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Plan Number: T20PRE0099
Parcel: Unknown


Review Status: Completed


Plan Number - T20PRE0099
Review Status: Completed
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
07/31/2020 ANDREW CONNOR LANDSCAPE REVIEW Completed The site is within the following Overlay Zone:

The purpose of the NPZ Design Review Procedure is to ensure compliance with the requirements of this ordinance and the applicable NPZ.
A. Applicability
1. An NPZ Design Review is required of all development that:
a. Is zoned NRX-1, NRX-2, NR-1, NR-2, NR-3, NRH, NSR, and NSH;
b. Requires a building permit; and,
c. Is visible from a street that is not classified as an alley, unless the PDSD Director makes a finding that a proposed development's visibility from the street is so minimal as to be immaterial for purposes of the application of this section.
08/07/2020 GDAURIA1 COT NON-DSD FIRE Completed
08/10/2020 ZELIN CANCHOLA COT NON-DSD TRAFFIC Completed No adverse comments. Standard rewuirements will apply.
08/12/2020 ELISA HAMBLIN ZONING REVIEW Completed CDRC Thursday Pre-Submittal Transmittal
PDSD Zoning Review

FROM: Elisa Hamblin, AICP; Principal Planner

PROJECT: Thursday Pre-submittal meeting – T20PRE0099
Address: 615 E Adams St
Parcel(s): 11502198C, 11502198B
Zoning: NR-2
Existing Use: Residential Care Services – Adult Care Service
Proposed Use: [same]

TRANSMITTAL DATE: August 12, 2020

1. Development must comply with the Administrative Manual Section 2-06 - Development Package.
2. The proposal is to expand and existing adult care service use in the NR-2 zone. The use is permitted in the R-2 zone, subject to use-specific standards 4.9.7.J.2.a, .3.d, .4, .7. As it currently exists, this property is nonconforming for the zone. A variance was previously granted in 2000.
3. The proposed expansion would still make the use nonconforming for the zone. Lot size, lot coverage and setbacks would not be met. A variance would still be needed.
4. It is acknowledged the applicant would like to proceed with a rezoning process for a PAD on the site. To proceed with the PAD, please contact John Beall, Entitlements Section Manager at john.beall@tucsonaz.gov. Additional information regarding the PAD process can be found online at: https://www.tucsonaz.gov/pdsd/entitlements.
5. The comments provided are preliminary and are not to be assumed as a complete review of the proposal. During the Development Package review process, a full review will be made by Zoning to assure compliance with the applicable UDC development criteria and Technical Standards.

If you have any questions please contact me at elisa.hamblin@tucsonaz.gov or (520) 837-4966.

Date: 13 June 2020
I have performed a preliminary review for the proposed expansion for the St. Luke's in
the Desert elderly assisted living home expansion. A project description and a conceptual site plan, dated
7/14/2020, has been provided form this review.
St. Luke's home is within the Feldman's Neighborhood Preservation Zone. Located on the property is a
Church a contributing property to the district and a planned future acquisition of a contributing residence
on the southeast corner of the block. The property also adjoins a single family contributing residence on
the southwest corner of Adams and 2nd Street. The project includes and expansion to the existing
residential structure in the area of the west parking lot for an additional 10 new residents. Outlined below
are my preliminary comments:
Feldman's Neighborhood Design Manual
Section General Preliminary Comments
Chapter 3: Compatibility Review Criteria
A. Front Yards
Applicant shall consider the front setback of the two adjacent nearby
residences (607 & 639) and the projection of the new building beyond the
established uniform setback along Adams. Front yards in Feldman's are
generally uniform depth along most streets.
B. Massing Design shall consider use of varying rooflines or parapets and avoid boxy
C. Rhythm Consider massing of existing adjacent residences for new building design
D. Scale Maintain modest scale of district.
A. Architectural
Architectural style of the new building shall reference but not replicate the styles
present within Historic District.
B. Building Walls Project shall comply with the typical exterior building wall materials in
Feldman's outlined in this section.
C. Garage and
N/A, established existing parking present.
D. Landscaping Maintain informal planting characteristic of Feldman's neighborhood.
E. Pedestrian
Maintain existing established public ways. There is a long interrupted sidewalk
along Adams street.
F. Porches This may not be applicable to the new building, however the porch of the
existing residence (639) shall be maintained.
G. Roofs Project shall comply with preferred roof characteristics outlined in this section.
ƒÞ the architecture company
F eldman's NPZ: St. Luke's Home Expansion: 615 E Adams St tac#20030
Date: 13 June 2020
Page 2 of 2
H. Vehicular Use
N/A, established existing parking present.
I. Windows Windows shall be appropriate to the respective style and emulate the type,
proportion and placement of the window in the Development Zone. Windows
shall be set in from exterior surface of the wall.
Chapter 4: Privacy Mitigation
4.4 Mitigation of
Privacy Intrusions
from Windows.
Project shall employ strategies given in this section to mitigate intrusion to
adjacent residences.
4.5 Mitigation of
Privacy Intrusions
from Balconies
If applicable, project shall employ strategies given in this section to mitigate
intrusion to adjacent residences.
4.6 Screening of
front, side and
rear yards
If applicable, project shall employ strategies given in the section to maintain
4.7 Exterior
Project shall adhere to guidelines outlined within this section.
End of Preliminary Review
The comments provided are preliminary and are not assumed to be a complete review. A full review will
be performed when a complete NPZ package is submitted.

Richard Fe Tom, AIA
City of Tucson Design Professional
08/12/2020 SBEASLE1 TUCSON WATER NEW AREA DEVELOPMENT REVIEW Completed 200 - 230 pm - T20PRE0099 - 615 E ADAMS ST - Site St. Luke's Home expansion
1. Tucson Water has no adverse comments regarding this project.
2. Tucson Water has no water distribution mains on the site.
3. The existing building on this site are currently served by a number of existing water meters and service lines connected to the existing water distribution mains in Adams St., 1st Avenue, and Lee St.
4. Should the new residential building in the area of the west parking lot need any new connections to Tucson Water's distribution system, please contact contact Mr. Ray Munoz or Mr. Jeremiah Jenkins at in the Tucson Water New Services Section at 837-2207 to discuss:
a. Potential points of connection to Tucson Water's existing water distribution system.
b. The number of water service lines, water meters, and meter sizes, necessary to serve this development.
c. The advantages and disadvantages of installing the necessary water meters via Tucson Water's Job Order Contract (JOC) process.

Tim Rowe, Sr. Engineering Associate
Tucson Water, New Development
(520) 837-2106
08/12/2020 LOREN MAKUS ENGINEERING REVIEW Completed The Engineering Section has no comment.