Microfiche records prior to 2006 have not been completely digitized and may not be available yet on PRO. If you can not find what you are looking for please submit a records request.


Parcel Attributes
City of Tucson ZoningR-3, C-1, MH-1
Water Course


Tucson WardWard 3
Flood Related Information

Major Washes

Major Streets & Routes

Intersection Buffer


Scenic Route

Pima County Data Assessor, Recorder, Treasurer, ...
Parcel Map Map

Annexations & Original City Zoning (OCZ)

Address: 1760 E RIVER RD
Date - 03/04/2025 1:59 p.m.
Total Number Of Annexations & Original City Zoning (3)
Plan Description Annexation Ordinance Effective Date OCZ Ordinance
Campbell Avenue ROW 9216 None
C15-88-04 Vista Del Norte 7199 7286
C15-97-01 Campbell Avenue / River Road 9122 9200


Address: 1760 E RIVER RD
Date - 03/04/2025 1:59 p.m.
Total Number Of Permits - (56)
Permit Status Apply Date Expired Date Unit Type Description
DP21-0337 Complete 12/08/2021 03/22/2023 Development Package Site - Cambric Corporate Center. East PV system on parking canopies.
TC-COM-1023-02441 Complete 10/17/2023 07/14/2024 UNIT 250 Commercial Building Tenant improvement with no change of use. All site conditions to remain as is.
T22CM05998 Complete 08/05/2022 06/15/2024 UNIT 280 Commercial Building TI: OFFICE
T22FC00475 Complete 07/15/2022 08/08/2023 250* Fire Construction Permit Automatic Fire Extingshing Sys - REPIPE SPRINKLER SYSTEM IN SUITE WITH STEEL PIPE, RELOCATE SPRINKLERS TO ACCOMODATE REMODEL.; Commercial Fire Sprinkler Systems - Modification of heads: 32
T20CM02896 Expired 05/07/2020 12/13/2020 300 Commercial Building TI: OFFICE
T18OT00484 Expired 05/07/2018 11/07/2018 Sign - Permanent SIGN
TF-FCP-0424-00332 Complete 04/26/2024 11/14/2024 UNIT 350 Fire Construction Permit Modification to existing fire sprinkler system to accommodate new tenant.
TC-COM-0424-00661 Complete 04/12/2024 12/24/2024 UNIT 350 Commercial Building Tenant Aecom. Tenant improvement created suite 300 and suite 350 from existing suite 300/350. Demolition to include existing mechanical and plumbing, and interior walls. A portion of the existing storefront is to be removed for the installation of a new exit door. New work to include new demising wall between suites 300 and 350, and to include an open office with 12 work stations. A new mini split will be added to the MDF room. No change of use. All site conditions to remain.
TF-FCP-0324-00225 Complete 03/21/2024 10/10/2024 UNIT 300 Fire Construction Permit Modification to existing fire sprinkler system to accommodate interior buildout.
TC-COM-0223-00664 Withdrawn 02/17/2023 08/16/2023 UNIT 350 Commercial Building Interior tenant build-out including demo, interior partitions, finishes, lightings and MEP for new 1:1 private school and tutoring facility for students in grades 6-12
TC-COM-0224-00275 Complete 02/09/2024 12/03/2024 UNIT 300 Commercial Building Tenant - Assured Partners. Tenant Improvement. No change of use. All site conditions to remain as is.
P96AN00864 ISSUED 11/26/1996 N/A #118 ADDRNEW
P97AN01260 ISSUED 05/20/1997 N/A #247 ADDRNEW
P97AN01270 ISSUED 05/21/1997 N/A #230 ADDRNEW
P97AN01635 ISSUED 06/26/1997 N/A #161 ADDRNEW
T01BU01425 FINAL 05/21/2001 12/01/2001 SPKLR FIRE SPKR:RELOCATE 1
T01BU01523 EXPIRED 05/31/2001 11/27/2001 #300 TENTS TENT:SET UP
T02BU02997 FINAL 12/02/2002 06/18/2003 SPKLR FIRE:SPKR RELOCATE 3 & ADD 6
T02CM05153 FINAL 11/06/2002 06/18/2003 COMBO TI:CORRIDOR
T03AN00236 ISSUED 03/10/2003 N/A #125 ADDRNEW
T04AN00411 ISSUED 05/05/2004 N/A #127 ADDRNEW
T04BU01838 FINAL 07/27/2004 01/25/2005 #350 SPKLR FIRE SPKR:RELOCATE 12/ADD 9
T04CM02024 FINAL 05/05/2004 01/31/2005 #127 COMBO TI:OFFICE
T04CM02237 C OF O 05/18/2004 02/16/2005 #350 COMBO TI:OFFICE
T06OT01305 FINAL 05/15/2006 01/21/2007 #247 SIGN 11172
T07BU01446 FINAL 07/03/2007 01/27/2008 SPKLR Relocate 10 sprinkler heads.
T07CM02272 FINAL 06/04/2007 02/10/2008 #350 COMBO TI:OFFICE
T08BU01848 FINAL 10/15/2008 04/20/2009 SPKLR Relocate 4 fire sprinkler heads.
T08CM03304 C OF O 10/08/2008 04/25/2009 #280 COMBO TI:OFFICE
T08OT02247 FINAL 09/19/2008 04/26/2009 #280 SIGN 15642
T09AN00168 WITHDRWN 03/26/2009 N/A #290 ADDRNEW
T09BU00453 FINAL 03/30/2009 09/27/2009 #250 SPKLR Relocate one fire sprinkler head.
T09OT00602 C OF O 03/26/2009 09/29/2009 #250 C-OF-O C OF O:OFFICE
T10CM03500 FINAL 12/20/2010 08/27/2011 #350 COMBO TI ; OFFICE "ARIZONA ONCOLOGY"
T10OT00573 C OF O 03/12/2010 09/12/2010 #135 C-OF-O C OF O: ACUPUNCTURE OFFICE
T10OT01238 FINAL 06/08/2010 01/30/2011 #280 SIGN 18465
T11CM01319 WITHDRWN 05/02/2011 N/A #130 COMBO TI:OFFICE
T11CM02294 FINAL 07/20/2011 01/21/2012 #140 COMBO TI:OFFICE (SUITE 140)
T11CM02295 EXPIRED 07/20/2011 01/23/2012 #142 COMBO TI:OFFICE (SUITE 142)
T15CM05384 L OF C 08/05/2015 02/02/2016 #181 COMBO INTERIOR DEMO
T18OT00515 FINAL 05/16/2018 11/28/2018 SIGN NON ILLUM WALL SIGN
T21CM07064 FINAL 08/30/2021 03/16/2022 COMBO Repair from a crash in accordance with T21DV02835
T21CM07154 C OF O 09/02/2021 05/02/2022 181 COMBO OFFICE
T21RW01409 FINAL 03/25/2021 07/01/2021 ROW PROOF OF NOTIFICATION IS REQUIRED AT THE TIME OF THE PRECONSTRUCTION MEETING. N.846784- ALONG E. RIVER RD ACCESS MH 23572 TO SPLICE CABLE IN EXISITNG MANHOLE. Traffic control placement shall not commence prior to 9:00 am and shall be removed prior to 3:30 pm daily.
T97BU01190 FINAL 06/26/1997 07/14/1998 #247 SPKLR FIRE SPKLR:ADD 8:RELOCATE 10
T97CM01481 C OF O 05/30/1997 01/27/1998 #247 COMBO TENANT IMPROVEMENT:OFFICE 4047 SF. METAL STUDS W/ GYP. BD.
T97CM02029 C OF O 07/08/1997 01/18/1998 #161 COMBO TENANT IMPROVEMENT:OFFICE
T98BU00359 FINAL 02/06/1998 08/09/1998 #230 SPKLR FIRE SPKR:REKIC 6 & ADD 2
T98CM00396 C OF O 01/29/1998 08/09/1998 #230 COMBO TI:OFFICE
T98CM00836 C OF O 02/26/1998 08/29/1998 #151 COMBO TI:OFFICE METAL STUDS W/ GYP. BD.
T98EL02148 FINAL 12/01/1998 06/14/1999 #230 ELECT ELECTRIC:LIGHT
T99CM05826 FINAL 12/15/1999 08/20/2000 #191* COMBO TI:RETAIL


Address: 1760 E RIVER RD
Date - 03/04/2025 1:59 p.m.
Total Number Of Plans - (2)
Plan Number Status Application Date Exp Date Unit Type Description
TP-PRE-0223-00120 Complete 02/21/2023 N/A UNIT 350 -- Pre-Application Conference Fusion Academy is a nationally recognized, innovative private school that operates under a unique and successful teaching model that offers one student to one teacher education as an alternative to traditional schooling. Fusion Academy is fully licensed to operate and teach in the State of Arizona. They offer a blend of classes, both online and within person components. This flexible program allows for student flexibility and results in students attending class at staggered intervals. Fusion anticipates between 50-60 students and 20-24 teachers at peak hours (10 a.m. to 2 p.m.). Note that Fusion Academy will not operate outside of their leased space (i.e., there will be no outside activities). The subject building is a portion of a larger commercial development which consists of seven (7) separate buildings. Fusion Academy will be leasing the second story for its school.
TP-PRE-1222-00050 Complete 12/12/2022 N/A UNIT 350 -- Pre-Application Conference New hybrid private school.

Record Requests

Address: 1760 E RIVER RD
Date - 03/04/2025 1:59 p.m.
Total Number Of Requests - (9)
Request Number Status Request Date Completed Date Type Description
REQ-0124-00489 Denied 01/16/2024 N/A Requests This Project is not complete please obtain Fire Alarm System Permit all related permits need to be in completed status. Please re-request once all associated projects are in completed status -Tenant improvement with no change of use. All site conditions to remain as is.
REQ-0224-00931 Complete 02/01/2024 02/05/2024 Requests Tenant improvement with no change of use. All site conditions to remain as is.
REQ-0323-01751 Complete 03/22/2023 04/12/2023 Requests Fusion Academy is a nationally recognized, innovative private school that operates under a unique and successful teaching model that offers one student to one teacher education as an alternative to traditional schooling. Fusion Academy is fully licensed to operate and teach in the State of Arizona. They offer a blend of classes, both online and within person components. This flexible program allows for student flexibility and results in students attending class at staggered intervals. Fusion anticipates between 50-60 students and 20-24 teachers at peak hours (10 a.m. to 2 p.m.). Note that Fusion Academy will not operate outside of their leased space (i.e., there will be no outside activities). The subject building is a portion of a larger commercial development which consists of seven (7) separate buildings. Fusion Academy will be leasing the second story for its school.
REQ-0523-02723 Complete 05/16/2023 05/22/2023 Requests Interior tenant build-out including demo, interior partitions, finishes, lightings and MEP for new 1:1 private school and tutoring facility for students in grades 6-12
REQ-0624-04404 Complete 06/19/2024 06/20/2024 Requests Tenant - Assured Partners. Tenant Improvement. No change of use. All site conditions to remain as is.
REQ-0624-04548 Denied 06/26/2024 N/A Requests This Project is not complete all conditions need to be satisfied. Please re-request once all conditions have been satisfied. Tenant Aecom. Tenant improvement created suite 300 and suite 350 from existing suite 300/350. Demolition to include existing mechanical and plumbing, and interior walls. A portion of the existing storefront is to be removed for the installation of a new exit door. New work to include new demising wall between suites 300 and 350, and to include an open office with 12 work stations. A new mini split will be added to the MDF room. No change of use. All site conditions to remain.
REQ-0624-04578 Complete 06/27/2024 06/27/2024 Requests Tenant Aecom. Tenant improvement created suite 300 and suite 350 from existing suite 300/350. Demolition to include existing mechanical and plumbing, and interior walls. A portion of the existing storefront is to be removed for the installation of a new exit door. New work to include new demising wall between suites 300 and 350, and to include an open office with 12 work stations. A new mini split will be added to the MDF room. No change of use. All site conditions to remain.
REQ-1223-06705 Denied 12/08/2023 N/A Requests This Project is not complete all conditions need to be satisfied Air Balance Report needs to be submitted and approved. Please re-request once the Air Balance Report is approved TI: OFFICE
REQ-1223-06915 Complete 12/15/2023 12/18/2023 Requests TI: OFFICE