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Activity Search: T12DV06130
Code Enforcement
Date - 01/27/2025 5 p.m.
Total Number Of Cases - 1
Case Number | Case Status | Entered Date | Closed Date | Unit | Type | Description |
T12DV06130 | Noverify | 07/24/2012 | N/A | DNR_VIOL | Clean-up requested on the Park premises. As indicated in the prior emails it has become a concern that many homes are in dire need of repair, weeds, broken down cars, drug activity, junk and debris in and around homes - failure of the park management to enforce their own park codes such as required awnings, skirting, etc. Many, many homes are in need of dire repair (and/or simply need to be cleaned up). Management is running this property like a slum lord - no one wants to live in slum like conditions, and it is incumbant upon the City of Tucson to take the next step and enforce the laws! Park code dictates that you cannot have large dogs, yet large dogs are present and have been seen runni |