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Parcel Search: 11713061N
Parcel Search
Parcel Attributes
Parcel | 11713061N |
Jurisdiction | Tucson |
City of Tucson Zoning | C-3, R-2 |
Water Course | Washes |
Tucson Ward | Ward 1 |
Tucson Downtown Incentive Zone | Downtown Infill Incentive District, Downtown Core |
Rio Nuevo Multipurpose Facilities District | Yes |
Tucson Registered Neighborhood | Downtown |
Redevelopment | Downtown Redevelopment District |
Pima County Data | Assessor, Recorder, Treasurer, ... |
Parcel Map | Map |
Special Development Requests & Requirements
Date - 02/12/2025 3:57 a.m.
Total Number Of Special Development Permits - (1)
Activity Number | Status | Apply Date | Expired Date | Type | Description |
T15SA00071 | Plan ck | N/A |
Parcel Number - 11713061N
Date - 02/12/2025 3:57 a.m.
Total Number Of Permits - (28)
Permit | Permit Status | Entered Date | Expired Date | Unit | Type | Description |
DP15-0016 | Fees due | 02/03/2015 | N/A | Development Package | SITE/GRADING/SWPPP FOR NEW ADMIN BUILDING | |
T05BU02896 | Closed | 12/07/2005 | 06/11/2006 | TENTS | TENT:GEM SHOW | |
T05EL02426 | Closed | 12/07/2005 | 06/27/2006 | ELECT | ELECTRIC FOR TEMP TENT | |
T06BU00095 | Closed | 01/17/2006 | 07/16/2006 | TANKS | INST TEMP PROPANE TANKS | |
T06BU02300 | Final | 09/19/2006 | 08/04/2007 | TENTS | GEN SHOW TENT | |
T06CM05854 | Closed | 11/14/2006 | 01/13/2008 | COMBO | ELECTRIC SWITCH GEAR FOR TENT | |
T06EL01882 | Withdrwn | 09/19/2006 | N/A | ELECT | ELECTRIC FOR TENT (GEM SHOW) | |
T06EL01903 | Withdrwn | 09/21/2006 | N/A | ELECT | ELECTRIC FOR GEM SHOW -( FOR TENT ) | |
T06EL02418 | Closed | 12/28/2006 | 07/23/2007 | ELECT | ELECTRIC FOR TEMP TENT FOR GEM SHOW | |
T07BU00138 | Final | 01/22/2007 | 07/31/2007 | TANKS | TANKS:TEMP FOR GEM SHOW | |
T07BU01763 | Final | 08/21/2007 | 08/06/2008 | TENTS | GEM SHOW TENT | |
T07EL01556 | Closed | 08/21/2007 | 07/01/2008 | ELECT | ELECTRIC FOR TEMP TENT FOR GEM SHOW | |
T08BU01629 | Closed | 09/09/2008 | 05/05/2009 | TENTS | TEMP TENT FOR GEM SHOW (3 SEPARATE TENTS) | |
T08EL01737 | Withdrwn | 09/09/2008 | 04/20/2009 | ELECT | ELECTRIC FOR TEMP TENT FOR GEM SHOW | |
T09BU01297 | Final | 08/31/2009 | 08/22/2010 | TENTS | GEM SHOW TENT | |
T09BU01552 | Expired | 10/16/2009 | 10/27/2010 | GRADSWPP | GRADING:50CY CUT & 377CY FILL | |
T09EL02526 | Expired | 11/17/2009 | 07/27/2010 | ELECT | ELECTRICAL FOR GEM SHOW TENT T09BU01297 | |
T09OT02215 | Issued | 10/15/2009 | N/A | FLOODPLN | FLOODPLAIN USE PERMIT | |
T10BU01758 | Closed | 11/29/2010 | 08/13/2011 | TENTS | TEMP TENT FOR GEM SHOW | |
T10EL00582 | Final | 03/16/2010 | 03/26/2011 | ELECT | ELECTRIC: U/G CONDUIT - FOR GEM SHOW TENTS | |
T10EL02753 | Closed | 12/08/2010 | 07/27/2011 | ELECT | ELEC FOR GEM SHOW | |
T11BU01499 | Final | 11/14/2011 | 12/01/2013 | TENTS | TENT FOR GEM SHOW | |
T11EL02953 | Expired | 11/14/2011 | 05/21/2012 | ELECT | ELEC FOR GEM SHOW | |
T12BU01215 | Expired | 10/12/2012 | 08/27/2013 | TENTS | TEMP TENT FOR GEM SHOW | |
T13BU01027 | Expired | 09/10/2013 | 03/09/2014 | TENTS | TEMP TENT FOR GEM SHOW | |
T14BU00988 | Withdrwn | 09/04/2014 | 03/04/2015 | TENTS | TEMP TENT FOR GEM SHOW | |
T15TC00221 | Final | 01/23/2015 | N/A | BARRICAD | overnight safety | |
Code Enforcement
Parcel Number - 11713061N
Date - 02/12/2025 3:57 a.m.
Total Number Of Code Cases - 4
Case Number | Case Status | Entered Date | Closed Date | Unit | Type | Description |
T07FR00215 | Field | 01/29/2007 | N/A | FIREINSP | AST Inspection | |
T08DV04998 | Complian | 06/12/2008 | N/A | DNR_VIOL | TDOT REFERRAL: PRIVATE WASH OVERGROWN | |
T12DV07942 | Complian | 08/31/2012 | N/A | DNR_VIOL | NE corner of property has weeds, standing water, and mosquitoes are abundant. Mosquito complaint has already been referred to West Nile Virus Hotline. |
Parcel Number - 11713061N
Date - 02/12/2025 3:57 a.m.
Total Number Of Plans - 1
Plan Number | Plan Status | Application Date | Expired Date | Unit | Type | Description |
T13PI00013 | Closed | 08/22/2013 | 02/10/2021 | OTHER | GRANADA AVE/CUSHING STREET BOX CULVERT Offsite Improvement plans for the installation, back-filling, grading from property line to property line, and all clean-up necessary to install those improvements as shown on City of Tucson approved plan D-2013-001, Addendum Arch Culvert Plan and Details sealed by Allan Sacra, Sacra Engineering, dated 2/03/17, and Resolution No. 22543. Construction inspection will be performed by the City of Tucson Department of Transportation in accordance with City of Tucson Standards and Specifications. Any required special inspection shall be performed by the developer's engineer of record. The developer/contractor shall be responsible for the backfill of all wet and dry utility trenches per Pima County/City of Tucson Standards and Specifications for Public Improvements. Compaction and material testing reports and construction surveillance notes pertaining to the backfilling of the utility trenches must be submitted to the City of Tucson Department of Transportation, Permits and Codes Section, for review prior to start of construction. Note: PIA contract remains unsigned, issuing on good faith that signatures will be obtained shortly. |