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Permit Number: T20CM00618
Parcel: 117033180

Review Status: Completed

Review Details: COMMERCIAL - TI

Permit Number - T20CM00618
Review Name: COMMERCIAL - TI
Review Status: Completed
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
02/06/2020 MARTIN BROWN FIRE REVIEW Approved
03/02/2020 RMCCOY1 BUILDING-COMMERCIAL REVIEW Needs Review 1. SHT G2 Plan section IBC 2018 BUILDING CODE INFORMATION subsection "number of exits" is showing that 100' is allowed for the COMMON PATH OF EGRESS TRAVEL. The correct distances for the COMMON PATH OF EGRESS TRAVEL per IBC Sec. 1006.2.1 and TABLE 1006.2.1 lists 75' max. for Group M and F occupancies. Revise plans to show correct distances.
2. SHT G2 Per IBC TABLE 1006.1 the MAXIMUM OCCUPANT LOAD OF SPACE indicates a value of 49. Revise the plan section to reflect this value for the maximum occupant load. IBC TABLE 1006.2.1.
3. SHT G2 Please indicate the exit separation distances between both exits from the floor. For non-sprinklered buildings the exits are required to be placed a distance apart equal to not less than one-half of the length of the maximum overall diagonal dimension of the building or area to be served measured in a straight line between them. IBC 1007.1.1.
4. SHT A2 Please provide the reference section of the code for the 1-hr. fire resistive roof assembly call out as this will not eliminate the requirement for a parapet at the F.R. wall assemblies. IBC Sec. 705.11.
5. SHT G2 In the BUILDING CODE INFORMATION section, include the occupant load for the mezzanine and add it to the total occupant load of the building for the determination of minimum plumbing fixture requirements per IBC TABLE 2902.1.
6. SHT G2 Specify in the IBC 2018 BUILDING CODE INFORMATON text box whether the new building will contain an automatic fire extinguishing system. IBC 107.2.1.
7. SHT G2 Please correct the travel distance measurement indicated for the exit access travel distance to 200 ft. for M and F1 occupancies in non-sprinklered buildings. IBC TABLE 1017.2.
8. SHT G2 Please coordinate the areas used for determining minimum plumbing fixture counts with the areas listed in the BUILDING CODE INFORMATION section. For F and M occupancies the gross floor areas must be used rather than net square footage. IBC TABLE 1004.5.
9. SHT GT In order to determine the required number of plumbing fixtures per IBC TABLE 2902.1 the aggregate occupant loads must be used which would include the existing market, basement and the proposed bakery and mezzanine. Please provide new plumbing calculations with the revised occupant loads. IBC TABLE 2902.1.
10. SHT G2 The total aggregate area of the existing market and the proposed bakery must include the area of the existing basement as well. The total areas of both buildings exceeds 9000 s.f. when the basement square footage is included and would require them to be treated as separate buildings with an assumed property line between them. Exception 1 of IBC Sec. 705.3 cannot be used in this situation. IBC 705.3.
11. A1 Parapets are required on the fire resistance walls due to proximity less than 5 ft. from the property lines. IBC Sec. 705.11 Exception 2. exempts parapets where the building is less than 1000 s.f., and the roof is of not less than 2-hour fire-resistance-rated construction. IBC 705.11.
12. SHT G1 Provide a listing of all of the adopted codes by the City of Tucson and insert this information in the BUILDING CODE INFORMATION text box. IBC 107.2.1.
13. SHT A3 The clear height above and below the mezzanine floor construction shall be not less than 7 ft. This measurement is taken from the mezzanine floor, not the intermediate stair landing as shown on detail 5 of sheet A3. IBC 505.
14. SHT A5 Provide note on plans that infill panels at the mezzanine guards (to be supplied by owner) must be of construction and material capable of withstanding a linear load of 20 lbs. per foot. IBC 1607.8.1.
15. SHT A5 Guards cannot be less than 42" in height measured vertically from adjacent walking surfaces. IBC 1015.3.
16. SHT S1 Provide structural calculations for verifying the sizes of all structural components and members; indicate floor and roof dead and live loads, basic design wind speed, stress design and load-bearing values of soils. IBC 1603.1.
17. SHT S2 The detail for the reference cut section 3a/SF is not in the detail sheet; please coordinate the cut section with the correct detail. IBC 107.2.1.
18. SHT GC Provide a UL listed detail for the 2-hr. fire-resistance rated walls or indicate the applicable assembly from IBC TABLE 721.1(2).
19. SHT G2 Provide information on materials and assemblies for verification of compliance with the insulation and glazi19. ng requirements of the IECC. Indicate insulation materials and R-values, fenestration U-factors and building envelope location. IECC C103.1.
20. The SPECIAL INSPECTION CERTIFICATE must be submitted with PARTS A & B filled out before the permit can be issued.

Please respond in writing to all plan review comments.
03/02/2020 ROBERT SHERRY PLUMBING-COMMERCIAL REVIEW Reqs Change Verify that a grease interceptor will not be required.
03/03/2020 SAMUEL ROGERS ZONING REVIEW Reqs Change FROM: Samuel Rogers - Planner
PDSD Zoning Review Section

Time Market Expansion (1st Review)
444 E University Blvd


DUE DATE: 3/3/2020

COMMENTS: Please resubmit revised drawings and any redlined plans along with a detailed response letter, which states how all Zoning Review Section comments were addressed.

01. COMMENT: The proposed footprint of the structure does not match the Development package (DP17-0167).

02. COMMENT: The existing square footage calculation does not match the calculation on the DP, why has the existing and proposed square footage changed?

03. COMMENT: The proposed use on the DP is storage and the proposed use on the building plan is a bakery (perishable food manufacturing). Both documents must match.
04. COMMENT: Plans do not match the approved IID

If you have any questions about this transmittal, contact Samuel Rogers at (520) 837-6932 or at Samuel. Rogers@tucsonaz.gov or contact Steve Shields any time during the week at (520) 837-4956 or email Steve.Shields@tucsonaz.gov

03/04/2020 ROBERT SHERRY MECHANICAL-COMMERCIAL REVIEW Reqs Change 1. Demonstrate energy code compliance for the building envelope using calculations based on the current code (e.g. COMcheck). Reference: Sections C101.5, C103.2, C303, and C401.2, International Energy Conservation Code 2018.
2. Show how one of the "Additional Efficiency Package Options" (C406, IECC 2018) is to be accomplished. Reference: Section C401.2, IECC 2018.
3. Show that the walk-in cooler and the walk-in freezer meet construction and performance requirements of Sections C403.10.2 and C403.10.2.1, IECC 2018.
03/05/2020 DAN SANTA CRUZ ELECTRICAL-COMMERCIAL REVIEW Reqs Change Please provide for GFI protection for the kitchen receptacles. NEC 210.8 B(2).