Microfiche records prior to 2006 have not been completely digitized and may not be available yet on PRO. If you can not find what you are looking for please submit a records request.

Parcel Search

Parcel Attributes
City of Tucson ZoningC-1, C-2
Water Course


Tucson WardWard 3
Major Streets & Routes

Arterial or Collector


Scenic Route


Intersection Buffer

Pima County Data Assessor, Recorder, Treasurer, ...
Parcel Map Map

Annexations & Original City Zoning (OCZ)

Date - 03/04/2025 2:59 p.m.
Total Number Of OZC Plans - (2)
Plan Description Annexation Ordinance Effective Date OCZ Ordinance
C9-82-48 Oracle Rd. - Wetmore Rd. II 5646 09/20/1982 5651
C9-86-48 Harding Ranch 6479 10/09/1986 6657

Rezoning Cases

Date - 03/04/2025 2:59 p.m.
Total Number Of Rezone Cases - (1)
Case No. Description New Zone Status Status Date Address
C9-87-43 Forest City - River Road B-1 Effectuated 02/02/2010 N STONE

Special Development Requests & Requirements

Date - 03/04/2025 2:59 p.m.
Total Number Of Special Development Permits - (1)
Activity Number Status Apply Date Expired Date Type Description
T15SA00003 Complete N/A


Parcel Number - 10509553A
Date - 03/04/2025 2:59 p.m.
Total Number Of Permits - (11)
Permit Permit Status Entered Date Expired Date Unit Type Description
TZ-CMP-0224-00022 Complete 02/14/2024 N/A Zoning Compliance What is the current zoning designation for the above-mentioned property? ­ Are there any pending rezoning applications, or updates to the Zoning Ordinance that may affect the Subject in the foreseeable future? • What are the immediate abutting zoning designations to the north, south, east, and west of this property? Is a copy of the zoning map for this area available? If so, please attach or provide a link to access. • Is the property located in any special, restrictive, or overlay district? • Is the property located in a Planned Unit Development (PUD)/Planned Area Development (PAD)? If so, can we please get a copy of the Development Plan and Ordinance, specifically the conditions of approval for parking, setbacks, height, use, and density? • Is the current use as Multi-Family permitted by right or was a use approval granted? If so, please provide a copy. • To your knowledge are there any legal nonconforming issues associated with the subject property? • Was this property granted any variances, special exceptions, special/conditional use permits, or zoning relief of any kind? If so, can we please get a copy of the approval(s)? If these are not available, would you briefly outline the conditions of the applicable document? o In the event of destruction, would a new use permit, variance, or special exception be required? o What is the threshold that would trigger a new Use Permit, Variances, or other approvals to be required? • To the best of your knowledge, do your records show any current open zoning code violations within the Subject’s files?
TF-FCP-0624-00457 Expired 06/13/2024 01/16/2025 Fire Construction Permit modify the existing wet sprinkler system
TC-COM-0824-01622 Issued 08/19/2024 06/25/2025 Commercial Building Site / Shell & Demolition - This project consists of site and building development to support an upcoming TI package on behalf of El Rio Health for Meridian Property Company, for the renovation of an existing 2 story, 91,578 sf building for an El Rio Health Clinic. It includes interior demolition, new mechanical, plumbing, and electrical equipment, and new roofing. The site components have been submitted under separate permit: TD-DEV-0824-00238.
TD-DEV-0824-00238 Issued 08/19/2024 08/19/2025 Development Package Restricted Access-This project consists of site development to support an upcoming TI package on behalf of El Rio Health for Meridian Property Company, for the renovation of the existing 2-story, 91,578sf building for an El Rio Health Clinic. It includes additional parking and landscaping and site utility coordination, as well as a new Pharmacy Drive-Thru. Refer to Planning Case #TC PRE-0424-00096
TC-DMO-0924-00212 Inspections 09/23/2024 03/22/2025 Demolition Permit Interior demolition in preparation for buildout.
TC-COM-1024-02030 Inspections 10/22/2024 08/11/2025 UNIT 120 Commercial Building Interior Fit Ups Unit 120 - This project consists of interior improvements on behalf of El Rio Health for Meridian Property Company, for the renovation of an existing 2 story, 91,758 sf building for an El Rio Health Clinic. The project includes clinic and exam spaces in addition to a pharmacy and pharmacy mail room. There will be two suites within the same building, suite 120 (overall building) and suite 180 (pharmacy mail room). The interior demolition scope and site components have been submitted under separate permit TC-COM-0824-01622 and TD-DEV-0824-00238. Addressing components have been approved under separate permit P24AD00654.
TC-COM-1024-02031 Issued 10/22/2024 07/06/2025 UNIT 180 Commercial Building Interior Fit Ups Unit 180 - This project consists of interior improvements on behalf of El Rio Health for Meridian Property Company, for the renovation of an existing 2 story, 91,758 sf building for an El Rio Health Clinic. The project includes clinic and exam spaces in addition to a pharmacy and pharmacy mail room. There will be two suites within the same building, suite 120 (overall building) and suite 180 (pharmacy mail room). The interior demolition scope and site components have been submitted under separate permit TC-COM-0824-01622 and TD-DEV-0824-00238. Addressing components have been approved under separate permit P24AD00654.
T00BU01447 Closed 05/10/2000 11/06/2000 TENTS TEMPORARY TENT FOR:PARTY
T00ME00748 Final 06/27/2000 12/24/2000 MECH PRESSURE VESSEL CERTIFICATE:TUC-23869
T99ME01040 Final 09/20/1999 02/28/2000 MECH PRESSURE VESSEL CERTIFICATE:TUC-20074
T99ME01292 Final 11/18/1999 05/08/2000 MECH PRESSURE VESSEL CERTIFICATE:TUC-23869,20073

Code Enforcement

Parcel Number - 10509553A
Date - 03/04/2025 2:59 p.m.
Total Number Of Code Cases - 2
Case Number Case Status Entered Date Closed Date Unit Type Description
CE-VIO1122-00158 Referred 11/02/2022 04/17/2023 Code Enforcement Case SWLK - Failure to respond to TDOT NOV for sidewalk repair
CE-VIO0524-01706 Closed - unfounded 05/07/2024 06/17/2024 Code Enforcement Case REFS / Mattresses and debris piled up along property.


Parcel Number - 10509553A
Date - 03/04/2025 2:59 p.m.
Total Number Of Plans - 1
Plan Number Plan Status Application Date Expired Date Unit Type Description
TP-PRE-0424-00096 Complete 04/16/2024 N/A Pre-Application See attached.