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Plan Number: T20PRE0032
Parcel: Unknown


Review Status: Completed


Plan Number - T20PRE0032
Review Status: Completed
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
1. Site is within Hillside Development Zone overlay. Average cross slope analysis and other HDZ requirements will need to be met with development. Provide the ACS analysis with the rezoning application.
2. Please complete the ACS analysis and schedule another rezoning pre-submittal with a preliminary PDP taking the ACS into account.
3. Clarify whether the property lines for the two parcels will be reconfigured as part of this project.
02/18/2020 ZELIN CANCHOLA COMMENTS COMMENTS Completed No adverse comments.
02/25/2020 ELISA HAMBLIN ZONING REVIEW Completed Rezoning Pre-Submittal Transmittal

FROM: Elisa Hamblin, AICP; Principal Planner
PDSD Zoning Review

PROJECT: Rezoning Pre-submittal meeting T20PRE0032
Address: 21 E River Rd
Parcel(s): 105-04-018D
Existing Zoning: RX-1
Proposed Zoning: O-2
Existing Use: Single-family residential
Proposed Use: Administrative and professional office

TRANSMITTAL DATE: February 25, 2020

1. Development must comply with the Administrative Manual Section 2-06 - Development Package.
2. Development standards: Max height 26 ft
3. Proposed use and use-specific standards: Administrative and professional office, subject to 4.9.13.J.
4. Perimeter yard setbacks: 10 ft or ¾ wall height
5. Applicable overlays: Hillside Development Zone, Scenic Corridor Zone, Major Streets and Routes Setback Zone
6. Major Streets and Routes Plan: River Rd, Arterial Scenic, 150 ft
7. Applicable street setbacks: 3 times the structure height from future right-of-way
8. Parking requirements: Administrative and professional office requires 1 parking space per 300 sq ft of GFA. The proposed 7,000 sq ft building would require 23 parking spaces, one of which must be handicap accessible.
9. Bike parking requirements: 2 long-term and 2 short-term bicycle parking spaces required
10. Loading space requirements: not required
11. Landscape requirements can be discussed further with Andy Connor at andrew.connor@tucsonaz.gov or 520-837-4950.
12. Additional comments: Verify future right-of-way with Transportation and Mobility Department. This will determine setbacks and buffer requirements. Scenic Corridor Zone requires a 30 ft buffer area adjacent to the future right-of-way line to be maintained in a natural state.
13. Pedestrian access required from street to main building.
14. The comments provided are preliminary and are not to be assumed as a complete review of the proposal. During the Development Package review process, a full review will be made by Zoning to assure compliance with the applicable UDC development criteria and Technical Standards.

If you have any questions please contact me at elisa.hamblin@tucsonaz.gov or (520) 837-4966.

Staff review finds a preliminary determination that the proposal complies with the goals and policies of Plan Tucson, and does not require a plan amendment prior to rezoning from RX-1 (Residential Zone) to O-2 (Office Zone).

The applicant is proposing to rezone a 1.45 acre lot from Residential Zone (RX-1) to Office Zone (O-2). The existing land use is single-family residential. The applicant is proposing a change in land use to administrative and professional office in order to develop a 1-2 story, 26'tall, 7,000 SF office building. The proposed project is adjacent to Residential (RX-1) on the north and east sides, and Commercial (C-2). Further north is O-3 zoning and further south along River Road is O-2 zoning.

Plan Tucson supports residentially-scaled neighborhood commercial and office uses along collector streets if the building is residentially scaled; the site design is pedestrian-oriented; and the use will not generate significant auto traffic. The proposed site plan shows that access will be from Stone Loop, which is a local street. Additionally, access uses a shared-driveway with existing residential. That being said, access from River is not advisable due to the site's close proximity to the intersection. Stone Loop already provides access to commercial land uses, such as Quik-Trip, that function at a much higher intensity then what is being proposed. Traffic generated by the Office land use would be minimal. Access from Stone Loop would also be safer for both pedestrians and vehicles. Pedestrians would not be impacted by vehicles turning off from River, except from the intersection. Vehicles would turn off at the intersection where it is anticipated and not impeding traffic.

Office is also a more appropriate land use than the existing single-family residential on site. River is a busy arterial and having lower density residential would be more appropriate further within the established neighborhood and being buffered by the commercial and office land uses.

Engineering has concerns about the lot being within the Hillside Development Zone overlay (HDZ) and has already requested that a second presubmittal be held to demonstrate that all development standards for that overlay are being followed. Engineering also requested clarification about whether the parcel lines would be reconfigured.

Staff would also like to be informed of any discussions with Real Estate about purchasing the portion of right-of-way along River as the feasibility of the project is dependent on it.

Plan Tucson contains a variety of elements that are categories in four focus areas, including the Social Environment, the Economic Environment, the Natural Environment, and the Built Environment. Each focus area contains specific goals and each element contains specific policies.

The Future Growth Scenario Map illustrates different building blocks within the city that have specific policies to promote future growth opportunities. The proposed development lies within the Existing Neighborhoods building block of the Future Growth Scenario Map.

LT28.2.4 Support community commercial and office uses located at the intersections of arterial streets, taking into consideration traffic safety and congestion issues.

LT28.2.6 Support residentially-scaled neighborhood commercial and office uses along collector streets if the building is residentially scaled; the site design is pedestrian-oriented; and the use will not generate significant auto traffic.

LT28.2.10 Support the location of residentially-scaled office uses as a possible alternative to residential uses along major streets when:
a. The project stabilizes and enhances the transition edge when adjacent to existing and future residential uses;
b. Safe and appropriate access generally can be provided from a major street;
c. Required parking, loading, and maneuvering can be accommodated on site;
d. Screening and buffering of adjacent residential properties can be provided on site;
e. Consideration is given to the consolidation of design elements, such as access points, parking, landscaping, and screening; and,
f. Consideration is given to accommodating current or future cross access between adjacent parcels and uses.
LT28.2.12 Support environmentally sensitive design that protects the integrity of existing neighborhoods, complements adjacent land uses, and enhances the overall function and visual quality of the street, adjacent properties, and the community.

LT28.2.13 Support infill and redevelopment projects that reflect sensitivity to site and neighborhood conditions and adhere to relevant site and architectural design guidelines.

LT28.2.14 Protect established residential neighborhoods by supporting compatible development, which may include other residential, mixed-use infill and appropriate nonresidential uses.


03/20/2020 GDAURIA1 FIRE REVIEW Completed * Install new hydrant south of site, north of River Rd.