Microfiche records prior to 2006 have not been completely digitized and may not be available yet on PRO. If you can not find what you are looking for please submit a records request.

Parcel Search

Parcel Attributes
City of Tucson ZoningNR-2
Tucson WardWard 6
Tucson Registered NeighborhoodRincon Heights
National Register Historic District

Rincon Heights Historic District

Structure on National Register of Historic Places


Pima County Data Assessor, Recorder, Treasurer, ...
Parcel Map Map

Annexations & Original City Zoning (OCZ)

Date - 02/24/2025 11:47 p.m.
Total Number Of OZC Plans - (1)
Plan Description Annexation Ordinance Effective Date OCZ Ordinance
3/4 Mile East To Campbell Avenue 486 06/14/1919 None


Parcel Number - 124060780
Date - 02/24/2025 11:47 p.m.
Total Number Of Permits - (1)
Permit Permit Status Entered Date Expired Date Unit Type Description
T22RW00365 Final 02/03/2022 04/26/2022 ROW N.935714- Transfer main cables, pole mount terminals, aerial drops; Remove pole steps; Remove and install 2 pole terminals. Trench in 20ft of bsw to new pole, 2pr splice. Remove: 1 down guy, 1 anchor; Install cable tags, ground cable assemblies, 2 cable grounds, 1 pole tag, 1 down guy, 1 anchor, 1 guy guard,1 cross arm. ** PROOF OF NOTIFICATION IS REQUIRED AT THE TIME OF THE PRECONSTRUCTION MEETING. Alley must be restored to existing or better condition. Alley surface must be graded and compacted to City Standards and Specifications for Public Improvements and existing drainage patterns must be restored and maintained. Any disturbed gravel must be replaced. WORK IS BEHIND 1146 E 7TH ST - ADDRESS ON PERMIT IS FOR PERMITTING PURPOSES ONLY ADDRESS ON APPLICATION - 1122-1146 E 7th St¦332 N FREMONT AVE 1. INGRESS/ EGRESS FOR BUSINESS AND RESIDENTIAL ACCESS SHALL BE MAINTAINED. FIELD ADJUSTMENTS MAY BE REQUIRED. 2. ALL AERIAL WORK MUST BE A MINIMUM OF 16-FT HIGH. AND MUST BE A MINIMUM OF 18-FT HIGH WHEN CROSSING INTERSECTIONS, PAVEMENT AND ALLEYS. 3. REPAIR ALL LANDSCAPING DISTURBED. THIS INCLUDES IRRIGATION, PLANTINGS, GROUNDCOVER, AND HARDSCAPE. 4. GOOD HOUSEKEEPING MEASURES SHALL BE PRACTICED DURING WORK AND CONSTRUCTION. 5. MAINTAIN PEDESTRIAN ACCESS 6. IN THE EVENT THAT WEEKEND OR AFTER-HOURS WORK IS INTENDED, CONTACT COT INSPECTION STAFF. IF WEEKEND WORK, MAKE CONTACT 48 HOURS PRIOR TO THE WEEKEND. DAN ROBERTSON- 520-400-6722 OR TOM ADKINS- 520-400-3813

Code Enforcement

Parcel Number - 124060780
Date - 02/24/2025 11:47 p.m.
Total Number Of Code Cases - 1
Case Number Case Status Entered Date Closed Date Unit Type Description
CE-VIO1122-00519 Closed - unfounded 11/17/2022 12/20/2022 Code Enforcement Case RMIN / Construction waste moved from previous complaint now scattered in alley


Parcel Number - 124060780
Date - 02/24/2025 11:47 p.m.
Total Number Of Plans - 153
Plan Number Plan Status Application Date Expired Date Unit Type Description
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A BLDG 0 UNIT 1 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A BLDG 0 UNIT 2 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A BLDG 1 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A BLDG 1 UNIT 1101 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A BLDG 1 UNIT 1102 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A BLDG 1 UNIT 1103 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A BLDG 1 UNIT 1104 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A BLDG 2 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A BLDG 2 UNIT 2101 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A BLDG 2 UNIT 2102 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A BLDG 3 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A BLDG 3 UNIT 3101 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A BLDG 3 UNIT 3102 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A BLDG 4 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A BLDG 4 UNIT 4101 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A BLDG 4 UNIT 4102 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A BLDG 5 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A BLDG 5 UNIT 5101 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A BLDG 5 UNIT 5102 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A BLDG A Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A BLDG A UNIT 1 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A BLDG A UNIT 10 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A BLDG A UNIT 11 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A BLDG A UNIT 12 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A BLDG A UNIT 13 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A BLDG A UNIT 14 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A BLDG A UNIT 15 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A BLDG A UNIT 16 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A BLDG A UNIT 17 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A BLDG A UNIT 18 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A BLDG A UNIT 2 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A BLDG A UNIT 3 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A BLDG A UNIT 4 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A BLDG A UNIT 5 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A BLDG A UNIT 6 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A BLDG A UNIT 7 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A BLDG A UNIT 8 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A BLDG A UNIT 9 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A BLDG B Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A BLDG B UNIT 1 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A BLDG B UNIT 10 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A BLDG B UNIT 11 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A BLDG B UNIT 12 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A BLDG B UNIT 13 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A BLDG B UNIT 14 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A BLDG B UNIT 15 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A BLDG B UNIT 16 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A BLDG B UNIT 17 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A BLDG B UNIT 18 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A BLDG B UNIT 19 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A BLDG B UNIT 2 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A BLDG B UNIT 20 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A BLDG B UNIT 21 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A BLDG B UNIT 3 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A BLDG B UNIT 4 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A BLDG B UNIT 5 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A BLDG B UNIT 6 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A BLDG B UNIT 7 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A BLDG B UNIT 8 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A BLDG B UNIT 9 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A BLDG C Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A BLDG C UNIT 1 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A BLDG C UNIT 10 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A BLDG C UNIT 11 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A BLDG C UNIT 12 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A BLDG C UNIT 13 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A BLDG C UNIT 14 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A BLDG C UNIT 15 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A BLDG C UNIT 16 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A BLDG C UNIT 17 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A BLDG C UNIT 18 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A BLDG C UNIT 19 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A BLDG C UNIT 2 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A BLDG C UNIT 20 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A BLDG C UNIT 21 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A BLDG C UNIT 3 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A BLDG C UNIT 4 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A BLDG C UNIT 5 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A BLDG C UNIT 6 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A BLDG C UNIT 7 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A BLDG C UNIT 8 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A BLDG C UNIT 9 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A BLDG D Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A BLDG D UNIT 1 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A BLDG D UNIT 10 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A BLDG D UNIT 11 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A BLDG D UNIT 12 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A BLDG D UNIT 2 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A BLDG D UNIT 3 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A BLDG D UNIT 4 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A BLDG D UNIT 5 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A BLDG D UNIT 6 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A BLDG D UNIT 7 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A BLDG D UNIT 8 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A BLDG D UNIT 9 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A UNIT 1 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A UNIT 10 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A UNIT 101 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A UNIT 102 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A UNIT 103 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A UNIT 104 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A UNIT 105 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A UNIT 106 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A UNIT 107 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A UNIT 108 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A UNIT 109 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A UNIT 11 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A UNIT 12 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A UNIT 13 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A UNIT 14 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A UNIT 15 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A UNIT 16 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A UNIT 17 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A UNIT 18 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A UNIT 19 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A UNIT 1M Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A UNIT 2 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A UNIT 20 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A UNIT 21 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A UNIT 22 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A UNIT 23 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A UNIT 24 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A UNIT 25 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A UNIT 26 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A UNIT 27 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A UNIT 28 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A UNIT 29 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A UNIT 3 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A UNIT 30 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A UNIT 31 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A UNIT 32 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A UNIT 33 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A UNIT 34 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A UNIT 35 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A UNIT 36 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A UNIT 37 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A UNIT 38 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A UNIT 39 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A UNIT 4 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A UNIT 40 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A UNIT 41 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A UNIT 5 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A UNIT 6 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A UNIT 7 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A UNIT 8 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A UNIT 9 Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A UNIT A Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A UNIT B Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A UNIT C Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A UNIT D Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A UNIT E Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)
TP-ENT-0124-00004 Effectuated 01/23/2024 N/A UNIT F Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Rincon Heights / Pie Allen Neighborhood Preservation Zone (NPZ)