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Case: T09FR01977

Parcel: 11704217A



Inspection Status: Correction Required

Inspection History: VIOL - MEANS OF EGRESS

Case Number - T09FR01977

Inspection Description - VIOL - MEANS OF EGRESS

Inspection Status - Correction Required

Date Description Inspector Results Comments
06/17/2009 VIOL - MEANS OF EGRESS Correction Required IFC 1008.1.8 Door operations. Except as specifically permitted
by this section egress doors shall be readily openable from
the egress side without the use of a key or special knowledge
or effort.

_____1. Replace the missing door handle for the west egress door.
06/17/2009 VIOL - MEANS OF EGRESS Correction Required IFC 1008.1.8.3 Locks and latches. Locks and latches shall
be permitted to prevent operation of doors where any of
the following exists:
2.2. A readily visible durable sign is posted on
the egress side on or adjacent to the door
OCCUPIED. The sign shall be in letters 1
inch (25 mm) high on a contrasting background.

_____1. Post the wording "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN
OCCUPIED" above the west egress door and on the inside of the west security grill.
06/17/2009 VIOL - MEANS OF EGRESS Correction Required IFC 1008.1.3.5 Security grilles. In Groups B, F, M and S,
horizontal sliding or vertical security grilles are permitted
at the main exit and shall be openable from the inside
without the use of a key or special knowledge or effort
during periods that the space is occupied. The grilles
shall remain secured in the full-open position during the
period of occupancy by the general public. Where two or
more means of egress are required, not more than
one-half of the exits or exit access doorways shall be
equipped with horizontal sliding or vertical security

_____1. The west security grill shall be locked in the open position when the building is occupied.

(John E. Bieg, Fire Inspector, Tucson Fire Department)

I, ______________________ have received a copy of this inspection report. (Building Representative)


Re-inspection scheduled on or after _____/_____/_____
Call Inspector Bieg at 235-4785 or 791-4502, if you have any further questions.

All noted Tucson Fire Code violations have been corrected: _____/_____/_____

John E. Bieg