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Permit: T20CM03401

Parcel: 14025008A

Inspection Status: Passed

Inspection History: COT - LCBU - Building Progress

Permit Number - T20CM03401

Inspection Description - COT - LCBU - Building Progress

Inspection Status - Passed

Date Description Inspector Results Comments
05/11/2022 COT - LCBU - Building Progress RCHANDLER Approved Entered by VVERA1 - AP. Top out of eight foot site wall sections.
04/29/2022 COT - LCBU - Building Progress TGAUSP Partial Approval Entered by VVERA1 - Partial for remaining 1st lift of the perimeter wall continuing at the north and west property lines (west of building 1 and 2), okay to grout progress areas
04/26/2022 COT - LCBU - Building Progress TGAUSP Partial Approval Entered by NGARCIA3 - - Partial for 1st lift of the perimeter wall at the north property line (behind building 4)
03/31/2022 COT - LCBU - Building Progress TGAUSP Not ready for Inspection Entered by NGARCIA3 - NR
10/25/2021 COT - LCBU - Building Progress DMUNIZ Partial Approval Entered by NGARCIA3 - Partial, construction meeting no inspection required.