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Permit: T14CM06042

Parcel: 117120860



Inspection Status: Approved

Inspection History: FIRE SPKLR - FINAL

Permit Number - T14CM06042

Inspection Description - FIRE SPKLR - FINAL

Inspection Status - Approved

Date Description Inspector Results Comments
05/01/2015 FIRE SPKLR - FINAL Approved
04/29/2015 FIRE SPKLR - FINAL Denied 1. Basement north side head to far off deck
2. Basement by stairwell head block by insulated piping
3. 1st floor northwest corner head blocked by duct work
4. 3rd floor north east corner extend head beyond truss (blocked)
5. 3rd floor stairwell (west side) check sprinkler head for tape or paint on it
6. 1st floor stairwell add sprinkler coverage
7. 3rd floor rear exit door cover opening above door or add sprinkler head combustible area.