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Activity Search: T20RW02042
Parcel Attributes
Parcel | 11706183B |
Jurisdiction | Tucson |
City of Tucson Zoning | OCR-2 |
Tucson Ward | Ward 6 |
Tucson Downtown Incentive Zone | Downtown Core, Downtown Infill Incentive District |
Rio Nuevo Downtown | Rio Nuevo - Downtown |
Rio Nuevo Multipurpose Facilities District | Yes |
Tucson Registered Neighborhood | Downtown |
Major Streets & Routes | Gateway Route |
Redevelopment | Downtown Redevelopment District |
National Register Historic District | Downtown Tucson Historic District |
Pima County Data | Assessor, Recorder, Treasurer, ... |
Parcel Map | Map |
Address |
Date - 01/11/2025 4:02 p.m.
Number Of Permits - (1)
Permit | Status | Apply Date | Expired Date | Unit | Type | Description |
T20RW02042 | Final | 04/09/2020 | 06/19/2020 | ROW | INSTALLATION OF FIBER RELATED TO VERIZON SMALL CELLS: TUC OVERDRIVE 1 SC (T19RW01396 AND TUC OVERDRIVE 3 SC (T19RW01349) - @ 1175 LF Place vault on N side of Congress at approximately 180ft west of 5th Ave. From here drill, placing 3-1.25 conduits south 16ft then east 180ft then north 259ft then place a 5x5 manhole and continue NE to the north side of Toole Ave. From here it tees. 239ft to the SE then place a vault and NW 383ft then north 13ft to private property. THIS PROJECT IS LOCATED IN AN ARCHAEOLOGICAL SENSITIVITY ZONE. STOP WORK AND NOTIFY HPO IF ANY BURIED CULTURAL MATERIALS ARE ENCOUNTERED DURING CONSTRUCTION. BUS STOP IN THE AREA, CONTACT SUN TRAN, BEA PAULUS AT 520-206-8826 AND/OR CHRISTINA ROCK AT 520-206-8934 24-HOURS PRIOR TO START OF WORK FOR COORDINATION. SPECIAL NOTES Mobility Control Plan - Maintain pedestrian and bus access at all times. Field adjustments will be discussed during pre-construction meeting with Right-of-Way Inspector. RESTORATION Backfill- Backfill with CLSM slurry or aggregate base (AB). Asphalt Mix- Asphalt concrete shall be City of Tucson Mix No3 or COT Mix No2 with TR-22 Patch Limits- The limits of the paving shall be a minimum of 1-ft outside the excavation. Potholes spaced closely together and within 8-ft of each other will need to be joined together by one surface patch. Patches on streets identified as in no cut moratorium shall have a greater patch dimension extending to the nearest lane line and 50-ft on each side of the trench excavation limits. Striping- Replace/refresh all striping that is interrupted by patches. Landscape- Repair all landscaping disturbed. This includes irrigation, plantings, groundcover, and hardscape. Concrete- All concrete damaged or removed shall be replaced as a whole to the nearest joint. Stormwater - Good housekeeping measures shall be practiced during work and construction. 04/29/20 - PLAN CHANGE PER ATTACHED DRAWINGS (R/L CONFLICT ALONG NORTH 5TH AV BETWEEN EAST TOOLE AV AND EAST CONGRESS ST). |