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Parcel Search: 127146010
Parcel Search
Special Development Requests & Requirements
Date - 01/31/2025 12:11 p.m.
Total Number Of Special Development Permits - (1)
Activity Number | Status | Apply Date | Expired Date | Type | Description |
H000012860 | Closed | N/A |
Parcel Number - 127146010
Date - 01/31/2025 12:11 p.m.
Total Number Of Permits - (22)
Permit | Permit Status | Entered Date | Expired Date | Unit | Type | Description |
T22CM06646 | Withdrawn | 08/29/2022 | N/A | A102 | Commercial Building | Installation of roof mounted PV solar system, energy storage system, main panel upgrade and related |
T00PL00758 | Expired | 04/05/2000 | 10/02/2000 | #C131 | PLUMB | WATER COND:NEW |
T01PL00740 | Final | 04/04/2001 | 10/03/2001 | #B119 | PLUMB | REPLACE:WATER HEATER (APA) |
T02CM02935 | C of o | 06/17/2002 | 09/25/2005 | COMBO | CONDO:NEW TD# 14-74-29 | |
T02CM02936 | C of o | 06/17/2002 | 07/25/2005 | COMBO | CONDO:TD# 12-98-42 # 136 | |
T04PL01237 | Final | 07/12/2004 | 01/11/2005 | #A102 | PLUMB | NEW: additional gas line (APA) |
T04PL01239 | Expired | 07/12/2004 | 01/08/2005 | #A102 | PLUMB | GAS PRESSURE TEST (APA) |
T10ME00341 | Final | 06/07/2010 | 12/11/2010 | #A107 | MECH | Replace gas package unit, 4ton 16 seer. |
T10PL01025 | Final | 06/30/2010 | 01/17/2011 | #B119 | PLUMB | REPLACE WATER HEATER (APA) |
T11PL00645 | Final | 04/05/2011 | 10/04/2011 | #A103 | PLUMB | WATER HEATER:REPLACEMENT |
T11PL00646 | Final | 04/05/2011 | 10/04/2011 | #A104 | PLUMB | WATER HEATER:REPLACEMENT |
T14CM02717 | Withdrwn | 05/08/2014 | 11/04/2014 | #A105 | COMBO | REPLACE 4 TON ROOFTOP GAS PACK - RES (APA) |
T16CM06712 | Final | 08/31/2016 | 03/18/2017 | #A113 | COMBO | REPL 5TON GAS PACK |
T17CM04937 | Final | 06/26/2017 | 03/07/2018 | COMBO | REPAIR 3 CARPORTS | |
T17RW02263 | Expired | 05/25/2017 | 10/03/2017 | ROW | STLREPL (2017) - ATLAS 0036 ~ REPLACE 333 LF OF GAS LINES IN ROW (81 LF VIA RENCHING/BORING IN PAVEMENT; 252 LF TRENCHING/BORING IN DIRT) | |
T18CM00619 | Final | 01/24/2018 | 07/25/2018 | #133 | COMBO | REPL WTR HTR |
T18CM01391 | Final | 02/22/2018 | 11/28/2018 | #A105 | COMBO | INSTALL ROOF MOUNTED SOLAR PV SYSTEM |
T18CM03472 | Final | 05/07/2018 | 11/11/2018 | #A102 | COMBO | EXTEND GAS LINE |
T18CM09724 | Expired | 12/12/2018 | 06/10/2019 | #A110 | COMBO | REPLACE WATER HEATER |
T20RW01470 | Final | 03/05/2020 | 04/15/2020 | ROW | SEAL COAT DRIVE LANE UP TO RIGHT OF WAY | |
T97PL00980 | Expired | 07/31/1997 | 01/27/1998 | #A115 | PLUMB | WATER HEATER |
T99ME01211 | Final | 10/27/1999 | 09/30/2000 | #A112 | MECH | AIR COND:FURNACE |
Code Enforcement
Parcel Number - 127146010
Date - 01/31/2025 12:11 p.m.
Total Number Of Code Cases - 6
Case Number | Case Status | Entered Date | Closed Date | Unit | Type | Description |
T08DV09842 | Noverify | 10/15/2008 | N/A | #A108 | DNR_VIOL | This unit has work being done on moving walls and plumbing. Checked permits plus and has had a case before on water leaking to the bottom unit, which is occurring again. The water is leaking to the bottom unit. |
T08FR02622 | Complete | 09/04/2008 | N/A | #A108 | FIREINSP | person at this address is renovating and everything is piled up have not cleaned up anything, (caller Robert Garin 495-4756 worried about the potential fire hazard this poses in this complex). contact him with findings. |
T09DV06997 | Complian | 12/18/2009 | N/A | #A108 | DNR_VIOL | RWOP: Interior structural changes made without permits; plumbing and roofing. Currently vacant. |
T12DV01332 | Complian | 02/21/2012 | N/A | DNR_VIOL | vehicle into carport TPD 1202200512 | |
T99VL01542 | Complian | 06/07/1999 | N/A | CODEVIOL | COMPLAINT:SIGN:PORTABLES |