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Inspection History Details
Inspection Status: In Violation
Inspection History: COT - ENFC - Code Enforcement - Initial
Case Number - CE-VIO1222-01029
Inspection Description - COT - ENFC - Code Enforcement - Initial
Inspection Status - In Violation
Date | Description | Inspector | Results | Comments |
12/20/2022 | COT - ENFC - Code Enforcement - Initial | In Violation | Office called that T.F.D. and T.P.D. on site and Section 8 supervisor Fernando on site. Arrived and all the units have cleared. The Section 8 supervisor was also not on site. Did meet with the tenant and she showed the unit. The expansion tank busted on the water heater and was removed and the line was capped. T.F.D. used squeezes to remove the water from the ceramic tile floor as much as they could. T.P.D. was on site and assisted on the placement into a hotel. This happened yesterday evening and Code Enforcement was not called to the site at that time. Did meet with management due to the water was not on and they stated that the water was on. The maintenance man did go and check the valves and the valves have been turned on and 4-units have no water. All the other units have water at this time. 21103 has a hotel, 21204 will be staying with her parents, 21203 has been vacated, 21104 was not home and the management will be getting with the tenant for placement or check if staying somewhere else. No paperwork was done due to working on the issue and working on the placement. Will be check the site tomorrow. RV. |