122-00693 | Closed - unfounded | 11/29/2022 | 12/21/2022 | BLDG I UNIT 172 | Code Enforcement Case | REFS / Excessive furniture and debris aroudn dumpster and alley at North East corner of property off N Maguire Ave |
CE-VIO1122-00693 | Closed - unfounded | 11/29/2022 | 12/21/2022 | BLDG A | Code Enforcement Case | REFS / Excessive furniture and debris aroudn dumpster and alley at North East corner of property off N Maguire Ave |
CE-VIO1122-00693 | Closed - unfounded | 11/29/2022 | 12/21/2022 | BLDG H UNIT 161 | Code Enforcement Case | REFS / Excessive furniture and debris aroudn dumpster and alley at North East corner of property off N Maguire Ave |
CE-VIO1122-00693 | Closed - unfounded | 11/29/2022 | 12/21/2022 | BLDG I | Code Enforcement Case | REFS / Excessive furniture and debris aroudn dumpster and alley at North East corner of property off N Maguire Ave |
CE-VIO1122-00693 | Closed - unfounded | 11/29/2022 | 12/21/2022 | BLDG K UNIT 291 | Code Enforcement Case | REFS / Excessive furniture and debris aroudn dumpster and alley at North East corner of property off N Maguire Ave |
CE-VIO1122-00693 | Closed - unfounded | 11/29/2022 | 12/21/2022 | BLDG H UNIT 158 | Code Enforcement Case | REFS / Excessive furniture and debris aroudn dumpster and alley at North East corner of property off N Maguire Ave |