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Plan Number: T20PRE0072
Parcel: Unknown

Address: Unknown

Review Status: Completed


Plan Number - T20PRE0072
Review Status: Completed
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
06/10/2020 LOREN MAKUS ENGINEERING REVIEW Completed 1. Balanced basin detention will be required as a condition of the rezoning.
2. Floodplain delineation and riparian protection is required. (This requirement is independent of the rezoning process.)
3. We will request the scenic buffer to be outside of the MS&R right-of-way.
4. Access drives must meet the Access Management Guidelines including minimum separation from Walmart access drives.

Loren Makus, EIT
06/17/2020 ELISA HAMBLIN ZONING REVIEW Completed Rezoning Pre-Submittal Transmittal

FROM: Elisa Hamblin, AICP; Principal Planner
PDSD Zoning Review

PROJECT: Rezoning Pre-submittal meeting T20PRE0072
Address: S of SEC Houghton and Golf Links
Parcel(s): 136-10-0960
Existing Zoning: SR
Proposed Zoning: C-1/C-2
Existing Use: Vacant
Proposed Use: Personal Storage, Multifamily residential


1. Development must comply with the Administrative Manual Section 2-06 - Development Package.
2. Relevant rezoning or annexation conditions: Original City Zoning C15-13-01
3. Development standards: max height in C-1 = 30 ft, max height in C-2 = 40 ft
4. Proposed use and use-specific standards: Personal Storage, in C-1: 4.9.10.C and 4.9.13.O. Personal Storage in C-2: 4.9.10.C.3 & .6
a. Note: It appears the proposal would be better suited in the C-2 zone. The C-1 zone has restrictions that may not be able to be met with the proposed development.
5. Accessory use and use-specific standards: Multifamily development
6. Perimeter yard setbacks: North = 0 ft, East, South, West (interior) = 1.5 times wall height
a. Note: Setbacks appear to not be met on the East, South, and West (interior).
7. Applicable overlays: Scenic Corridor Zone (SCZ), special setback and buffer standards apply
8. Major Streets and Routes Plan: Houghton Rd – Arterial Scenic – 200 ft ROW
a. Note: Houghton Rd. may not be at full right-of-way width. Additional dedication may be required by the Department of Transportation and Mobility.
9. Applicable street setbacks: 3 times the proposed building height
10. Parking requirements: Personal storage - 0 required for storage units, if storage units have direct vehicular access, and a minimum of 2 spaces for any associated office.
a. Note: Clarification is needed regarding the office and residential unit. If only serving as accessory uses to the personal storage, additional parking is not required. Clarify office use – will it be a separate retail business or simply an office for the storage customers? Additional comments may apply.
11. Bike parking requirements: Short-term = 1 space per 5,000 sq. ft. GFA. Minimum requirement is 2 spaces. Long-term = 1 space per 12,000 sq. ft. GFA. Minimum requirement is 2 spaces.
12. Loading space requirements: Not required
13. Landscape requirements can be discussed further with Andy Connor at andrew.connor@tucsonaz.gov or 520-837-4950.
14. The comments provided are preliminary and are not to be assumed as a complete review of the proposal. During the Development Package review process, a full review will be made by Zoning to assure compliance with the applicable UDC development criteria and Technical Standards.

If you have any questions please contact me at elisa.hamblin@tucsonaz.gov or (520) 837-4966.
06/23/2020 GDAURIA1 FIRE REVIEW Reqs Change * Fire access required to within 150' of ALL portions of buildings' exteriors.
* Hydrants required to be within 600' of all portions.
* Gate controls/locks to be approved by TFD.
06/23/2020 ZELIN CANCHOLA COMMENTS COMMENTS Completed June 23, 2020
Zelin Canchola Transportation and Mobility Engineering

A traffic impact analysis will be required. Include access requirements, turn lane requirements/warrants according to the City of Tucson access management guidelines. Preliminary review looks like left turns may be restricted given the existing conditions of the roadway.

Coordinate with Transportation's project manager on how future Houghton improvements will impact this development.
(Michael Marietti)

Dedication of right of way is required according to the MS&R plan.
06/23/2020 PMCLAUG1 URBAN PLANNING REVIEW Completed Background: This rezoning request is for property located on the east side of Houghton Road, approximately 600' south of Golf Links Road. The applicant, Michelle Bach, is proposing to develop the 10.92-acre currently vacant site with commercial and retail uses, self-storage and RV parking with 203 RV spaces, and an associated office and manager's residence. The project proposes 10 buildings totaling 105,463 square feet, with building heights up to 24 feet. Vehicular ingress/egress to the property will be gained by two driveways located on Houghton Road. The conceptual plan indicates two gated driveways for the self-storage and RV parking area in the back (eastern) portion of the site.

Houghton Road is classified as a Scenic arterial street on the Major Streets and Routes Plan (MS&R) map, with a planned right-of way of 200 feet in width. Dedication of right-of-way will be required along the east side of Houghton Road along the rezoning site frontage. In addition, a minimum 30-foot wide Scenic Corridor natural buffer is required on the property adjacent to the future right-of-way along Houghton Road. Scenic Corridor setbacks of three times the building height apply from edge of future right-of-way. Scenic view corridor calculations are also required.

Surrounding Zoning and Land uses: A large retail store (Walmart) is located directly adjacent to the north of the project site along the east side of Houghton Road and south side of the Golf Links Road alignment in C-1 zoning. Low density residential uses are located to the east and south of the site in Pima County zones CR-1 and SR. Just to the southwest of the site is a roughly square-shaped parcel with a TEP-Unisource electric transfer station in SR zoning. The property west of the project site across Houghton Road is zoned R-1 with single family homes, and C-2 with a Goodwill retail thrift store.

Land Use Policies: Policy direction is provided by South Pantano Area Plan (SPAP) and Plan Tucson (PT).

Commercially zoned land within the SPAP is located along major streets. The majority of the intersections north of Escalante Road are zoned for commercial use. To avoid an imbalance and to ensure the availability of this type of land, requests to rezone properties for commercial use will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis with regard to best serving the needs of area residents.

SPAP Policies: Promote commercial developments at appropriate locations in the area. Implementation techniques: Locate commercial uses at the intersection of major streets. Regional, community, and neighborhood level commercial uses should be located at the intersection of arterial streets. Neighborhood and community level commercial uses may also be appropriate at the intersection of arterial and collector streets, if carefully integrated with surrounding uses. Require appropriate design elements (fences, walls, vegetation, etc.) during the rezoning and development review process when locating commercial uses in proximity to established neighborhoods.

Rezoning to commercial uses should be based on all of the following: the site is located on the arterial street; the proposed use is integrated with other adjacent commercial uses; access is only to collector or arterial streets; all required parking and circulation is provided on site.

Discourage the extension of strip commercial as a pattern of development. Implementation Techniques: Ensure future commercial developments be: restricted to a limited number of access points; integrated with adjacent commercial development; and designed to be compatible with adjacent residential uses. Consolidate commercial developments at major street intersections to encourage "one-stop shopping".

The site is located within Subarea 7 of SPAP. This area includes the land east and west of Houghton Road between Golf Links Road/Old Spanish Trail on the north and the extension of Irvington Road on the south. Houghton Road is the main arterial through Subarea 7 furnishing direct access to Interstate 10 to the south and the total metropolitan area to the north. Proposed Use: Commercial node development is appropriate at major Houghton Road intersections. Development may extend east into this subarea from Houghton Road provided it is designed to transition compatibly to and consistent with the existing natural and rural character of adjacent properties east of Houghton.

Plan Tucson-(PT), The project site is located in an area identified on the PT Future Growth Scenario Map as "Existing Neighborhood" (east portion of site) and 'Neighborhoods with Greater Infill Potential' (northwest portion of site).

"Existing Neighborhoods" are primarily developed and largely built-out residential neighborhoods where minimal new development and redevelopment is expected in the next several decades. The goal is to maintain the character of these neighborhoods, while accommodating some new development and redevelopment and encouraging reinvestment, new services and amenities that contribute further to neighborhood stability. Within Existing Neighborhoods, PT supports infill and redevelopment projects that reflect sensitivity to site and neighborhood conditions and adhere to relevant site and architectural design guidelines. PT policies protect established residential neighborhoods by supporting compatible development, which may include other residential, mixed-use infill and appropriate nonresidential uses. Polices also promote quality and safety in design, compatibility with and adequate buffering of surrounding development, the planting and management of healthy, attractive urban vegetation, and the conservation and enhancement of environmentally sensitive habitat.

"Neighborhoods with Greater Infill Potential" are neighborhoods that have potential for new development and redevelopment in the next several decades. These types of infill projects are characterized by providing goods and services needed in daily life such as a variety of housing types, grocery stores and other retail and services. Plan Tucson supports infill that provides a more connected, integrated pattern of land use, and while existing neighborhoods are not places identified for more intensive growth, to maintain their stability these neighborhoods will require ongoing investment in infrastructure and goods and services. Plan Tucson supports commercial development at the intersections of arterial streets.

PT policy supports development opportunities where residential, commercial, employment, and recreational uses are located or could be located and integrated, there is close proximity to transit, and multi-modal transportation choices exist. PT policy supports commercial development near the intersection of two arterial streets. PT policy also supports locating housing, employment, retail and services in proximity to each other to allow easy access between uses and reduce dependence on the car.

Assessment: The applicant proposes to develop a mixed-use center with commercial retail, office, RV parking, and self-storage uses. The proposal does not meet SPAP policies in that it is not designed to transition compatibly to and consistently with the existing natural and rural character of adjacent properties east of Houghton, and is not integrated or consolidated with other adjacent commercial uses. The proposal does not meet PT policies in that it lacks compatibility with and adequate buffering to surrounding development, and does not propose a connected, integrated pattern of land use with adjacent uses. Staff recommends that uses be transitioned more appropriately and that uses be restricted to those allowed in C-1 zoning, with no outdoor storage or parking of RVs allowed. Transitioning of uses, landscaping, and buffering adjacent to less intense uses and zones is not adequate. While an 8-foot wall is shown along the site perimeter, this does not meet code requirements or plan policy for screening, buffering, and transitioning of uses due to the proposed uses being located in very close proximity to adjacent low-density residential uses. Support for C-1 zoning could be appropriate, but will be based on site design. Adequate landscaping and buffering will be required, particularly along east and south edges of the site adjacent to existing low-density residential uses and zones. The plan does not demonstrate that Scenic Corridor Zone requirements are met along Houghton Road, with a required 30-foot natural buffer, viewshed percentage, calculation and Scenic Corridor setbacks. A rezoning on this property is subject to Unified Development Code requirements and Plan policy direction that will be addressed by the applicant through the required Design Compatibility Report at the time of rezoning submittal.

Items that should be addressed in the submittal of the development package:

" Scenic Corridor Zone standards;
" Building setbacks;
" Dedication of right-of-way for Houghton Road
" Hours of operation/access to storage;
" Specific building uses;
" PAALs;
" Lighting;
" Vehicle circulation;
" Pedestrian circulation;
" Screening & buffer yards with enhanced landscaping adjacent to residential uses/zones;
" Loading zones/dumpster locations;
" Drainage;