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Permit Number: T20CM03404
Parcel: 14021002B

Review Status: Completed

Review Details: COMMERCIAL - NEW

Permit Number - T20CM03404
Review Status: Completed
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
08/19/2020 JVINCEN1 FIRE REVIEW Reqs Change Provide code analysis/reference sheet. Indicate fire sprinklers will be installed per IFC for "R" fire areas.

TO: Development Services Department
Plans Coordination Office

FROM: Steve Shields
Section Manager

PROJECT: T20CM03404 - Multi Family
5769 S Park/ C-1 C-2 Zoning

TRANSMITTAL DATE: August 20, 2020

COMMENTS: Please resubmit revised drawings along with a detailed response letter, which states how all Zoning Review Section comments were addressed.

1. Zoning has reviewed the building plans for compliance with the approved development package DP18-0225. While the building plans appear to be consistent with the approved DP as it relates to the zoning review purview of the building footprint, square footage, site conditions etc., Zoning could verify heights as no building elevations were provided. Zoning cannot approve the building plans until PDSD Commercial Plans reviewers have approved the building plans.

2. The drawing set shall be submitted as a multi-page PDF file.

If you have any questions about this transmittal, please Steve Shields, (520) 837-4956 or Steve.Shields@tucsonaz.gov

08/21/2020 PIMA COUNTY ELECTRICAL-COMMERCIAL REVIEW Reqs Change Reviewer: Chris Anderson, August 12, 2020

General Electrical Review Comments:

1. Except for DURANGO TYPE B OPTION A 4.26.2020 and ELDORADO TYPE B OPTION A 4.26.2020 no electrical sheets were submitted for review. Provide electrical design drawings for all units in each building and also for each building, assuming there will be House panels controlling exterior lighting and possibly landscape irrigation.
2. Provide service diagrams, load calculations, fault current calculations, house panel schedule, outdoor lighting layout and 2012 Outdoor Lighting Code lumen calculations, etc. for each building in the Rio Madera development.
3. Provide a site electrical plan for the Rio Madera development.

Specific Electrical Review Comments: DURANGO TYPE B OPTION A 4.26.2020 and ELDORADO TYPE B OPTION A 4.26.2020

1. Modify note on sheet E0.1 to show that 90% of lamps in permanently installed fixtures to be high efficacy. Ref. 2018 IRC N1104.1.
2. Please delete the note at the bottom of the panel schedule on sheet E0.1 and add the following notes in its place. “Outlets in kitchens, family rooms, dining rooms, living rooms, parlors, libraries, dens, bedrooms, sunrooms, recreation rooms, closets, hallways, laundry areas and similar rooms or areas to be arc-fault circuit interrupter protected.” Kitchen countertop outlets are both GFCI and AFCI protected per the 2018 IRC. Also modify the note on sheet E1.1 (Durango) between the lighting plan and power plan so that it is not “either/or” regarding AFCI and GFCI. Ref. 2018 IRC E3902.16.
3. Please add a note stating, “Receptacles in kitchens, family rooms, dining rooms, living rooms, parlors, libraries, dens, bedrooms, sunrooms, recreation rooms, closets, hallways, laundry areas and similar rooms or areas that are located below 5.5-feet and are not serving and located behind single large appliances shall be tamper-resistant type.” Ref. 2018 IRC E4002.14.
08/21/2020 PIMA COUNTY PLUMBING-COMMERCIAL REVIEW Reqs Change Reviewer: Chris Anderson, August 12, 2020

General Plumbing Review Comments:

1. Except for DURANGO TYPE B OPTION A 4.26.2020 and ELDORADO TYPE B OPTION A 4.26.2020 no plumbing sheets were submitted for review. Provide complete plumbing design drawings for all units (types) in each building of the Rio Madera development.
08/21/2020 PIMA COUNTY BUILDING-COMMERCIAL REVIEW Reqs Change Reviewer: Chris Anderson, August 12, 2020
General Building Review Comments:
1. Please respond to all review comments in writing.
2. Per Juan Garcia, Assistant Building Official, the permit numbers for each building shall be as follows for Rio Madera. All subsequence reference and submittals shall be according to these permit numbers:

Rio Madera: 5489 S Park Av (although the architect calls it 5469 S Park Av on his Rio Mercado cover sheet). Associated DP18-0229.
Building 1: 18 unit apartment building. T20CM03404
Building 2: 14 unit apartment building. T20CM03405

3. Rio Madera and Rio del Oro are two distinct housing developments on two separate, non-contiguous parcels within the City of Tucson. Each has its own Development Plan. Likewise, for the second review please compile and submit a separate, stand-alone building drawing set for each development.
4. For each building development submittal package either modify the current Rio Mercado cover sheet or provide new cover sheets specific to Rio Madera and Rio Del Sol. If the existing cover sheet is to be reused for the Rio Madera package, delete all information regarding Rio Del Sol. On the cover sheet identify the City of Tucson permit number associated with each building. See comment 2 above.
5. Please confirm the address for Rio Madera shown on the Cover sheet with Pima County Addressing. The drawing shows 5469 S Park Av while Mapguide shows 5489 S Park Av.
6. For Rio Madera combine all drawings, including a site specific cover sheet, specification sheets, post tensioned slab sheets, Buildings 1 and 2 sheets, DURANGO ACCESSIBLE UNIT 4.26.2020 (1), DURANGO TYPE A ACCESSIBLE UNIT 4.26.2020, DURANGO TYPE A ACCESSIBLE UNIT W SHOWER 4.26.2020, DURANGO TYPE B OPTION A 4.26.2020, and ELDORADO TYPE B OPTION A 4.26.2020 into a single construction drawing set for approval.
7. The previously approved Development Plan sheets for each project can be bound separately from the building drawings; however, if you do, please include a reference site plan in each building drawing set showing locations of the buildings for the building inspectors. Mark this sheet as FOR REFERENCE.
8. According to the drawing list on the Rio Mercado cover sheet, the following sheets were not included in the first submittal drawing sets for Building 1 (MADERA) 4.26.2020 and Building 2 (MADERA) 4.26.2020. Please provide with the second submittal.
a. Building 1 – 18 unit MFR (T20CM03404): A1.2, A1.3, A2.1, A3.1, A5.1, A5.3
b. Building 2 – 14 unit MFR (T20CM03405): A1.2, A1.3, A2.1, A3.1, A5.1, A5.3
c. It is understood that in this construction drawing set details and certain other sheets will be shared by all of the buildings as the information is pertinent to all. But each building shall have its own plans showing all the dwelling units, exterior elevations, building sections, etc.
9. In the appropriate drawing set include the Splash Pad Building sheets shown in the Rio Mercado cover sheet drawing list and locate this structure on the site plan. No drawings were included for this item in this first submittal.
10. Additionally, please provide a code review for each building. And in the Code Review clearly indicate the number of Type A and Type B accessible units required for each site (not combined as shown on the cover sheet) and where they are located in Buildings 1 and 2 floor plans.
11. A full review for Rio Madera will be done when all the required sheets are submitted per above.
12. Submit a filled out City of Tucson Special Inspections Certificate for the Rio Madera development for items listed in the structural GSN for each building and post tensioned slab GSN.

Specific Building Review Comments: Building 1 (MADERA) 4.26.2020 and Building 2 (MADERA) 4.26.2020

1. Pattison Evanoff soils report 07-203 is referenced as the basis for foundation design on sheet S1.1. Please submit a copy of that soils report for verification of soil bearing capacity.
2. Rough Carpentry and Wood Structural Panels note 4 on sheet S1.1 indicates that stud walls shall be 2x6 @ 16” on center U.O.N. This is the only note regarding exterior wall stud size that I find in the drawing set. However the structural calculations, Wood Stud Wall Design sheets, indicate that 2-story exterior walls at the building ends (called east and west in the Calculations) are to be 2x4’s @ 12” on center for the first floor and 2x4’s @ 16” on center at the second floor. SE to confirm that 2x6 studs @ 16” on center are acceptable in lieu of 2x4 studs at 12” on center.

Specific Building Review Comments: DURANGO ACCESSIBLE UNIT 4.26.2020 (1)

1. On D5/A1.1 M Bath East elevation show backing for the vertical shower grab bar required by ICC/ANSI A117.1-2009 Fig. 607.5.

Specific Building Review Comments: DURANGO TYPE A ACCESSIBLE UNIT 4.26.2020

1. On D5/A1.1 M Bath East elevation show backing for the vertical shower grab bar required by ICC/ANSI A117.1-2009 Fig. 607.5.

Specific Building Review Comments: DURANGO TYPE B OPTION A 4.26.2020

1. The Rio Mercado cover sheet shows this as DURANGO TYPE A OPTION B. Which is correct?
2. On B4/A1.1 Shower elevation show backing for the vertical shower grab bar required by ICC/ANSI A117.1-2009 Fig. 607.5.
3. Show backing for the vertical grab bar shown in D5/A1.1 W Bath East.

Specific Building Review Comments: ELDORADO TYPE B OPTION A 4.26.2020

1. The Rio Mercado cover sheet shows this as ELDORADO TYPE A OPTION B. Which is correct?
2. On A1and B2/A2.2 M Bath South and Bath North elevations show backing for the vertical shower grab bar required by ICC/ANSI A117.1-2009 Fig. 607.5.
3. On sheet A5.5 please indicate riser height, nosing projection, and tread depth per 2018 IRC R311.7.5.
08/21/2020 PIMA COUNTY WATER REVIEW Reqs Change Reviewer: Chris Anderson, August 12, 2020

General Water Review Comments:

1. Provide water demand calculations for each dwelling unit to verify water meter and service pipe size.

Specific Water Review Comments: DURANGO TYPE B OPTION A 4.26.2020 and ELDORADO TYPE B OPTION A 4.26.2020

1. For the calculations shown on DURANGO TYPE B OPTION A 4.26.2020 sheet P1.1 and on ELDORADO TYPE A OPTION B sheet P0.1 please confirm the service pipe length and water meter size/configuration (500-feet and 3” WM shown). Revision 3, dated 11/22/2019, for the development plan seems to indicate that each dwelling unit will have its own 1” water meter and 1 ½” service pipe. However, a 1 ½” water meter and 1 ½” BFP are shown on the main 3” water line serving all of the apartment units, at the street. There seems to be a conflict. Please verify.
08/21/2020 PIMA COUNTY MECHANICAL-COMMERCIAL REVIEW Reqs Change Reviewer: Chris Anderson, August 12, 2020

General Mechanical Review Comments:

1. Except for DURANGO TYPE B OPTION A 4.26.2020 and ELDORADO TYPE B OPTION A 4.26.2020 no mechanical sheets were submitted for review. Provide mechanical design drawings and schedules for all units in each building.
2. Submit Manual JDS for all units in each building. One Manual J for all El Dorado units and one Manual J for all Durango units is not sufficient. The Manual JDS for the same unit type on the first floor and second floor and for those with three exterior walls will not be the same because of exposure.

Specific Mechanical Review Comments: DURANGO TYPE B OPTION A 4.26.2020

1. Regarding whole house ventilation, the note “Outside Air Requirement” on sheet M-1 indicates 45 CFM OA. For bathroom fans, after 20 CFM please add “continuously running”.

Specific Mechanical Review Comments: ELDORADO TYPE B OPTION A 4.26.2020

1. Regarding whole house ventilation, the note “Outside Air Requirement” on sheet M-1 indicates 45 CFM OA. For bathroom fans, after 20 CFM please add “continuously running”.

1) Double check the footprint of the proposed building compared to what is shown in DP18-0225. The overall lengths do not appear to match
2) Ensure that all roof drains scupper under pedestrian circulation paths as needed

John Van Winkle, P.E.

Final Status

Task End Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description
09/14/2020 MRESS1 OUT TO CUSTOMER Completed