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Permit Review Detail
Review Status: Completed
Permit Number - T20CM03545
Review Status: Completed
Review Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description | Status | Comments |
06/09/2020 | MALLORY RESS | ZONING | REVIEW | Reqs Change | P&DS TRANSMITTAL FROM: Mallory Ress, Planner PROJECT: 1625 N COLUMBUS LN TRANSMITTAL: June 9, 2020 COMMENTS: the following comments are relative to an application for a Design Development Option (DDO) (UDC 3.11.1). This site is located in the R-1 zone (UDC 4.7.8). A single-family residence (SFR) is a permitted use in this zone (Table 4.8-2). See Use-Specific Standards 4.9.7.B.5 - 9. The minimum setback is the greater of six (6) feet, or two-thirds (2/3) the height of the structure’s wall facing each interior property line (Table 6.3-2.A). The applicant is proposing a 3’5” setback to the South property line with a wall height of 22’11 7/8”, a 15’4” setback is required. All other setbacks are existing with no exterior alterations the structure affecting the existing setback or are met. DDO is required. |
06/09/2020 | MRESS1 | ENGINEERING | REVIEW | Passed | |
06/09/2020 | MRESS1 | NPPO | REVIEW | Passed | |
06/12/2020 | KEN VAN KARSEN | BUILDING-RESIDENTIAL | REVIEW | Reqs Change | PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS Plan review for the above referenced structure has been completed. This letter reflects comments to be addressed. In order to facilitate a shorter back check time, please provide updated plans and calculations with a written response to each of the notated items indicating action taken. Do not cloud the changes made for comment revisions. SCOPE OF REVIEW: The scope of this plan review covers architectural, plumbing, mechanical, energy conservation and electrical. All code references are to the 2018 International Residential Code and 2018 International Energy Conservation Code. All features were checked only to the extent allowed by the submittals provided. All portions of this project are assumed to meet or will meet other departmental requirements, conditions and concerns before permit approval. FLOOR PLANS: Provide a floor plan showing the proposed usage and locations of doors, windows and appliances, R106.1.1. The minimum layout scale is ¼” = 1’. SECTIONS - DETAILS: Provide structural details showing code compliant materials and fasteners. PLUMBING PLANS: Provide piping details showing code compliant materials and sizes. MECHANICAL PLANS: Provide equipment details showing code compliant components and sizes. ELECTRICAL PLANS: Provide wiring details showing code compliant devices and sizes. INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE: Provide insulation details showing code compliant materials and sizes, N1101. If you have any questions, please contact: Ken Van Karsen (520) 837-4912 City of Tucson Residential Plan Review |