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Parcel Search

Parcel Attributes
City of Tucson ZoningC-1
Tucson WardWard 3
Pima County Data Assessor, Recorder, Treasurer, ...
Parcel Map Map

Annexations & Original City Zoning (OCZ)

Date - 03/14/2025 5:44 a.m.
Total Number Of OZC Plans - (1)
Plan Description Annexation Ordinance Effective Date OCZ Ordinance
C9-71-31 Northside 3620 04/07/1971 3670

Rezoning Cases

Date - 03/14/2025 5:44 a.m.
Total Number Of Rezone Cases - (1)
Case No. Description New Zone Status Status Date Address
C9-71-90 Northside District - Fort Lowell Road R-2 Effectuated 10/13/2011 E FORT LOWELL


Parcel Number - 11003596A
Date - 03/14/2025 5:44 a.m.
Total Number Of Permits - (4)
Permit Permit Status Entered Date Expired Date Unit Type Description
T15EX03271 Expired 11/10/2015 01/12/2016 EXCAV Place two handholes, one on public r/w and the other on private property. Pl 12' of 1-4" conduit and fiber to customer at 3945 E Fort Lowell Rd. WORK ORDER # N.011640
T15TC02568 Final 11/10/2015 N/A BARRICAD Place two handholes, one on public r/w and the other on private property. Pl 12' of 1-4" conduit and fiber to customer at 3945 E Fort Lowell Rd. WORK ORDER # N.011640
T18RW00957 Final 02/26/2018 05/11/2018 ROW Starting on the S/W corner of E. Fort Lowell Rd and N. Alvernon Way overlash 135' going east continuing North for 605' then East 305' riser down pole and pull through existing pipe going South 15' to OUT OF ROW. Also, conintuing from the SE corner of E Farr and N Alvernon at TEP pole, overlash going NW to out of ROW. 03/21/2018-PLAN CHANGE NEW: Starting on the S/W corner of E. Fort Lowell Rd and N. Alvernon Way Overlash 135' going east continuing North for 605' then East 305' riser down pole and pull through existing pipe going South 15' to OUT OF ROW Continuing job from the N/W corner of E. Farr and N. Alvernon Way at Cox existing Power supply Trench / Bore West 3' setting new pad, continue Trench 3' west placing a 3x3x3 pot hole for new Vault then South 3' continue trench/bore East 20' then N/E 36' then North 113' Continue trench /Bore East 90' to TEP pole, Riser up pole Tie In
T18RW02413 Final 05/29/2018 07/04/2017 ROW Starting on the S/W corner of E. Fort Lowell Rd and N. Alvernon Way Overlash 135' going east continuing North for 605' then East 305' riser down pole and pull through existing pipe going South 15' to OUT OF ROW. Also continuing from the S/E corner of E. Farr and N. Alvernon Way at TEP pole Overlash going N/W To Out of ROW EXISTING EXPIRED PERMIT # T18RW00957

Code Enforcement

Parcel Number - 11003596A
Date - 03/14/2025 5:44 a.m.
Total Number Of Code Cases - 3
Case Number Case Status Entered Date Closed Date Unit Type Description
CE-VIO0624-02195 Closed - resolved 06/07/2024 07/31/2024 Code Enforcement Case PMMULT - Easement of north side of address, north of wall on north side of office complex), dead vegetation, trees, excessive weeds, etc
T20DV05571 Complian 08/13/2020 N/A DNR_VIOL Grass and weeds and dumping in easement north of building