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Permit Number: T19CM06145
Parcel: 13809007G

6411 S 12TH AV

Review Status: Completed

Review Details: WALK THRU - COMM

Permit Number - T19CM06145
Review Name: WALK THRU - COMM
Review Status: Completed
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
08/26/2019 DAN SANTA CRUZ ELECTRICAL-COMMERCIAL REVIEW Reqs Change Please address the following electrical plan review comments. Also provide a written response.
1. Indicate conduit, conductor sizes and types for the feeder from the gutter to the meter for the ICE HOUSE.
2. Is the disconnect and panel 'A' for the ICE HOUSE new? If yes then provide a complete panel schedule for panel 'A'.
Ref; 2018 IBC sec 107.2.1, 2017 NEC, City of Tucson Commercial Plan Submittal Requirements.
09/26/2019 SARAH MEGGISON ZONING REVIEW Approved Plan cannot be approved until DP19-0163 is approved