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Plan Review Detail
Review Status: Completed
Plan Number - T20PRE0018
Review Status: Completed
Review Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description | Status | Comments |
03/13/2020 | MKAT1 | URBAN PLANNING | REVIEW | Completed | PDSD PLANNING REVIEW ACTIVITY NUMBER: T20PRE0018 PROJECT REVIEWER: MICHAEL KAT, MICHAEL.KAT@TUCSONAZ.GOV PLAN COMPLIANCE: Staff review finds a preliminary determination that the proposal does comply with the goals and policies of Plan Tucson and the Northside Area Plan, and does not require a plan amendment. The applicant is proposing to remove an annexation restriction that limits MH zoned lots to be limited to 36,000 square foot lots with a minimum lot area per unit of 18,000 square feet. This requires a major amendment following Section 3.5.4 of the U.D.C. ANALYSIS: The proposed project is located north of Prospect Lane, just northeast of the Mountain Ave. and Limberlost Dr. intersection, and is zoned MH-1 (Mobile Home). The existing uses on site are four mobile homes. The existing uses and zoning surrounding the proposed site are high-density residential (R-3) to the west, residential (MH-1) to the south, a vacant lot and a horse ranch (MH-1) to the west, and to the north is the Rillito River (R-3). By removing the annexation restriction the applicant would use the underlying zoning, MH-1, to develop a multi-family community consisting of four two-story, 25-ft tall, detached residences. Plan Tucson supports low-density residential that is appropriately located along local streets and in the interior of established single-family residential areas. The proposed project is within the interior of a residential neighborhood and has a density of 3.33 RAC which complements the surrounding area. The plan also supports environmentally sensitive design that protects the integrity of existing neighborhoods, complements adjacent land uses, and enhances the overall function and visual quality of the street, adjacent properties, and the community. The proposed project is directly east of a two-story high-density residential community and the two-story design of the proposed project matches the architectural style. The proposed project is also adjacent to lower density single-family residences and horse ranches and the lower density and spacing between units of the proposed project helps create a better transition between the high-density and the low-density residences. The Northside Area Plan supports medium-residential, 8-units per acre, in Area 3 of the Campus Farms Subarea where the project is located. However the annexation restriction prevents this kind of development by limiting the number of units per lot to two. The proposed project is a lower density development, 5.7 RAC, and by removing the annexation restriction would allow for the area to be developed more in line with the policies of the area plan. The Area Plan also supports that new development that complies with the General Design and Buffering policies and Campus Farm Design Guidelines. The Design Guidelines require new residential developments with more than one story to use a variety of rooflines, a clustered design, or a mix of one and two stories within the development. The proposed project has two-story structures called out but staff would require that roofline design be varied for Units A, B, and C in a manner that complies with the Design guidelines. Also, one-story structures should be located along the perimeter of parcels adjacent to existing low rise or one-story residential uses. Unit D is shown as a two-story structure and staff would require that this unit be brought down to one-story. The Area Plan also supports development that buffers existing, lower density residential uses from the impacts of new higher density residential and nonresidential development on adjacent properties. The proposed project depicts a 6-ft. wall enclosing the community as well as landscaping. APPLICABLE PLAN POLICIES: Plan Tucson contains a variety of elements that are categories in four focus areas, including the Social Environment, the Economic Environment, the Natural Environment, and the Built Environment. Each focus area contains specific goals and each element contains specific policies. The Future Growth Scenario Map illustrates different building blocks within the city that have specific policies to promote future growth opportunities. The proposed development lies within the Existing Neighborhoods building block of the Future Growth Scenario Map. LT28.2.1 Note that this guideline only applies to the Existing Neighborhoods & Neighborhoods of Greater Infill Potential Building Blocks: Low-density (up to 6 units per acre) residential development is generally appropriate along local streets and in the interior of established single-family residential areas. LT28.2.12 Support environmentally sensitive design that protects the integrity of existing neighborhoods, complements adjacent land uses, and enhances the overall function and visual quality of the street, adjacent properties, and the community. LT28.2.13 Support infill and redevelopment projects that reflect sensitivity to site and neighborhood conditions and adhere to relevant site and architectural design guidelines. LT28.2.14 Protect established residential neighborhoods by supporting compatible development, which may include other residential, mixed-use infill and appropriate nonresidential uses. LT28.2.15 Consider residential development with densities that complement the size and intensity of the center or node, while providing transitions to lower density residential uses. For example, high-and medium-density development can support and reinvigorate regional activity centers, while appropriate medium- and low-density infill can complement the scale and character of neighborhood activity nodes. The goal of the Northside Area Plan is to provide land use policy direction and design guidelines for development within the Plan boundary. The proposed project is located within Area 3 of the Campus Farms Subarea 5. Allow medium-density residential uses within Area 3 (see Campus Farm map), subject to consolidation of parcels to provide direct access to Limberlost Drive. For this policy, medium density residential is defined as a maximum of eight units per acre. Compatibility with existing uses such as equestrian activities on adjacent properties, retention of natural open space areas, provision of pedestrian access to Rio Vista Elementary School, and sensitivity to the Rillito Creek linear park should be considered. 7. Ensure that new development complies with the General Design and Buffering policies and Campus Farm Design Guidelines. Campus Farm Design Guidelines 1. Limit building heights to retain the existing low-density residential character of the neighborhood and to protect the privacy and views of adjacent, existing residences. At the time of rezoning application or development review, elevations to demonstrate transition of building heights where adjacent to existing residential uses should be submitted. a. Limit new nonresidential development to one story, not to exceed 26 feet, to include all roof features such as parapets, gables, and chimneys, and to be measured from design grade. b. Require new residential developments with more than one story to use a variety of rooflines, a clustered design, or a mix of one and two stories within the development. One-story structures should be located along the perimeter of parcels adjacent to existing low rise or one-story residential uses. 2. Encourage new developments to incorporate a southwestern motif in architectural style, colors, and landscaping. 3. Require outdoor lighting to be low-pressure sodium lights, no higher than 10 feet from the ground. 4. Buffer existing, lower density residential uses from the impacts of new higher density residential and nonresidential development on adjacent properties. a. Provide a minimum five-foot-wide landscaped screen and/or a six-foot-high decorative masonry wall along property lines. Should landscaping be used, vegetation should provide a minimum 50 percent screen and should obtain 50 percent of growth within two growing seasons. b. Require side and rear yard building setbacks that are a minimum of 25 feet from property lines or equal to the existing required setback for adjacent properties, whichever is greater. 7. Encourage on-site parking to be located to the side or rear of new developments. 8. Retain mature trees with a caliper of 4 inches or greater in new development, or replace with new mature vegetation of comparable size and density. Ordinance No. 7286 The zoning classifications which bear the nomenclature (R) are subject to the following conditions: 2. The MH (R) portions shall be limited to 36,000 square foot lots with a minimum lot area per unit of 18,000 square feet. ADDITIONAL NOTES FROM PRESUBMITTAL MEETING: N/A |
03/17/2020 | LOREN MAKUS | ENGINEERING | REVIEW | Completed | 1. Site is within X-shaded 0.2 percent chance flood area. (No special requirements for this unless a critical facility is proposed. 2. Access to the property must be demonstrated. Since more than 2 units will be using the access route, an additional unit will require the access to meet the standards for a street or a PAAL. 3. Since the access is through property owned by the homeowner's association of the adjacent subdivision a development and maintenance agreement with the HOA will be required for improvements in the easement area. |
03/20/2020 | GDAURIA1 | FIRE | REVIEW | Completed | * New hydrant required. * Fire access required w/in 150' of any part, of any structure. * Dead-end fire access roads in excess of 150' shall be provided with width and turnaround provisions per TFC D103.4. |
03/22/2020 | ELISA HAMBLIN | ZONING | REVIEW | Completed | Rezoning Pre-Submittal Transmittal FROM: Elisa Hamblin, AICP; Principal Planner PDSD Zoning Review PROJECT: Rezoning Pre-submittal meeting T20PRE0018 (revised materials) Address: 1511 E Prospect Ln Parcel(s): 10821014H Existing Zoning: MH-1 (with restrictions) Proposed Zoning: MH-1 Existing Use: Multifamily Development (non-conforming) Proposed Use: Duplex and Single-family, Detached TRANSMITTAL DATE: March 17, 2020 COMMENTS: 1. If lots (A, B, and C) are planned as separate lots with each having two units, they are classed as a duplex. Minimum lot size for a duplex in MH-1 is 10,890 sq ft for each lot. If lot D is planned as a single-family residence with one unit, it is classed as Single-family, Detached. Minimum lot size for single-family in MH-1 is 7,000 sq ft. Clarify lot size for all proposed lots. 2. Relevant rezoning or annexation conditions: C15-88-04, with conditions that must be amended or removed to move forward with this development proposal 3. If proposed as a residential subdivision, development must comply with the Administrative Manual Section 2-06 - Development Package. A tentative and final plat will be required. 4. Development standards: 70% lot coverage, 25 ft max building height 5. Proposed use and use-specific standards: Duplex and Single-family, Detached 6. Perimeter yard setbacks: 6 ft or 2/3 wall height 7. Applicable street setbacks: none apply as there is no legal right-of-way providing access to this property 8. Parking requirements: Duplex requirements based on total number of bedrooms. Single-family requires 2.25 spaces per dwelling unit 9. Landscape requirements can be discussed further with Andy Connor at andrew.connor@tucsonaz.gov or 520-837-4950. 10. Additional comments: access and street standards need to be met per Engineering comments 11. The comments provided are preliminary and are not to be assumed as a complete review of the proposal. During the Development Package review process, a full review will be made by Zoning to assure compliance with the applicable UDC development criteria and Technical Standards. If you have any questions please contact me at elisa.hamblin@tucsonaz.gov or (520) 837-4966. |
03/23/2020 | BILLIE LEE | COMMENTS | COMMENTS | Completed |