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Permit Review Detail
Review Status: Completed
Permit Number - T22CM06997
Review Status: Completed
Review Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description | Status | Comments |
09/13/2022 | PAUL CAMARENA | ZONING | REVIEW | Approved | |
09/13/2022 | SHASEMA1 | ENGINEERING | REVIEW | Passed | |
09/26/2022 | JCARLTO1 | NPPO | REVIEW | Passed | |
10/06/2022 | SAFEBUILT | 2ND PARTY REVIEW | REVIEW | Reqs Change | Activity Number: T22CM06997 GENERAL: Provide written responses to all review comments. Provide a complete plan set. Provide additional documents as requested by review staff. STRUCTURAL REVIEW COMMENTS: Denied Please make corrections and resubmit. Resubmittal shall include a response letter. All code references are to the IRC edition as adopted by Tucson, AR & City of Tucson Amendments to the 2018 IRC unless otherwise noted. Recommend clouding changes to speed up the rereview. 1. Provide documentation and details of the required Geotechnical Evaluation. In lieu of a complete geotechnical evaluation the load-bearing values in Table R401.4.1 shall be assumed. A complete geotechnical evaluation is required for presumptive load-bearing values greater than 1500 pounds per square foot as per R401.4.1. 2. Provide note: "The new construction & alterations of the structure, shall be constructed to safely support all loads, including dead loads, live loads, roof loads, flood loads, snow loads, wind loads and seismic loads as prescribed by this code. The construction of buildings and structures in accordance with the provisions of this code shall result in a system that provides a complete load path that meets the requirements for the transfer of loads from their point of origin through the load-resisting elements to the foundation. Buildings and structures constructed as prescribed by this code are deemed to comply with the requirements of this section as per IRC-R301.1. 3. Revise plans with roof framing details for Guestroom and Entry addition to include framing members, lumber type, grade, size, span, dimensions, spacing, anchoring and attachment information as per 2018 IRC Section R802.3-802.5. 4. Uplift resistance to minimize microburst effects shall be determined by either method 1 or 2 below as per 2018 IRC Amend Section R802.11.1 Uplift resistance: 1) Design-based wind uplift criteria. Wind uplift requirements shall be determined by using the design wind value of 115 mph within Table R802.11 for the continuous load path transmitting the uplift forces from the rafter or truss ties to the foundation. 2) Prescriptive-based wind uplift criteria. (Please note that the requirements of this Section are in addition to those required for the structural connection of wood members). 2.1 Conventionally-framed wood or cold-formed steel structures. All bearing wall vertical connections shall be clipped with either approved structural sheathing or approved clips to provide a continuous load path from the joist or truss through the ledger or top plate to the bottom wall plate. Where clips are used, they shall be minimum Simpson H2.5 (A34 at ledger), or equivalent load capacity, of configuration to match connection and spaced at intervals not to exceed 24" At openings, lower cripple studs do not require clipping but king/trimmer studs require double clips at bottom and upper cripples require both full clipping to header as well as header to king stud. All platform framing requires either strapping listed for the purpose or continuous sheathingover rim joist from stud to stud vertically at each floor level. All non-bearing exterior walls shall be clipped as above except that the spacing may be extended not to exceed every other stud. 2.2. Masonry or concrete structures. If lateral design requires larger anchors or more conservative spacing, these may be used in lieu of those called out in this Section. 2.2.1. Roof bearing on wall top plate. Top plates shall be secured to masonry or concrete walls with minimum 0.5 embedded anchor bolts spaced at intervals not to exceed 48". Each joist or truss shall be clipped to plate at bearing with minimum Simpson H2.5 or equivalent loadcapacity and of configuration to match connection. Gable end joists or trusses shall also be clipped at intervals not to exceed 48". 2.2.2. Roof bearing on wall ledger. Joists or trusses bearing on a wall ledger shall be secured to masonry or concrete walls with minimum Simpson PAI23 purlin anchors or equal with equivalent load capacity listed for the application and embedded into wall per listing at intervals not to exceed 48”. Nonbearing roof diaphragm edges shall have the outermost joist or truss likewise anchored to the wall through blocking. 5. Provide documentation and details of the required Minimum Depth for Exterior footings shall be placed not less than 12 inches below the undisturbed ground surface. Where applicable, the depth of footings shall also conform to IRC-Section R403.1.4.1. 6. Provide documentation and details of the Concrete, Materials for Concrete, and Forms. Materials used in concrete, the concrete itself and forms shall conform to requirements of this section or ACI 318 as per IRC-R404.1.3.3 Concrete, Materials for Concrete, and Forms. 7. Provide documentation and details of the Steel Reinforcement. Steel reinforcement shall comply with the requirements of ASTM A615, A706, or A996. ASTM A996 bars produced from rail steel shall be Type R. In buildings assigned to Seismic Design Category A, B or C, the minimum yield strength of reinforcing steel shall be 40,000 psi (Grade 40) (276 MPa). In buildings assigned to Seismic Design Category D0, D1 or D2, reinforcing steel shall comply with the requirements of ASTM A706 for low-alloy steel with a minimum yield strength of 60,000 psi (Grade 60) (414 MPa) as per IRC-R404. 8. Revise drawings with anchor bolts at maximum of 6 feet on center and no fewer than two bolts per plate section for wood sole plates and sill plates on concrete floor slab, concrete, and masonry foundation/walls (other than braced wall sections) as per 2018 IRC Section R403.1.6. 9. Provide documentation and details of the footings & foundation plan for the Guestroom and Entry addition as per IRCR106. 10. Provide documentation and details of the required wall bracing details and method, including but not limited to the Guestroom and Entry addition as per IRC-R602.10. a. Show braced wall lines for Guestroom and Entry addition as per IRC-R602.10.1. b. Show braced wall panels for Guestroom and Entry addition as per IRC-R602.10.2. c. Show required length (minimum) of bracing for Guestroom and Entry addition as per IRC-R602.10.3 & R602.10.5. d. Show construction methods for braced wall panels for Guestroom and Entry addition as per IRC-R602.10.4. e. Show simplified wall bracing Guestroom and Entry addition as per IRC-R602.12. 11. Provide documentation and details of the required FASTENING SCHEDULE for Guestroom and Entry addition as per TABLE R602.3(1). 12. Provide documentation and details of the required flashings shall be installed in a manner that prevents moisture from entering the wall and roof through joints in copings, through moisture permeable materials and at intersections with parapet walls and other penetrations through the roof plane as per R903.2. 13. Provide documentation and details of the required Roof decks shall be covered with approved roof coverings secured to the building or structure in accordance with the provisions of this chapter. Roof assemblies shall be designed and installed in accordance with this code and the approved manufacturer's instructions such that the roof assembly shall serve to protect the building or structure as per R903.1. 14. Provide documentation and details of the required Roof tie-downs as per IRC-R804.3.8. 15. Provide documentation and details of the required structural beams & headers throughout plan as per R106.1. 16. Provide documentation and details of the non-engineered site-built roofs, and show rafter size, grade, and spacing and wall ties. 17. Provide documentation and details of the continuous load path from the roof to foundation. Specify the type and spacing of all anchors, straps, connectors and clips as per IRC-R301. 18. Provide for required safeguards during Demolition & construction as per IBC Chapter 33. 19. Provide required inspections as per City of Tucson Development Services Department. BUILDING REVIEW COMMENTS: Denied Please make corrections and resubmit. Resubmittal shall include a response letter. All code references are to the IRC edition as adopted by Tucson, AR & City of Tucson Amendments to the 2018 IRC unless otherwise noted. Recommend clouding changes to speed up the rereview. 1. All zoning criteria including but not limited to setbacks shown on sheet a1 Site Plan must comply with Tucson, AR & City of Tucson Amendments to the 2018 IRC. 2. Provide required Safeguards during Construction including but not limited to Construction, Demolition Safeguards, Site Work, Sanitary, Fire Extinguishers, Means of Egress as per IBC-Chapter 33. 3. Provide required design criteria on sheet a1 including but not limited to story height, Dead load, live load, roof load, Wind Speed, Weathering, and Table R301.2 Climatic and Geographic Design Criteria. Buildings shall be constructed in accordance with the provisions of this code as limited by the provisions of this section as per IRC-R301. 4. Provide documentation and details of Building section(s) on sheet a1 denoting construction and structural load path(s) as per IRC-106. 5. Provide documentation and details of exterior materials on sheet a1 South, West and North Elevation(s) on sheet Adenoting construction exterior materials and finishes as per IRC-106 and Chapter 7. 6. Provide documentation and details of roof flashing, termination of proposed Bedroom, Entry and Patio on sheets a1 and a2 and manufacturer’s installation instructions as per IRC-R903.4. 7. Provide documentation and details of Sheet a1-Typ. Wall Section 1/a1, Provide thermal insulation values on Sheet a1-Typ. Wall Section 1/a1as per the IRC-T1102.1-Insul. & Fenestration requirements by Component for Climate Zone 5A for the following: a. Window/Dr.-U-Value .4 b. Skylight U-Value .65 c. Glazed Fenestn-SHGC .25 d. Ceiling R-Value-38 e. Wd-Frame Wall R-13 f. Floor R-13 g. Slab R-0 8. Provide documentation and details of required protection of wood and wood-based products from decay shall be provided in the following locations by the use of naturally durable wood or wood that is preservative-treated in accordance with AWPA U1 as per IRC-R317.1: a. Wood joists or the bottom of a wood structural floor where closer than 18 inches or wood girders where closer than 12 inches to the exposed ground in crawl spaces or unexcavated area located within the periphery of the building foundation. b. Wood framing members that rest on concrete or masonry exterior foundation walls and are less than 8 inches from the exposed ground. c. Sills and sleepers on a concrete or masonry slab that is in direct contact with the ground unless separated from such slab by an impervious moisture barrier. 9. Provide documentation and details of required Vapor Retarder to be shown on sheet 9-Details 1-6. A 6-mil polyethylene or approved vapor retarder with joints lapped not less than 6 inches shall be placed between the concrete floor slab and the base course or the prepared subgrade where a base course does not exist as per IRC- R506.2.3. 10. Provide documentation and details of required soil bearing value on sheet A-0 as per IRC-R401.3 & R403.1. 11. Provide documentation and details of required drainage. All drainage shall conform to the requirements of Chapter 32A of the Phoenix City Code as per IRC-R401.3. 12. Provide documentation and details of required Height Above Finished Grade for Typ. Weep Screen Detail 5 on Sheet A-2. Concrete and masonry foundation walls shall extend above the finished grade adjacent to the foundation at all points not less than 4 inches where masonry veneer is used and not less than 6 inches elsewhere as per IRC-R404.1.6. 13. Provide documentation and details of required Wood Joists And Girders to be specified on Roof Framing Plans as per IRC-R502, R602 & R802. 14. Provide documentation and details of required Chemical Termiticide Treatment as referenced on sheet 6 Foundation Plan. Chemical termiticide treatment shall include soil treatment or field-applied wood treatment. The concentration, rate of application and method of treatment of the chemical termiticide shall be in strict accordance with the termiticide label as per IRC-R318.2. 15. Provide documentation and details of required wall bracing, lines, panels, length of bracing & method as per IRCR602.10. 16. Provide documentation and details of required roof insulation and manufacturer’s installation instructions as per IRC-R903.4. 17. Provide documentation and details of the required water-resistive barrier of proposed Bedroom, Entry and Patio on sheets a1 and a2 installed for exterior wall covering as per IRC-703.2. 18. Provide documentation and details of exterior plaster (stucco of proposed Bedroom, Entry and Patio on sheets a1 and a2) including but not limited to lath, plaster, water-resistive barriers, application and curing as per IRC-R703.7. 19. Provide documentation and details of minimum roof sheathing as per IRC-R803.2 & TABLE 803.1. 20. Provide documentation and details of required roof ventilation of proposed Bedroom, Entry and Patio on sheets a1 and a2 as per IRC-R806. 21. Provide documentation and details of required roof covering material and manufacturer’s installation instructions as per IRC-R806. 22. Provide documentation and details of required roof/wall flashing on sheet a1 East Elevation, Typ. Wall Section-1/a1 and Typ. Bldg. Section-2/a2 and manufacturer’s installation instructions as per IRC-R903.2. 23. Provide documentation and details of required roof drainage of proposed Bedroom, Entry and Patio on sheets a1 and a2 and manufacturer’s installation instructions as per IRC-R903.4. 24. Provide documentation and details of required Wood Columns shown on 2/a1-Typical Bldg. Section. Wood columns shall be approved wood of natural decay resistance or approved pressure-preservative-treated wood. Exceptions-(1) Columns exposed to the weather or in basements where supported by concrete piers or metal pedestals projecting 1 inch above a concrete floor or 6 inches above exposed earth and the earth is covered by an approved impervious moisture barrier as per IRC-R317.1.4. 25. Provide documentation of Roof Framing Fastening Schedule of proposed Bedroom, Entry and Patio on sheets a1 and a2 as per IRC-TR804.3. 26. Show Smoke alarms interconnected (hard-wired) on sheets a1 and a-2 as per IRC R314.4 & listed in accordance with UL 217. Carbon Monoxide alarms shall be listed in accordance with UL 217 & UL 2034 as per IRC-315. 27. Provide required inspections as per City of Tuscon Development Services Department. MECHANICAL REVIEW COMMENTS: Denied Please make corrections and resubmit. Resubmittal shall include a response letter. All code references are to the IRC edition as adopted by Tucson, AR & City of Tucson Amendments to the 2018 IRC unless otherwise noted. Recommend clouding changes to speed up the rereview. 1. All new mechanical system installations shall comply with mechanical system sizing per ACCA (Manual J – for Building Heating/Cooling loads), ACCA (Manual S – for Equipment sizing), & ACCA (Manual D – for Duct sizing) per IRC M1401.3, IRC M1601.1, IRC N1103.6, IECC-R403.6, or other approved methods. Provide heating and cooling compliance calculations and methodology on plans on sheet a1 or a2 as per IRC R106. 2. Provide documentation and details of the heating and cooling facilities capable of Required heating. Exception: Spaces able to maintain 60ºF at a point 3 feet above the floor and 2 feet from exterior walls in all habitable rooms over a 48 hour period as demonstrated by Section N1105 Simulated Performance Alternative as per City of Tucson Amendments to the 2018 IRC & Section IRC-R303.10 Required heating. 3. Identify location(s) of programmable thermostat(s) and provide specifications to show compliance with (IRC N1103.1.1, IECC R403.1.1) on sheet a1 or a2 as per IRC R106. 4. Show exhaust fan locations for bathrooms, water closet compartments and laundry rooms in lieu of operable windows on sheet a1 or a2 as per IRC R106. 5. Whole-house mechanical ventilation systems are required for all newly constructed dwelling units, existing dwellings with a rebuilt thermal envelope, or detached habitable structures per IRC-M1507.3. 6. The building official or other authority having jurisdiction shall be permitted to deem a national, state or local energyefficiency program to exceed the energy efficiency required by this code. Buildings approved in writing by such an energyefficiency program shall be considered to be in compliance with this code. The requirements identified as mandatory in this chapter, as applicable, shall be met as per IRCSection N1101.4 (R102.1.1) Above code programs.“Compliance with the Net-Zero Energy Standard shall be deemed to comply with this code.” 7. Provide documentation of the Building envelope assemblies of the alteration shall comply with N1102.1.2 or N1102.1.4, N1102.2.1 through N1102.2.13, N1102.3.1, N1102.3.2, N1102. 4.3 and N1102.4.5. as per IRC-N1109.1.1 (R503.1.1). 8. Provide the required air leakage testing including but not limited to fenestration and recessed lighting as per IRC Sections N1102.4.1-N1102.4.5. 9. Provide documentation and details of the required ventilation requirements for each space as per T403.3.1.1 Minimum Ventilation Rates as per IRC-403.3.1. 10. Provide all required safeguards for demolition & construction including but not limited to Means of egress, Service utility connections discontinued and capped, Sanitary facilities during construction, Obstructions & Fire Extinguisher(s) as per IBC-Chapt. 33. 11. Provide documentation and details of the Whole-House Mechanical Ventilation System Whole-house mechanical ventilation systems shall be designed in accordance with Sections M1505.4.1 through M1505.4.4 as per IRC-M1505.4. 12. Provide required inspections as per City of Tucson Development Services Department. ELECTRICAL REVIEW COMMENTS Denied Please make corrections and resubmit. Resubmittal shall include a response letter. All code references are to the IRC edition as adopted by Tucson, AR & City of Tucson Amendments to the 2018 IRC unless otherwise noted. Recommend clouding changes to speed up the rereview. 1. Where ceiling fans are shown on the plans on sheet a2, provide a note indicating that outlet boxes approved for supporting ceiling fans shall be used (IRC E3805.8). 2. Load calculations, panel schedules and one-line diagrams shall be provided and incorporated onto the plan. No loose sheets shall be attached as per IRC-106. 3. Note the grounding conductor shall be a minimum of 20 feet of #4 bare copper wire embedded in the concrete footing as per IRC-106. 4. Note a bonding conductor. A minimum of one #4 copper wire connecting the building's metal water and gas piping system to the service equipment enclosure grounding buss for 200 amp or less SES as per IRC-106. 5. Provide hardwired and interconnected smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors as required, show locations and note installation requirement on the drawings. Comply with location requirements in IRC R314 & R315. 6. No switch is shown on the Mech’l./Elec. plans on sheet a2. At least one wall switch controlled light or outlet must be provided in bedroom and all habitable rooms (IRC E3903). 7. No receptacle outlet is shown on the Mech’l./Elec. plans on sheet a2 at wall of new Bedroom & Studio. Receptacle outlets shall be provided so that no point along the floor lines of an unbroken wall two or more feet in length is more than six feet from an outlet within that wall space (IRC E3901.2.1). 8. Provide at least one outdoor receptacle outlet accessible at grade level and not more than 6 feet 6 inches above grade at the front and rear of each dwelling unit having direct access to grade (IRC E3901.7). 9. Location of Elec. Panelboard is shown on the exterior and subject to damage. Provide Overcurrent Devices in or on Premises E3705.7. Circuit breakers and switches containing fuses shall: 1. Be readily accessible. [240.24(A)] 10. Location of Elec. Panelboard is shown on the exterior and subject to damage. Provide Overcurrent Devices in or on Premises E3705.7. Circuit breakers and switches containing fuses shall: 2. Not be located where they will be exposed to physical damage. [240.24(C)] 11. Provide lighting fixture schedule of watts per fixture onto the plan on sheet a1 or a2 as per IRC R106. 12. Provide One-line diagrams incorporated onto the plan on sheet a1 or a2 as per IRC R106. 13. Provide documentation of required outdoor receptacle to be installed in wet or damp locations so that water cannot enter or accumulate and shall be marked as suitable for use in wet or damp locations, correspondingly as per NEC 210.52(e), 406.4 and 406.9. 14. Provide documentation of every circuit and circuit modification shall be legibly identified as to its clear, evident and specific purpose or use inside the electrical panel doors as per NEC 408.4. 15. Provide required inspections as per City of Tucson Development Services Department. PLUMBING REVIEW COMMENTS: Denied Please make corrections and resubmit. Resubmittal shall include a response letter. All code references are to the IRC edition as adopted by Tucson, AR & City of Tucson Amendments to the 2018 IRC unless otherwise noted. Recommend clouding changes to speed up the rereview. 1. Provide documentation and details of the required Water conservation & Connections to Drainage System. Plumbing fixtures, drains, appurtenances and appliances used to receive or discharge liquid wastes or sewage shall be directly connected to the sanitary drainage system of the building or premises, in accordance with the requirements of this code. This section shall not be construed to prevent indirect waste connections where required by the code.All new residential dwelling units shall include piping to allow separate discharge of graywater for direct irrigation in accordance with Table 2601.2. When feasible, all gray water discharge piping shall be installed to allow for gravity distribution as per City of Tucson Amendments to the 2018 IRC. 2. Provide documentation and details of all gray water systems shall be designed and operated according to the provisions of the applicable permit authorized by ADEQ under the Arizona Administrative Code, Title 18, Chapter 9 as per Section P2601.2.1 Gray water piping & City of Tucson Amendments to the 2018 IRC. 3. Provide documentation and details of Subsoil drains conforming to Table P3302.1 & min. 4 inches in diameter. Where the building is subject to backwater, the subsoil drain shall be protected by an accessibly located backwater valve. Subsoil drains shall discharge to a trapped area drain, sump, dry well or approved location above ground. The subsoil sump shall not be required to have either a gas-tight cover or a vent. The sump and pumping system shall comply with Section P3303 as per IRC-P3302.1 Subsoil Drains. 4. Provide documentation and details of the required Drainage. All drainage shall conform to the requirements of Chapter 32A of the Phoenix City Code as per R401.3. a. All drainage facilities shall comply with the City of Phoenix Stormwater Policies and Standards Manual. b. Geotechnical reports certifying the compaction or acceptability of all fills shall be required except as exempted by Section 32A-15.C. c. Erosion prevention. Adequate provision shall be made to prevent surface waters from damaging the face of an excavation or fill. All slopes shall be protected from surface water runoff from above by berms, swales, walls, stabilized slope treatment, or other protection as approved by the Planning and Development Director. 5. Provide required inspections as per City of Tucson Development Services Department. If you require additional clarification regarding these comments, please contact Doris Benoit at doris.benoit@tucsonaz.gov |