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Permit Review Detail
Review Status: Completed
Permit Number - T22CM00093
Review Status: Completed
Review Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description | Status | Comments |
01/25/2022 | ROBERT SHERRY | WATER | REVIEW | Reqs Change | Provide the size of the water meter serving this facility, the size of the backflow preventer associated with the water meter, and the total water demand served by the water meter. Reference: Section 107.2.1, IBC 2018. |
01/31/2022 | STEVE SHIELDS | ZONING | REVIEW | Reqs Change | ZONING REVIEW TRANSMITTAL FROM: PDSD Zoning Review PROJECT: T22CM00093 2695 N Craycroft Rd Building Addition (1st Review) TRANSMITTAL: January 31, 2022 This site is located in PAD-16 Medical Service is an allowed use in the PAD 1. Zoning as reviewed the building plans for compliance with DP21-0208 and although the building plans appear to match the DP until the DP is approved Zoning cannot approve the building plans. 2. The development package sheets provided within in Volume 1 need to be the approved stamped development plan sheets. If you have any questions about this transmittal, please contact Elisa Hamblin at Elisa.Hamblin@tucsonaz.gov. |
02/02/2022 | SAFEBUILT | 2ND PARTY REVIEW | REVIEW | Reqs Change | Activity Number: T22CM00093 GENERAL: Provide written responses to all review comments. Provide a complete plan set. Provide additional documents as requested by review staff. STRUCTURAL REVIEW COMMENTS: Approval Pending 1. Geotechnical Report for the proposed building per International Building Code 2018, Section 1803.1 is not provided. Submit report to the Inspector to verify all data used on the drawings and structural calculations. BUILDING REVIEW COMMENTS: Denied 1. Provide a complete occupant load breakdown of each space, including the existing and the addition. A total new occupant load will be required for an updated Certificate of Occupancy. The square feet provided on the fire code analysis doesn't match square feet provided in other locations. Correlate square feet and occupant loads. 2. Sheet W1.1: The drywall on one side of the smoke partition is not continuous to the the underside of the floor or roof deck. Continuity of the smoke partition must be maintained all to the underside of the floor deck above in accordance with Section 710.4. This wall type doesn't adequality show the condition in the corridors next to patient rooms. 3. Sheet A1.1A-d: The patient effect doors that opposite of each encroach into the means egress. Section 1005.7.1 4. The drawings contain alternate designs. Please provide the chosen design that will be constructed. MECHANICAL REVIEW COMMENTS: Denied 1. Provide a rational analysis supporting the type of smoke control system to be employed, their methods of operation, the systems supporting them and the methods of construction to be utilized shall accompany the submitted construction documents (IMC2018,513.4) 2. Smoke control system shall be tested by a special inspection agency (IBC2015,1705.18) 3. Approved agencies for smoke control testing shall have expertise in fire protection engineering, mechanical engineering and certification as air balancers. And approved by the code official (IBC2015,1705.18.2). ELECTRICAL REVIEW COMMENTS Approved PLUMBING REVIEW COMMENTS: Denied 1). Update the P51 floor drain info on plan page P0.0. the info is currently blank. -IPC A106.3.1 2). Floor drains need trap primers Update plan page P0.0 ( spec pages 22-4300 state see plans) -IPC 1002.4.1 3). add P52 Ice machine drain connection detail illustration to plan Page P3.1 to illustrate the Spec page 22-4300-8 info. -IPC A106.3.1 4). Spec page 22-4300-5 states P-34 is a service sink as stated on plan pg. P0.0 but plan pages P1.1 & P2.1 show the connections in that area to be for washer machine boxes? plan pages need to correlate or be more clear. -IPC A106.3.1 5). Washer machines on Plan pages P1.1 & P2.1 need to discharge to a lint interceptor. -IPC 1003.6 6). add washer machine drainage connection detail. to the plumbing pages. -IPC A106.3.1 7). Note U on plan page P0.0 doesn't correlate with the sanitary fitting arrangement on plan pages P1.1 & P3.1. -IPC A106.3.1 8). Be more clear on plan pg. P0.0 note"T"of which lavs will have the ASSE 1070 mixing valves ( all patient rooms will need them) -IPC 419.5 9). Individual P38 & P40 showers max temp can only be 120 degrees & valves need to be ASSE 1016 type. Volume 3 Spec page 22-4300-5 states 140 degrees. -IPC 412.3 10). Illustrate where the water softener drain will discharge on plan page P2.1 -IPC 802.1.5 11). Number 8 bottle filler on plan page P2.1 needs a backflow device. -IPC 608.17.1.2 12). Add Number 8 bottle filler product info to plan page P0.0 and or volume 3 spec pages. - IPC A106.3.1 13). Show secondary scupper locations on plan pages A1.2a & A1.2b -IPC 1108 14). Add primary & secondary scupper sizing calculations to plan pages A1.2a & A1.2b -IPC 1106.1, 1106.5, 1108.3 15). Add Downspout sizes & calculations to plan A1.2a & A1.2b, _IPC 1106.1 1106.2, 1106.3 |
02/03/2022 | SBLOOD1 | ENGINEERING | REVIEW | Approved | |
03/02/2022 | JPEELDA1 | FIRE | REVIEW | Reqs Change | REVIEW COMMENTS: Denied 1. Provide a complete occupant load breakdown of each space, including the existing and the addition. A total new occupant load will be required for an updated Certificate of Occupancy. The square feet provided on the fire code analysis doesn't match square feet provided in other locations. Correlate square feet and occupant loads. 2. Provide the size of the smoke compartment(s) and travel distance 3. Sheet W1.1: The drywall on one side of the smoke partition is not continuous to the the underside of the floor or roof deck. Continuity of the smoke partition must be maintained all to the underside of the floor deck above in accordance with Section 710.4. This wall type doesn't adequality show the condition in the corridors next to patient rooms. 4. Sheet A1.1A-d: The patient effect doors that opposite of each encroach into the means egress. Section 1005.7.1 5. Provide note on Sheet Index & Code analysis that fire sprinkler and fire alarm are deferred to TFD 6.Confirm that existing backflow preventer for fire line is monitored by the fire alarm system. If it is not please add note for clarification Questions: Jennifer Peel-Davis Tucson Fire Department Fire Plans Examiner Jennifer.Peel-Davis@Tucsonaz.gov Desk: 520-837-7033 |
Final Status
Task End Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description |
03/02/2022 | VVERA1 | OUT TO CUSTOMER | Completed |