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Permit Review Detail
Review Status: Completed
Permit Number - T22CM03209
Review Status: Completed
Review Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description | Status | Comments |
05/11/2022 | STEVE SHIELDS | ZONING | REVIEW | Approved | |
05/13/2022 | JVINCEN1 | FIRE | REVIEW | Approved | |
05/16/2022 | SAFEBUILT | 2ND PARTY REVIEW | REVIEW | Reqs Change | Activity Number: T22CM03209 GENERAL: Provide written responses to all review comments. Provide a complete plan set. Provide additional documents as requested by review staff. STRUCTURAL REVIEW COMMENTS: Denied 1. Since the ground water condition is unknown in the absence of a site specific soils report, default position is to assume that foundations needs to be relieved of the ground water pressure. Hence provide foundation drainage details or else provide an evaluation letter from a geotechnical engineer stating that ground water pressure on foundations system is not a concern or issue for this project. 2. General notes in S-drawings states the seismic design category as "B" whereas SDC of "C" is used in the calculations. Please provide the correct SDC reference on the S-drawings general notes. 3. Some structural drawings are marked "not for construction" and are not stamped and signed by the structural engineer responsible for the design. Please provide revised drawing documents with that note removed and the drawings stamped and signed by the engineer in charge of the design. 4. Drawing details shown on S-pages are not consistent with the structural calculations, specially as it relates to foundation and footing layouts. Some changes in red color have been marked in the calcs. but they have not been incorporated in the drawing details to reflect the correct situation. Please co-ordinate the two documents and provide revised foundation plan and corresponding calculations. 5. Existing exterior wall footing adjacent to the proposed addition is shown as L-shaped, please provide a verification from the design engineer in-charge this to be true based on his evaluation and investigation of the existing building/ site conditions. 6. On detail 102, it states that a gap of 2 inch is required between the existing building and additions exterior faces of the footings, please provide calculations for story drift under the governing design lateral loads in support of this number and also provide corresponding architectural cross-sectional detail to show a gap of two inches between footings exterior faces. 7. If the new footings and the existing footings are combined together in revised calculations, the existing structure would then need to be evaluated for adequate structural capacity available for the combined loads of the new imposed and existing building loads per the 2018 IBC code provisions. BUILDING REVIEW COMMENTS: Denied 1. Provide a complete list of all special inspections required for this project. 2. Provide the total occupant load for both buildings. MECHANICAL REVIEW COMMENTS: Denied 1. Provide a source capture system that connects directly to the motor vehicle exhaust system (IMC2018.502.14) 2. provide a permanent means of access to roof mounted equipment located 16' above grade (IMC2018,306.5) ELECTRICAL REVIEW COMMENTS Approved PLUMBING REVIEW COMMENTS: Denied First Plumbing review: 1). The Exterior #11 Floor sinks on plan page P1.1 need to be located indoors to be protected from storm water. -IPC 1101.3 2). label/indicate the secondary scuppers on roof plan of the new roof and add the info to the key notes on plan page A2.0- IPC A106.3.1 3). illustrate the the existing roof drains & show the existing roof's secondary scuppers now discharging to the new roof on plan page A2.0. so Plan A2.0 & P1.1 correlate - IPC 106.3.1 4). all hose bibs on plan page P1.1 need individual shut off valves. -IPC 606.2 5). add storm piping materials to plan page P1.1 Plumbing specs -IPC 1102 6). Add Gas sizing table used to plan page P1.1 Gas sizing table. -IFGC 402.4 7). The Plumbing fixtures needs to be determined based on the total occupancy type & load based on total square footage of 8266 which would be more than 15 people as shown on plan page G2.0. Update the calculations and show the existing required plumbing fixtures to see the total demand is met. -IPC 403.1 If you require additional clarification regarding these comments, please contact Doris Benoit at doris.benoit@tucsonaz.gov |
05/23/2022 | ROBERT SHERRY | WATER | REVIEW | Completed | |
06/21/2022 | SSHIELD1 | ENGINEERING | REVIEW | Needs Review |
Final Status
Task End Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description |
06/21/2022 | VVERA1 | OUT TO CUSTOMER | Completed |