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Date - 03/04/2025 6:15 p.m.
Number Of Permits - (1)
Permit Status Apply Date Expired Date Unit Type Description
T20RW03146 Final 06/02/2020 08/03/2020 ROW Starting on the S/W corner of N. WILMOT RD and E. Lee ST. at TEP pole, Overlash going South 785', riser down pole, place a 3x3x3 pothole, trench/bore going East 125 Placing 3x3x3 pothole, continuing South 475' Placing 3x3x3 if needed. Conduit will be BORED across Wilmot Road. Wilmot Road is under a NO Cut pavement cut moratorium, pavement cuts are not permitted without prior written approval from TDOT. Provide pedestrian access through or around the work site pursuant to MUTCD requirements. Pedestrian circulation shall be provided through or around the work site and NOT detoured to the other side of the street. Business access will be maintained and signed with Blue Business Access signs through temporary traffic control zone.


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