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Permit Number: T21CM08636
Parcel: 118080340

Review Status: Completed

Review Details: RESUBMITTAL

Permit Number - T21CM08636
Review Status: Completed
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
12/02/2021 DAN SANTA CRUZ ELECTRICAL-COMMERCIAL REVIEW Reqs Change Please address the electrical plan review comment and provide aa written response.
The electrical plan submitted shows the electrical service equipment secondary conductors feeding the service overhead. This in not acceptable for new services per 2018 IBC section 112.1.1 Amendment, unless a underground waiver is submitted and approved by the Building official. The underground waiver form can be found at www.tucsonaz.gov/pdsd.
Section 112.1.1 as follows:
Section 112.1.1 Service conductors. All service conductors, power and communication, shall be
installed underground for all new construction. The requirement for underground conductors may be
waived by the Building Official where:
1. Existing buildings on the block are served with overhead conductors or where a lot to be
constructed upon is one of three or fewer abutting vacant lots making up less than 40 percent of
the total acreage of the block (not including street or right-of-way) or where a vacant area is less
than 60,000 square feet.
2. The installation, when compared to the use of overhead conductors, would create a
hazard or not be feasible. A feasibility study will be required at the time the request for
waiver is made.
Also provide a Mechanical plan addressing the 5 ton AC unit installation as mentioned in the response letter from Ardvark Electric Co. Ref 2018 IBC 107.2.1, 2018 IBC, 2017 NEC

Final Status

Task End Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description
12/02/2021 GSLEIGH1 APPROVAL SHELF Completed
12/02/2021 GSLEIGH1 OUT TO CUSTOMER Completed
12/02/2021 GSLEIGH1 REJECT SHELF Completed