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Parcel Search


Special Development Requests & Requirements

Date - 03/14/2025 11:32 p.m.
Total Number Of Special Development Permits - (1)
Activity Number Status Apply Date Expired Date Type Description
T21SA00488 Complete N/A Zoning Compliance Letter


Parcel Number - 11619175B
Date - 03/14/2025 11:32 p.m.
Total Number Of Permits - (42)
Permit Permit Status Entered Date Expired Date Unit Type Description
TC-CFO-0124-00004 Issued 01/05/2024 03/10/2024 BLDG 3 Certificate of Occupancy Interior renovation with exterior guardrail and egress work - new sprinkler and life-safety systems
TF-FCP-0223-00373 Complete 02/07/2023 12/02/2023 BLDG 1 Fire Construction Permit EXPEDITE-New fire sprinkler system for hotel to apartment conversion.
TC-CFO-0324-00060 Issued 03/06/2024 07/11/2024 BLDG 4 Certificate of Occupancy Interior renovation with exterior guardrail and egress work - new sprinkler and life-safety systems
TC-DMO-0323-00069 Issued 03/14/2023 02/25/2024 Demolition Permit Interior Demolition
TF-FCP-0323-00476 Complete 03/15/2023 04/12/2024 Bldg 2 Fire Construction Permit EXPEDITE-New fire sprinkler system for existing building
TC-COM-0323-00884 Void 03/25/2023 09/21/2023 BLDG 1 Commercial Building VOIDED NEED TO SUBMIT TO AN EXISTING BUILDING PERMIT Temporary Electrical to energy east side units of building, supplement to activity T22CM03719
DP22-0091 Complete 04/08/2022 02/07/2028 Development Package Revision #2 *Revision #1 (fire hydrant/access) started 8/8/24* Site/Grading - City Center Development, Hotel Tucson City Center. Redevelop existing hotel into mult
TF-FCP-0423-00579 Complete 04/11/2023 12/31/2024 Fire Construction Permit New fire sprinkler monitoring system (multiple buildings 1-7)
TF-FCP-0423-00579 Complete 04/11/2023 12/31/2024 BLDG 1 Fire Construction Permit New fire sprinkler monitoring system (multiple buildings 1-7)
TF-FCP-0423-00579 Complete 04/11/2023 12/31/2024 BLDG 2 Fire Construction Permit New fire sprinkler monitoring system (multiple buildings 1-7)
TF-FCP-0423-00579 Complete 04/11/2023 12/31/2024 BLDG 3 Fire Construction Permit New fire sprinkler monitoring system (multiple buildings 1-7)
TF-FCP-0423-00579 Complete 04/11/2023 12/31/2024 BLDG 4 Fire Construction Permit New fire sprinkler monitoring system (multiple buildings 1-7)
TF-FCP-0423-00579 Complete 04/11/2023 12/31/2024 BLDG 5 Fire Construction Permit New fire sprinkler monitoring system (multiple buildings 1-7)
TF-FCP-0423-00579 Complete 04/11/2023 12/31/2024 BLDG 6 Fire Construction Permit New fire sprinkler monitoring system (multiple buildings 1-7)
TF-FCP-0423-00579 Complete 04/11/2023 12/31/2024 BLDG 7 Fire Construction Permit New fire sprinkler monitoring system (multiple buildings 1-7)
TF-FCP-0423-00586 Complete 04/11/2023 05/09/2024 BLDG 3 Fire Construction Permit EXPEDITE-New fire sprinkler system in existing structure.
TC-CFO-0524-00096 Issued 05/03/2024 07/11/2024 BLDG 4 Certificate of Occupancy Interior renovation with exterior guardrail and egress work - new sprinkler and life-safety systems
TS-PRM-0523-00298 Issued 05/08/2023 12/28/2024 Sign - Permanent Install a new illuminated freestanding sign at 12' tall and 46.98 square feet that identifies Presidio Palms and located in the exact same location as the existing Hotel Tucson freestanding sign along the Granada Avenue frontage.
DP16-0083 Issued 05/12/2016 11/13/2016 Development Package SITE
TC-COM-1222-00222 Withdrawn 05/16/2022 N/A Commercial Building New South Utility Building
TF-FCP-0523-00709 Void 05/23/2023 N/A BLDG 1 Fire Construction Permit VOID-Submit under Permit#TF-FCP-0223-00373-New fire sprinkler system for existing building.
TC-CFO-0524-00116 Inspections complete 05/25/2024 09/30/2024 BLDG 5 Certificate of Occupancy Interior renovation with exterior guardrail and egress work - new sprinkler and life-safety systems
TF-FCP-0623-00747 Void 06/09/2023 N/A Fire Construction Permit VOID-SUBMIT UNDER PREVIOUS SPRINKLER PERMTIS FOR EACH BUILDING-New underground fire line foe buildings 1-5.
TF-FCP-0623-00764 Complete 06/15/2023 04/05/2024 BLDG 5 Fire Construction Permit EXPEDITE-New fire sprinkler system and underground fire line for existing building.
TC-CFO-0624-00131 Inspections complete 06/21/2024 01/25/2025 BLDG 6 Certificate of Occupancy Interior renovation with exterior guardrail and egress work - new sprinkler and life-safety systems
TC-CFO-0724-00142 Complete 07/12/2024 N/A BLDG 7 Certificate of Occupancy TCO Under TC-CFO-0824-00162 Building and Fire Ok for TCO level 4 Bldg #7 units 7401, 7402, 7403, 7404, 7405, 7406 only. Per Juan ok for TCO Interior renovation with exterior guardrail and egress work - new sprinkler and life-safety systems Fourth floor only units 7401- 7412
DS22-15 In review 08/05/2022 N/A Zoning Compliance City Center Development, TSMR - City Center - TSMR, Section 7-01.4.1.B A. Walkway / sidewalk.
TF-FCP-1023-01182 Complete 10/05/2023 05/07/2024 BLDG 1 Fire Construction Permit relocating 18 heads and adding 5 heads
TC-CFO-1023-00207 Issued 10/30/2023 12/29/2023 BLDG 2 Certificate of Occupancy Interior renovation with exterior guardrail and egress work - new sprinkler and life-safety systems
T17FO01021 Final 12/06/2017 04/16/2019 FIREOPER DOWNTOWN "R" - OCC LOAD 147 BANQUET ROOM - OCC LOAD 172
T18FO00032 Final 01/08/2018 07/24/2018 FIREOPER GEM SHOW - 7 TENTS 1 EA: 15X55/20X80/30X30/30X35/40X150 & (2) 20X60 *** 1/23/2018 - TWO TENTS ADDED BY APPLICANT via PHONE *** SET UP - 1-17-2018 TEAR DOWN - 2-16-2018 CONTACT: JIM PERONA 312-0446
T18FO00074 Final 01/19/2018 01/19/2019 FIREOPER Special Event - one Tent 40x80 Set-up: 01/22/2018 Onsite Contact: Rodrigo 302-1341
T18FO00086 Final 01/22/2018 04/26/2019 FIREOPER GEM SHOW - Exhibit & Tradeshow
T18FO00327 Final 04/24/2018 05/02/2019 FIREOPER TUCSON CACTUS & SUCCULENT - APRIL 26-30, 2018 1 TENT SET-UP : APRIL 26 ONSITE CONTACT: RODRIGO 302-1341
T22CM03719 Plan ck 05/16/2022 N/A COMBO Interior renovation with exterior guardrail and egress work - new sprinkler and life-safety systems - 213 dwelling units - multi family use group R-2 project in what was the old Radisson on Granada and St. Mary's
T22CM03720 Plan ck 05/16/2022 N/A COMBO Interior renovation with exterior guardrail and egress work - new sprinkler and life-safety systems - 213 dwelling units - multi family use group R-2 project in what was the old Radisson on Granada and St. Mary's
T22CM03721 Plan ck 05/16/2022 N/A COMBO Interior renovation with exterior guardrail and egress work - new sprinkler and life-safety systems - 213 dwelling units - multi family use group R-2 project in what was the old Radisson on Granada and St. Mary's
T22CM03722 Plan ck 05/16/2022 N/A COMBO Interior renovation with exterior guardrail and egress work - new sprinkler and life-safety systems - 213 dwelling units - multi family use group R-2 project in what was the old Radisson on Granada and St. Mary's
T22CM03723 Plan ck 05/16/2022 N/A COMBO Interior renovation with exterior guardrail and egress work - new sprinkler and life-safety systems - 213 dwelling units - multi family use group R-2 project in what was the old Radisson on Granada and St. Mary's
T22CM03724 Plan ck 05/16/2022 N/A COMBO Interior renovation with exterior guardrail and egress work - new sprinkler and life-safety systems - 213 dwelling units - multi family use group R-2 project in what was the old Radisson on Granada and St. Mary's
T22CM03725 Plan ck 05/16/2022 N/A COMBO Interior renovation with exterior guardrail and egress work - new sprinkler and life-safety systems - 213 dwelling units - multi family use group R-2 project in what was the old Radisson on Granada and St. Mary's

Code Enforcement

Parcel Number - 11619175B
Date - 03/14/2025 11:32 p.m.
Total Number Of Code Cases - 2
Case Number Case Status Entered Date Closed Date Unit Type Description
CE-VIO0223-02019 Closed - resolved 02/21/2023 02/21/2023 Code Enforcement Case REFS / Hotel Tucson replaced their old chain link fence along Franklin St west of Granada Av with a wrought iron fence. When this was done back in January parts of the chain link fence and other derbies were left covering the sidewalk on the north-side of Franklin causing a walking hazard.
T19DV00058 Referred 01/04/2019 N/A DNR_VIOL Flooded Parking Lot Due to New Construction


Parcel Number - 11619175B
Date - 03/14/2025 11:32 p.m.
Total Number Of Plans - 8
Plan Number Plan Status Application Date Expired Date Unit Type Description
C9-21-11 Effectuated 06/09/2021 N/A Map/Use Changes - Entitlements Sterling Real Estate - Adaptive reuse of existing 279-room hotel by converting existing hotel buildings into 210 multi-family residential ("MFR") units, constructing several new buildings to accomodate an additional 154 MFR units (for a total of 364 MFR units) and improving the parking and landscarpe areas to provide more vegetation.
CWH-22-0091 Active 04/08/2022 04/08/2023 Basin Site/Grading - City Center Development, Hotel Tucson City Center. Redevelop existing hotel into mult
TE-BAS-0723-00118 In review 07/31/2023 N/A Basin Site/Grading - City Center Development, Hotel Tucson City Center. Redevelop existing hotel into mult
TE-BAS-0723-00123 In review 07/31/2023 N/A Basin Site/Grading - City Center Development, Hotel Tucson City Center. Redevelop existing hotel into mult
TE-BAS-0923-00170 Approved 09/03/2023 N/A Basin Site/Grading - City Center Development, Hotel Tucson City Center. Redevelop existing hotel into mult
T21PRE0078 Plan ck 03/30/2021 N/A NEIGHBORHOOD NOTIFICATION Project involves the adaptive reuse of an existing hotel into 210 multi-family residential units. An additional 154 multi-family units will be incorporated into the Project with new buildings. Residential uses are permitted under the existing C-2 zone; however, they are not allowed under I-1. Therefore, a Rezoning of the entire project to C-2 is requested.
T21PRE0081 Closed 04/01/2021 N/A NEIGHBORHOOD NOTIFICATION Site/Grading: City Center. Convert hotel to multi-family, 5 new buildings.