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Parcel Search: 12416017A
Parcel Search
Parcel Attributes
Parcel | 12416017A |
Jurisdiction | Tucson |
City of Tucson Zoning | C-3, I-1 |
Water Course | Washes |
Tucson Ward | Ward 5 |
Tucson Registered Neighborhood | South Park |
Major Streets & Routes | Arterial or Collector |
Pima County Data | Assessor, Recorder, Treasurer, ... |
Parcel Map | Map |
Addresses |
Annexations & Original City Zoning (OCZ)
Date - 03/12/2025 5:13 p.m.
Total Number Of OZC Plans - (1)
Plan | Description | Annexation Ordinance | Effective Date | OCZ Ordinance |
1/4 Mile Each Direction (N, E, S, W) | 202 | 08/17/1905 | None |
Parcel Number - 12416017A
Date - 03/12/2025 5:13 p.m.
Total Number Of Permits - (17)
Permit | Permit Status | Entered Date | Expired Date | Unit | Type | Description |
TR-ROW-0224-00132 | Complete | 02/06/2024 | 04/20/2024 | Right-of-Way (ROW) | **Flagging/ Barricade only for RR crossing locations at 16th st & Toole, 17th st, 18th st, 19th st, 20th st, 22nd st and Silverlake Rd. Distance of permit request 5000 but LF of ROW impact does not reflect that ** Flagging operations only within the City right of way for off grade railroad work within the tracks only. | |
TR-UTL-0224-00246 | Void | 02/06/2024 | N/A | Right-of-Way (ROW) - Utility | Flagging operations for Railroad repairs off grade. Advance Warning signage and flagging operations only in the City right of way. No full closures. | |
T07BU02679 | Final | 12/28/2007 | 08/04/2008 | WALL/FEN | ENTRANCE MASONRY REPAIR: 12 LF OF 17' HIGH ENTRY WAY | |
T10BU01748 | Final | 11/23/2010 | 05/23/2011 | SPKLR | RELOCATE 3 FIRE SPRINKLER HEADS. | |
T10CM02562 | C of o | 09/15/2010 | 05/22/2011 | COMBO | TI: OFFICE | |
T10OT01972 | Final | 09/15/2010 | N/A | FLOODPLN | FLOODPLAIN USE PERMIT : TI for Tenant Improvement | |
T14OT01281 | Final | 10/08/2014 | 10/11/2015 | SIGN | 2-NON ILLUM WALL SIGNS | |
T16CM01721 | L of c | 03/07/2016 | 07/25/2017 | COMBO | TI: OFFICE | |
T16OT00305 | Final | 03/07/2016 | N/A | FLOODPLN | FUP- T16CM01721 | |
T17FC00015 | Final | 01/04/2017 | 07/17/2017 | FIRECONS | relocate 37 pendents and add 11 pendents | |
T18RW00791 | Final | 02/15/2018 | 03/25/2018 | ROW | Starting on the S/W corner of E. 22 ND St and S. Euclid Ave at TEP pole, Overlash to Existing going West for 200' then South for 41', riser down pole placing a 3x3x3 pot hole and Trench or Bore South for 135' placing another 3x3x3 pothole then West 5' to OUT OF ROW | |
T20RW00174 | Final | 01/13/2020 | 02/12/2020 | ROW | Setting up a flagging operation near the railroad crossing for the railroad. The railroad signals will be shut off during working hours and flaggers will be placed at the crossing to act as a signal when trains and machines travel through the crossings. Traffic control will be set up per the TA-13 from the MUTCD. | |
T21FC00545 | Final | 07/09/2021 | 03/09/2022 | FIRECONS | Add (4) sprinkler heads for new pre action system | |
T21FC00546 | Final | 07/09/2021 | 03/09/2022 | FIRECONS | Add (2) smoke detectors and (2) heat detectors w/ releasing panel and modules | |
T21FC00547 | Withdrwn | 07/12/2021 | N/A | FIRECONS | Add (2) smoke detectors and (2) heat detectors w/ releasing panel and modules | |
T21RW00487 | Final | 01/29/2021 | 04/05/2021 | ROW | Placement of barricades for work to be done at TEP pole at West of 602 E 22nd ST. |
Code Enforcement
Parcel Number - 12416017A
Date - 03/12/2025 5:13 p.m.
Total Number Of Code Cases - 6
Case Number | Case Status | Entered Date | Closed Date | Unit | Type | Description |
T08FR01254 | Field | 05/16/2008 | N/A | FIREINSP | sprinkler inspection, business inspection | |
T10FR02034 | Complete | 10/04/2010 | N/A | FIREINSP | Repair sprinkler deficiencies | |
T12DV07114 | Complian | 08/15/2012 | N/A | DNR_VIOL | Clean Cities Initiative Program | |
T13DV05004 | Referred | 07/15/2013 | N/A | DNR_VIOL | Trash, refuse and piles of old clothes in the alley to the east of address | |
T17DV05753 | Complian | 11/02/2017 | N/A | DNR_VIOL | Enviromental Services was trying to pick up reeycle conainers behind this property in rear and found homeless camp in this area | |
T19DV03584 | Complian | 05/02/2019 | N/A | DNR_VIOL | T.P.D. ON SITE WITH HOMELESS CAMPS, 1905020166 |