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Permit: T09OT02540

Parcel: 13709007D


5404 S 12TH AV

Inspection Status: Approved

Inspection History: FIRE - FINAL

Permit Number - T09OT02540

Inspection Description - FIRE - FINAL

Inspection Status - Approved

Date Description Inspector Results Comments
07/18/2011 FIRE - FINAL Approved
12/04/2009 FIRE - FINAL Denied Not approved 12/4/09.
1.) Hood (canopy) needs to be inspected by mechanical. Make-up air is attached to system and is not wired to shut off upon activation of system.
2.) Canopy is not sealed. (galvanized steel)
3.) System is of the Dry Powder type. Conferming that TFD policy continues to allow this type system for operations.
4.) Need a "K" type portable fire extinghuisher in the kitchen area.
5.) Remove the slide-bolt from the rear exit door.