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Parcel Search: 11451228C
Parcel Search
Parcel Attributes
Parcel | 11451228C |
Jurisdiction | Tucson |
City of Tucson Zoning | SR |
Water Course | Washes |
Tucson Ward | Ward 2 |
Flood Related Information | FEMA Floodplain Area |
Tucson Registered Neighborhood | Bear Canyon |
Pima County Data | Assessor, Recorder, Treasurer, ... |
Parcel Map | Map |
Address |
Annexations & Original City Zoning (OCZ)
Date - 02/05/2025 10:50 a.m.
Total Number Of OZC Plans - (1)
Parcel Number - 11451228C
Date - 02/05/2025 10:50 a.m.
Total Number Of Permits - (2)
Permit | Permit Status | Entered Date | Expired Date | Unit | Type | Description |
TC-RES-0225-00632 | Submitted - online | 02/03/2025 | N/A | UNIT 3 | Residential Building - One or Two Family | Main Electric Service Panel Upgrade from 60A. To 100A. |
TD-DEV-0823-00363 | Fees due | 08/17/2023 | 08/16/2024 | Development Package | TENTATIVE PLAT for 22 lot subdivision |
Code Enforcement
Parcel Number - 11451228C
Date - 02/05/2025 10:50 a.m.
Total Number Of Code Cases - 7
Case Number | Case Status | Entered Date | Closed Date | Unit | Type | Description |
T22DV02557 | Closed - resolved | 04/20/2022 | 05/24/2023 | UNIT 3 | Code Enforcement Case | Addressing violation: several buildings unmarked on property, creating a hazard for emergency personnel. |
T16DV00136 | Complian | 01/12/2016 | N/A | DNR_VIOL | TRASH DUMPED ON THE VACANT | |
T19DV02350 | Noverify | 03/28/2019 | N/A | DNR_VIOL | several structures put up without permits. People may be living in rv on site without permits . **REPORT ADDNL INFO** 6/27/19 NC renting out property to mobile homes, RVs and trailer - they emply sewage from them and walk over to a clean-up trap doing by hand. Also running extension cords | |
T19DV07178 | Void | 09/11/2019 | N/A | #05 | DNR_VIOL | when to many devices are on at a time causes electrical short blowing fuses, gas is off due to a leak holes in closet and cieling **update 9/17/19 - Tenant calle to advise Landlord is correcting issue/cancel complaint. pmc |
T20DV01125 | Complian | 02/18/2020 | N/A | DNR_VIOL | mutliple motorhomes on property and property not zoned for it ADDED 03/16/2020 - TRAILERS STILL ON PROPERTY AT BOTTOM OF HILL - CASE STILL ACTIVE AND BEING WORKED BY INSPECTOR | |
T20DV01789 | Referred | 03/12/2020 | N/A | #03 | DNR_VIOL | sewer bubbling up west side of the house in garden area |
T20DV01790 | Void | 03/12/2020 | N/A | DNR_VIOL | sewer is backup bumbling out of thre ground |
Parcel Number - 11451228C
Date - 02/05/2025 10:50 a.m.
Total Number Of Plans - 15
Plan Number | Plan Status | Application Date | Expired Date | Unit | Type | Description |
T22PRE0092 | In review | 04/27/2022 | N/A | Pre-Application | RezoningPre Sub Meeting, May 11, 2022 @ 9:00am - Residential | |
T22PRE0135 | In review | 06/16/2022 | N/A | Pre-Application | Rezoning Pre Submittal Meeting June 29, 2022 @ 9:30am - Residential | |
TE-BAS-0124-00005 | In review | 01/26/2024 | N/A | Basin | TENTATIVE PLAT for 22 lot subdivision | |
TE-BAS-0124-00006 | In review | 01/26/2024 | N/A | Basin | TENTATIVE PLAT for 22 lot subdivision | |
TE-BAS-0124-00007 | In review | 01/26/2024 | N/A | Basin | TENTATIVE PLAT for 22 lot subdivision | |
TE-BAS-0124-00008 | In review | 01/26/2024 | N/A | Basin | TENTATIVE PLAT for 22 lot subdivision | |
TE-BAS-0124-00009 | In review | 01/26/2024 | N/A | Basin | TENTATIVE PLAT for 22 lot subdivision | |
TE-BAS-0124-00010 | In review | 01/26/2024 | N/A | Basin | TENTATIVE PLAT for 22 lot subdivision | |
TE-BAS-0124-00011 | In review | 01/26/2024 | N/A | Basin | TENTATIVE PLAT for 22 lot subdivision | |
TP-PRE-0524-00131 | In review | 05/30/2024 | N/A | Pre-Application | Proposed rezoning to RX-1 | |
TP-PRE-0623-00231 | Complete | 06/08/2023 | N/A | Pre-Application | want to process an FLD in an SR zone | |
TP-PRE-1122-00008 | Void | 11/02/2022 | N/A | Pre-Application | Rezoning and Plan Amendment | |
TP-PRE-1122-00016 | Complete | 11/07/2022 | N/A | Pre-Application | pre plan amendment label request (pre-app held 5/22) | |
T21PRE0132 | Applied | 06/15/2021 | N/A | NEIGHBORHOOD NOTIFICATION | Residential | |
T22PRE0113 | Closed | 05/23/2022 | N/A | NEIGHBORHOOD NOTIFICATION | Site: Multi-family residential. (Rezoning T22PRE0092) |