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Permit Number: T22CM06997
Parcel: 126210470

Review Status: Completed

Review Details: RESUBMITTAL

Permit Number - T22CM06997
Review Status: Completed
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
10/20/2022 SAFEBUILT 2ND PARTY REVIEW REVIEW Reqs Change Activity Number: T22CM06997

Provide written responses to all review comments.
Provide a complete plan set.
Provide additional documents as requested by review staff.

Please make corrections and resubmit. Resubmittal shall include a response letter. All code references are to the IRC edition as adopted by Tucson, AR & City of Tucson Amendments to the 2018 IRC unless otherwise noted. Recommend clouding changes to speed up the rereview.
1. Provide documentation and details of the required Geotechnical Evaluation. In lieu of a complete geotechnical evaluation the load-bearing values in Table R401.4.1 shall be assumed. A complete geotechnical evaluation is required for presumptive load-bearing values greater than 1500 pounds per square foot as per IRC-R401.4.1.
10. Provide documentation and details of the required wall bracing details and method, including but not limited to the Guestroom and Entry addition as per IRC-R602.10.
a. Show braced wall lines for Guestroom and Entry addition as per IRC-R602.10.1.
b. Show braced wall panels for Guestroom and Entry addition as per IRC-R602.10.2.
c. Show required length (minimum) of bracing for Guestroom and Entry addition as per IRC-R602.10.3 & R602.10.5.
d. Show construction methods for braced wall panels for Guestroom and Entry addition as per IRC-R602.10.4.
e. Show simplified wall bracing Guestroom and Entry addition as per IRC-R602.12.
11. Provide documentation and details of the required FASTENING SCHEDULE for Guestroom and Entry addition as per TABLE R602.3(1).
12. Provide documentation and details of the required flashings shall be installed in a manner that prevents moisture from entering the wall and roof through joints in copings, through moisture permeable materials and at intersections with parapet walls and other penetrations through the roof plane as per R903.2.
13. Provide documentation and details of the required Roof decks shall be covered with approved roof coverings secured to the building or structure in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.
19. Provide required inspections as per City of Tucson Development Services Department.

Please make corrections and resubmit. Resubmittal shall include a response letter. Recommend clouding changes to speed up the rereview.
5. Provide documentation and details of the required exterior finish including but not limited to the following: Wood Studs, Foam Insulation, Approved Substrate, Window flashing as per code & manuf’r., Weep Screeds and required drainage as per code & manuf’r., (WRB) Weather Resistive Barrier installed as per code & manuf’r., 20 Gauge Woven Wire or Metal Lath secured as per code & manuf’r., Western 1-Kote Concentrate 3/8” Base Coat, Exterior Stucco Finish or PAF Plus.
a. Provide documentation and details of manufacturer's installation instructions for Exterior windows and doors. Manufacturer's Installation Instructions, as required by this code, shall be available on the job site at the time of inspection as per IRC-R106.1.2.
b. Exterior window and door openings. Flashing at exterior window and door openings shall extend to the surface of the exterior wall finish or to the water-resistive barrier for subsequent drainage as per IRC-R703.8.
c. On wood-frame construction with an on-grade floor slab system, exterior plaster shall be applied to cover, but not extend below, lath, paper and screed. The proportion of aggregate to cementitious materials shall be as set forth in Table R702.1(3) as per IRC-R703.7.2.
d. The water-resistive barrier shall comply with Section R703.2 or ASTM E2570.
e. Provide documentation and details of the required Lath and lath attachments shall be of corrosion-resistant materials. Expanded metal or woven wire lath shall be attached with 11/2-inch-long, 11-gage nails having a 7/16-inch head, or 7/8-inch-long, 16-gage staples, spaced not more than 6 inches or as otherwise approved as per R703.7.1.
8. Provide documentation and details of the Protection of wood decay required as per IRC-R317.
9. Provide documentation and details of the required vapor barrier as per IRC-R506.2.3.
10. Provide documentation and details of the required soil bearing value as per IRC-R401.3 and R403.1.
11. Provide documentation and details of the required Drainage. Surface drainage shall be diverted to a storm sewer conveyance or other approved point of collection that does not create a hazard. Lots shall be graded to drain surface water away from foundation walls. The grade shall fall a minimum of 6 inches within the first 10 feet as per IRC-R401.3.
12. Provide documentation and details of the required Weep Screeds. A minimum No. 26 galvanized sheet gage, corrosion-resistant weep screed or plastic weep screed, with a minimum vertical attachment flange of 3 1 / 2 inches shall be provided at or below the foundation plate line on exterior stud walls in accordance with ASTM C926. The weep screed shall be placed not less than 4 inches above the earth or 2 inches above paved areas and shall be of a type that will allow trapped water to drain to the exterior of the building. The weather-resistant barrier shall lap the attachment flange. The exterior lath shall cover and terminate on the attachment flange of the weep screed as per IRC- R703.7.2.1.
14. Provide documentation and details of the required Protection Against Subterranean Termites In areas subject to damage from termites such as Chemical Termiticide Treatment of the soil or fieldapplied wood treatment as per IRC-R318.2.
15. Provide documentation and details of the required wall bracing including:
a. Line of bracing as per IRC-R602.10.1
b. Wall bracing panels as per IRC-R602
c. Length of wall bracing as per IRC-R602.10.5
d. Method of wall bracing as per IRC-R602.10.4
18. See Item 5.
21. Roof covering must be submitted to plans examiner for approval prior to issuance of permit as per as per IRC-Chapt. 9.
22. Roof / wall flashing must be submitted to plans examiner for approval prior to issuance of permit as per as per IRCR903.2.
23. Roof drainage must be submitted to plans examiner for approval prior to issuance of permit as per as per IRC-R903.4.
26. Two required smoke alarms (immediately inside and outside sleeping area) are not shown on plan(s) as per IRC-315.
27. Provide required inspections as per City of Tucson Development Services Department.

Conditionally Approved
Please make corrections and resubmit. Resubmittal shall include a response letter. All code references are to the IRC edition as adopted by Tucson, AR & City of Tucson Amendments to the 2018 IRC unless otherwise noted. Recommend clouding changes to speed up the rereview.
7. Provide documentation of the Building envelope assemblies of the alteration shall comply with N1102.1.2 or N1102.1.4, N1102.2.1 through N1102.2.13, N1102.3.1, N1102.3.2, N1102.4.3 and N1102.4.5. as per IRC-N1109.1.1 (R503.1.1).
8. Provide the required air leakage testing including but not limited to fenestration and recessed lighting as per IRC Sections N1102.4.1-N1102.4.5.
9. Provide documentation and details of the required ventilation requirements for each space as per T403.3.1.1 Minimum Ventilation Rates as per IRC-403.3.1.
12. Provide required inspections as per City of Tucson Development Services Department.

Please make corrections and resubmit. Resubmittal shall include a response letter. All code references are to the IRC edition as adopted by Tucson, AR & City of Tucson Amendments to the 2018 IRC unless otherwise noted. Recommend clouding changes to speed up the rereview.
5. Two required smoke alarms (immediately inside and outside sleeping area) are not shown on plan(s) as per IRC-315. Provide hardwired and interconnected smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors as required, show locations and note installation requirement on the drawings. Comply with location requirements in IRC R314 and R315.
11. Provide lighting fixture schedule of watts per fixture onto the plan on sheet a1 or a2 as per IRC-R106.
15. Provide required inspections as per City of Tucson Development Services Department

Conditionally Approved
Please make corrections and resubmit. Resubmittal shall include a response letter. All code references are to the IRC edition as adopted by Tucson, AR & City of Tucson Amendments to the 2018 IRC unless otherwise noted. Recommend clouding changes to speed up the rereview.
5. Two required smoke alarms (immediately inside and outside sleeping area) are not shown on plan(s) as per IRC-315. Provide hardwired and interconnected smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors as required, show locations and note installation requirement on the drawings. Comply with location requirements in IRC R314 and R315.
11. Provide lighting fixture schedule of watts per fixture onto the plan on sheet a1 or a2 as per IRC-R106.
15. Provide required inspections as per City of Tucson Development Services Department

If you require additional clarification regarding these comments, please contact Doris Benoit at doris.benoit@tucsonaz.gov