Microfiche records prior to 2006 have not been completely digitized and may not be available yet on PRO. If you can not find what you are looking for please submit a records request.

Parcel Search

Parcel Attributes
City of Tucson ZoningP, R-2
Tucson WardWard 6
Tucson Registered NeighborhoodSam Hughes
National Register Historic District

Sam Hughes Residential Historic District

Structure on National Register of Historic Places


Pima County Data Assessor, Recorder, Treasurer, ...
Parcel Map Map

Annexations & Original City Zoning (OCZ)

Date - 03/04/2025 2:05 p.m.
Total Number Of OZC Plans - (1)
Plan Description Annexation Ordinance Effective Date OCZ Ordinance
Fairmount And Alta Vista 589 12/07/1925 None

Rezoning Cases

Date - 03/04/2025 2:05 p.m.
Total Number Of Rezone Cases - (1)
Case No. Description New Zone Status Status Date Address
C9-01-27 Winged Foot - Tucson Boulevard P Effectuated 02/13/2008 N FORGEUS


Parcel Number - 12507180A
Date - 03/04/2025 2:05 p.m.
Total Number Of Permits - (3)
Permit Permit Status Entered Date Expired Date Unit Type Description
C10-01-47 Approved 06/15/2009 N/A Zoning Compliance C10-01-47 Acker / Winged Foot Assoc. - - No
TR-UTL-0724-01407 Complete 07/30/2024 10/05/2024 Right-of-Way (ROW) - Utility 2 5x5 bell holes in blktop/dirt for crews to pothole gas line
T14CM07452 Final 11/03/2014 05/05/2015 #01 COMBO REPL GASLINE;RES

Code Enforcement

Parcel Number - 12507180A
Date - 03/04/2025 2:05 p.m.
Total Number Of Code Cases - 1
Case Number Case Status Entered Date Closed Date Unit Type Description
CE-VIO1023-06242 Closed - resolved 10/26/2023 01/25/2024 Code Enforcement Case SWLK / Referred from TDOT / Failure to respond to Damaged Sidewalk NOV address still in violation


Parcel Number - 12507180A
Date - 03/04/2025 2:05 p.m.
Total Number Of Plans - 15
Plan Number Plan Status Application Date Expired Date Unit Type Description
TP-ENT-0124-00005 Withdrawn 01/26/2024 N/A Map/Use Changes - Entitlements This application is to rezone a 3.68 site located at the intersection of Tucson Boulevard and 6th Street from C-1 to PAD to provide the opportunity for market-demanded uses to locate within the existing structures onsite.
TP-ENT-0124-00005 Withdrawn 01/26/2024 N/A UNIT 1 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements This application is to rezone a 3.68 site located at the intersection of Tucson Boulevard and 6th Street from C-1 to PAD to provide the opportunity for market-demanded uses to locate within the existing structures onsite.
TP-ENT-0124-00005 Withdrawn 01/26/2024 N/A UNIT 2 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements This application is to rezone a 3.68 site located at the intersection of Tucson Boulevard and 6th Street from C-1 to PAD to provide the opportunity for market-demanded uses to locate within the existing structures onsite.
TP-ENT-0124-00005 Withdrawn 01/26/2024 N/A UNIT 3 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements This application is to rezone a 3.68 site located at the intersection of Tucson Boulevard and 6th Street from C-1 to PAD to provide the opportunity for market-demanded uses to locate within the existing structures onsite.
TP-ENT-0124-00005 Withdrawn 01/26/2024 N/A UNIT 4 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements This application is to rezone a 3.68 site located at the intersection of Tucson Boulevard and 6th Street from C-1 to PAD to provide the opportunity for market-demanded uses to locate within the existing structures onsite.
TP-PRE-1023-00365 In review 10/26/2023 N/A Pre-Application We are requesting a conference to discuss a new Planned Area Development centered on the intersection of 6th Street and Tucson Boulevard. The purpose of the PAD is to expand the number of uses allowed within the existing commercial center.
TP-PRE-1023-00365 In review 10/26/2023 N/A UNIT 1 Pre-Application We are requesting a conference to discuss a new Planned Area Development centered on the intersection of 6th Street and Tucson Boulevard. The purpose of the PAD is to expand the number of uses allowed within the existing commercial center.
TP-PRE-1023-00365 In review 10/26/2023 N/A UNIT 100 Pre-Application We are requesting a conference to discuss a new Planned Area Development centered on the intersection of 6th Street and Tucson Boulevard. The purpose of the PAD is to expand the number of uses allowed within the existing commercial center.
TP-PRE-1023-00365 In review 10/26/2023 N/A UNIT 110 Pre-Application We are requesting a conference to discuss a new Planned Area Development centered on the intersection of 6th Street and Tucson Boulevard. The purpose of the PAD is to expand the number of uses allowed within the existing commercial center.
TP-PRE-1023-00365 In review 10/26/2023 N/A UNIT 150 Pre-Application We are requesting a conference to discuss a new Planned Area Development centered on the intersection of 6th Street and Tucson Boulevard. The purpose of the PAD is to expand the number of uses allowed within the existing commercial center.
TP-PRE-1023-00365 In review 10/26/2023 N/A UNIT 180 Pre-Application We are requesting a conference to discuss a new Planned Area Development centered on the intersection of 6th Street and Tucson Boulevard. The purpose of the PAD is to expand the number of uses allowed within the existing commercial center.
TP-PRE-1023-00365 In review 10/26/2023 N/A UNIT 190 Pre-Application We are requesting a conference to discuss a new Planned Area Development centered on the intersection of 6th Street and Tucson Boulevard. The purpose of the PAD is to expand the number of uses allowed within the existing commercial center.
TP-PRE-1023-00365 In review 10/26/2023 N/A UNIT 2 Pre-Application We are requesting a conference to discuss a new Planned Area Development centered on the intersection of 6th Street and Tucson Boulevard. The purpose of the PAD is to expand the number of uses allowed within the existing commercial center.
TP-PRE-1023-00365 In review 10/26/2023 N/A UNIT 3 Pre-Application We are requesting a conference to discuss a new Planned Area Development centered on the intersection of 6th Street and Tucson Boulevard. The purpose of the PAD is to expand the number of uses allowed within the existing commercial center.
TP-PRE-1023-00365 In review 10/26/2023 N/A UNIT 4 Pre-Application We are requesting a conference to discuss a new Planned Area Development centered on the intersection of 6th Street and Tucson Boulevard. The purpose of the PAD is to expand the number of uses allowed within the existing commercial center.