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Case: T17DV00628

Parcel: 12512080A



Inspection Status: Approved


Case Number - T17DV00628

Inspection Description - INSP - INITIAL CODE ENFORCMENT

Inspection Status - Approved

Date Description Inspector Results Comments
02/13/2017 INSP - INITIAL CODE ENFORCMENT Approved Received call from communication that T.P.D. on site with a vehicle in the building. Arrived and the vehcile left the site and a utility trailer was wedged in-between 2-columns on the walk way. The vehicle hit the store front window and knocked down 2-section from floor to ceiling. Approx. 12' long x 10' high. The window frames are on the ground with on section intact and the other damaged, The shatter glass is through out the store with some being on the mattresses. There is a wire mold with outlets that has been damaged and was able to find the electrical panel to remove the power to the window outlets. No one was in the store or not able to make contact with the manager or workers of the store. Did find a card with the phone number of the store manager and called and left a message. T.P.D. had already called Arcaiden Industries to have the opening secured. Did have a phone number to call security and was not able to make contact or leave a message due to the mail box was full. Does have one window pane cracked on one side of the panel and the exterior panel is secured. Did do the posting of Do Not Enter on the front door way with the N.O.V. to Vacate and was taped to the door. Took pictures and while finishing the board up, the manager did call and was on his way to look a the damage. Did let the manager know, that once the area is cleaned up and the area has been secured, that the store can open once it has been checked by an inspector. The doors were not damaged and able to open and close and away from the damage area. Will check in 30 days. RV.