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Parcel Number - 13014026B
Date - 03/04/2025 11:09 a.m.
Total Number Of Permits - (9)
Permit Permit Status Entered Date Expired Date Unit Type Description
TC-COM-0124-00033 Complete 01/08/2024 07/08/2024 Commercial Building Electrical re connect/ Power to the space has be off for over 6 months.
TS-PRM-0324-00094 Void 03/04/2024 08/31/2024 Sign - Permanent (VOID - SMOKE SHOP ORDINANCE IN EFFECT AS OF DEC. 2023 REQUIRES ZONING APPROVAL FOR LOCATION FIRST) Install wall sign
TZ-CMP-0324-00035 Complete 03/13/2024 N/A Zoning Compliance Zoning compliance letter request for Tuff Puff smoke shop
TS-PRM-0324-00137 Issued 03/26/2024 09/22/2024 Sign - Permanent Install wall sign
TC-COM-1024-01959 Complete 10/10/2024 07/16/2025 UNIT 130 Commercial Building Tenant improvement of an existing retail space to build for a new retail tenant
TC-DMO-1024-00228 Complete 10/10/2024 07/16/2025 UNIT 130 Demolition Permit Demolition associated with TC-COM- 1024-01959 Tenant improvement of an existing retail space to build for a new retail tenant
TS-PRM-1024-00456 Inspections 10/15/2024 08/06/2025 UNIT 130 Sign - Permanent Install one lighted wall sign and add tenant panels to monument sign.
TE-FPU-1124-00395 Complete 11/15/2024 N/A UNIT 130 Floodplain Use Interior Tenant buildout of an existing vacant retail space. Construction of new sales area, stock room, fitting room, and corridor. New interior lighting and power plan, utilizing existing panel/meter. Light mechanical work, utilizing existing HVAC units. No exterior storefront work except installation of new concrete security bollards.
TF-FCP-1224-01091 Complete 12/17/2024 07/01/2025 UNIT 130 Fire Construction Permit fire sprinkler TI