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Permit: T20CM01184

Parcel: 13213075A


3250 S PARK AV

Inspection Status: Canceled

Inspection History: COT - LCPL - Sewer 

Permit Number - T20CM01184

Inspection Description - COT - LCPL - Sewer 

Inspection Status - Canceled

Date Description Inspector Results Comments
11/07/2022 COT - LCPL - Sewer  Canceled Inspection Canceled
03/13/2020 COT - LCPL - Sewer  TVALENCIA Partial Approval Entered by SFLORES2 - 1- Manhole base okay to stack.
03/12/2020 COT - LCPL - Sewer  TVALENCIA Partial Approval Entered by SFLORES2 - 1- Two 4 inch branch lines okay to cove, directional fittings provided.
03/10/2020 COT - LCPL - Sewer  ESTEVENS Partial Approval Entered by DMERANZ1 - From manhole number 2, 6" pipe going west approximately 77 feet. From manhole 2 to 3, 8" pipe going East. From manhole 2 to manhole one, 8" pipe is complete.
03/06/2020 COT - LCPL - Sewer  WGALLAG1 Cancelled Entered by DMERANZ1 -
03/04/2020 COT - LCPL - Sewer  TVALENCIA Partial Approval Entered by SFLORES2 - 1- 8 inch site sewer from Manhole #1 South up to 100 feet os okay to cover. 2- Note; Shall provide directional fittings for all lateral sewer lines from main.
03/02/2020 COT - LCPL - Sewer  TVALENCIA Partial Approval Entered by DMERANZ1 - 1- Site Sewer from Manhole #1 North 80 feet to end cap is okay to cover.
02/28/2020 COT - LCPL - Sewer  TVALENCIA Partial Approval Entered by DMERANZ1 - 1- Site Sewer from public man hole West to man hole #1 is okay to cover. 2-Air pressure test will be performed at a later date.
02/27/2020 COT - LCPL - Sewer  WGALLAGHER Partial Approval Entered by SFLORES2 - ok to backfill 8" line from "new manhole to manhole #1
02/26/2020 COT - LCPL - Sewer  TVALENCIA Partial Approval Entered by SFLORES2 - 1- 20 feet of site sewer from the Manhole Base East is okay only.
02/25/2020 COT - LCPL - Sewer  TVALENCIA Partial Approval Entered by DMERANZ1 - 1- Attended a pre construction meeting with the contractor in reference to Site Sewer execution of production. 2- Existing Public sewer has been exposed and okay for Man Hole Base.
11/04/2022 COT - LCPL - Sewer  Canceled Inspection Canceled