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Permit: T20CM07068

Parcel: 13633148C

Inspection Status: Approved

Inspection History: FIRE - FINAL

Permit Number - T20CM07068

Inspection Description - FIRE - FINAL

Inspection Status - Approved

Date Description Inspector Results Comments
08/30/2021 FIRE - FINAL Approved
08/09/2021 FIRE - FINAL Partial Approval OK to obtain TCO from the building department.

-Complete fire lane markings
-Provide Knox pad lock for back access gate.
08/06/2021 FIRE - FINAL Partial Approval Per M. Ross approved to obtain TCO
08/04/2021 FIRE - FINAL Partial Approval -Install "Riser Room" sign on riser door
-Provide Knox pad lock for back access gate
-Provide keys for access to building and riser room
-Provide copy of elevator inspection certificate

Completed test of all exit signs and emergency ligths.