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Plan Review Detail
Review Status: Completed
Review Details: PIA - SUBMITTAL
Plan Number - T22PI00011
Review Name: PIA - SUBMITTAL
Review Status: Completed
Review Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description | Status | Comments |
07/28/2022 | GARY WITTWER | DOT LANDSCAPE | REVIEW | Reqs Change | DTM Landscape Comments: 1. The City will not maintain this irrigation system or landscape, this will be the responsibility of the Owner/HOA. 2. Ensure that all plants are listed in the ADWR Plant list for the Tucson area. Tucson gets freezing temperatures some of the plants listed may be frost sensitive. 3. Please show and label all the utilities on the plans. The utility companies have setbacks that must be adhered to on the plans. https://www.tucsonaz.gov/files/transportation/files/setbacks.pdf 4. NPP should have an aerial underlying each sheet, please check the City of Tucson Requirements for NPP summary is not done by caliper inches. I question the number of ocotillo/barrels to be destroyed for poor structure/health. I don’t see salvage or mitigation plants on the Landscape Plan, Barrel Cactus? 5. Include the City of Tucson Notes for Planting in the ROW and Irrigation in the ROW on the plans. City of Tucson Department of Transportation & Mobility Standard Notes for Planting in Right of Way 1. It is the owner’s responsibility to keep the Sight Visibility Triangles (SVT), and the pedestrian access area clear of vegetation at all times, per Unified Development Code Technical Standards Manual section 10. 2. It is the owner responsibility to keep a 5’ wide (minimum) by 7’ tall clear pedestrian access open across the entire property. 3. It is the owner responsible to keep vegetation from growing past the curb line clear, and keep a 15’ high clear zone over the travel lane. 4. Final plant locations must be in compliance with all utility setback requirements. 5. The owner understands that if the City of Tucson Department of Transportation & Mobility or any utility company needs to work within the ROW in the landscaped area, plants and irrigation may be destroyed without replacement or repair. 6. The owner takes full liability for this landscape and irrigation, and any damage to roadway, sidewalk and utilities. 7. The only private irrigation equipment that is allowed within the ROW are lateral lines, tubing and emitters that are not under constant pressure. All other equipment must be on private property (excluding water meter). 8. Contractor to obtain a ROW permit prior to construction within the ROW. City of Tucson, Department of Transportation and Mobility Requirements for placement of Private Irrigation Facilities Roadway Crossings within the Public Rights-of-Way 1. Private irrigation facilities roadway crossings will only be permitted in residential roadways and NOT permitted in arterial or collector roadways. 2. Lateral lines under constant pressure shall not be permitted in the public rights-of-way. 3. The HOA/Owner will register private irrigation facilities placed in the public rights-of-way with Arizona 811and become an Arizona 811 Blue Stake Inc. member. 4. Minimize the number of roadway crossings. 5. Sleeves must be in a recorded easement (easement width is dependent on what is needed for installation and/or repairs). To the extent possible, the easements should be created at the time of development/platting. 6. Irrigation lines shall be placed in ductile iron sleeves. 7. Sleeve should extend beyond the right-of-way (into private property), unless otherwise approved by TDOT. 8. HDPE continuous line (no joints under the pavement) 9. Irrigation lines shall have a minimum of thirty (30) inches of cover. 10. Detectable marking tape shall be installed. 11. Curb shall be marked/stamped with “IS” (Irrigation System) and/or placard at back of curb. David Marhefka, PLA da’-vid mär-hef’-ka Landscape Architect Project Manager City of Tucson Department of Transportation and Mobility (m) 520-403-5074 |
07/28/2022 | ZELIN CANCHOLA | DOT TRAFFIC | REVIEW | Reqs Change | DTM Traffic Engineering: 1. - STOP signs at the T intersections of two residential streets are not necessary and can be removed from the plan set. 2. - All Way STOP Control at the Street A/Street B intersection is not warranted. Recommend that Street B have the STOP signs and Street A not have signage. Greg Orsini, P.E. gregory.Orsini@tucsonaz.gov 520-837-6617 |
07/28/2022 | RICHARD LEIGH | PIA COORDINATOR | CUSTOMER CALLED; PLANS @ AMBASSSADOR | Completed | Submit Utility Notification Receipts for the Utilities listed on the DTM Utility Clearance Letter Which can be found at https://www.tucsonaz.gov/tdot/private-improvement-agreement-guidelines. |
07/28/2022 | ERNIE ENCINAS | DOT_ELEC | REVIEW | Completed | |
07/28/2022 | RICHARD LEIGH | DOT ENGINEERING | REVIEW | Reqs Change | DTM Eng. Review: RESUBMITTAL REQUIRED: TDOT Permit Review Section has reviewed the subject PIA paving plan and does not recommend approval at this time. The following comments need to be addressed and plans revised prior to resubmittal. Please include a response letter addressing the following comments. 1. Add the plan number “I-2022-013” in the title block of each sheet. 2. Add PIA activity number “T22PI00011” on coversheet. 3. Use current COT DTM Plan Template which can be found at htps://www.tucsonaz.gov/tdot/engineering 4. Add subdivision recording sequence number on coversheet title. 5. Label streets with plated street names. 4.Add DTM general paving notes. DTM General notes and guidelines can be found at https://www.tucsonaz.gov/tdot/private-improvement-agreement. 5. Remove Sight visibility triangles from plan views. 6. Provide curb line data. Label curb line and curve table. 7. Provide roadway centerline data. Label centerline and a curve table. 8. Verify that all curb BCR and ECR’s are labeled. 9. Verify that all labels used in the drawing are clearly legible. 10. Call out curb transitions at sidewalk scuppers. 11. Provide complete details for all proposed drainage structures and culverts. 12. Verify that all crosswalk areas at roadway intersection have a cross slope less than 2%. 13. Sheets 4 thru 14: Provide left center and right roadway profiles. 14. Depict and label all proposed private landscape irrigation easements for private irrigation within the public rights-of-way and refence DTM’s private irrigation placement requirements. Refer to https://www.tucsonaz.gov/files/transportation/files/Requirements_for_placing_private_irrigation_lines_under_public_roadway.pdf and https://www.tucsonaz.gov/files/transportation/files/PIA_Guidelines_Rev_6-17-2021.pdf. 15. Provide curb access ramps all roadway intersections. 16. Sheet 10: Provide details of roadway and pedestrian amenities of the driveway entrance to Amenity Center Parking lot. 17. Refer to redline drawings for comment details and additional comments. If you have any questions, I can be reached at 520-237-8692 or emailed at Richard.Leigh@tucsonaz.gov. |
07/28/2022 | RICHARD LEIGH | PIA COORDINATOR | OUT TO CUSTOMER | Completed | Submit Utility Notification Receipts for the Utilities listed on the DTM Utility Clearance Letter Which can be found at https://www.tucsonaz.gov/tdot/private-improvement-agreement-guidelines. |
Showing 1 to 10 of 16 entries